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鲤城区中小教师信息技术应用能力提升工程培训项目中学英语工作坊简报第 2 期坊主:苏宝难寄语我们的研训(学情统计与汇报)研讨. / 学情公布:截至1月16日,1841人已合格,930人未合格,未合格人中还有70人未开始学习,本组还有七位老师还未学习,请看到公告抓紧学习,其他老师如果认识帮忙提醒下哦。英语彦语1The early bird catches the worm.2.Love me love my dog1What is Time? (Nursery Rhyme)Time is grain for peasants. Time is wealth for workers. Time is life for doctors. Time is victory for soldiers. Time is knowledge for students. Time is speed for scientists. Time is money for businessmen. Time is everything for all of us. Therefore, seize the time of today! 2.joe and fred were helping to build a house in a village. the weather was very warm, there was a lot of dust everywhere, and by half past twelve, they were very thirsty, so they stopped work to have their lunch. they found the nearest small bar, went in and sat down with their sandwiches.乔和佛瑞德在一个村子里帮忙盖一间房子。天气很暖和,到处都有许多灰尘。12点半的时候,他们觉得非常口渴,便停下来去吃午饭了。他们找到最近的一家酒吧,走进去坐下吃他们的三明治。good afternoon, gentlemen. what can i get you? the man behind the bar asked.下午好,先生。你们想要点什么?柜台后面的伺应问道joe looked at fred and said, beer, i think. yes, a pint of beer each. is that all right for you, fred?乔看了看佛瑞德说:我想,啤酒吧。好,那就每人一品脱啤酒。这样可以吗,佛瑞德?yes, thats all right. fred said. then he turned to the man behind the bar and said, and i want it in a clean glass! dont forget that.好的,可以。佛瑞德说。然后他转过去跟柜台后面的侍应说:我要啤酒装在一个干净的杯子里!别忘了。the man behind the bar filled the glasses and brought them to joe and fred. then he said. which of you asked for the clean glass?柜台后面的侍应倒满杯子后,拿给乔和佛瑞德,接着说:刚才哪一位要干净的杯子的?此次研训让老师们深刻认识到教育信息的重要性。教育技术应用于教学是教育信息化的必然要求,但实际上很多老师的信息技术能力仅仅停留在幻灯片的简单制作和使用上。这次研修,老师们通过测评,可以精准地选择最适合自己能力水平的课程,学习主动性更高,这也是“因材施教”最大的效益。更让人欣喜的是小组微信群的建立,使得组长们更好地手把手地将平台人性化、专业化的研训任务为组员做指导,让老师从被动的“要我研训”,变为主动的留言闪动:“亲,请帮我评一下作业哈!”感谢研训,让我们相遇,在互助中相知。自 12 月初启动研修后,老师们就非常积极主动地进行自学。短短半个月,已有 50多位老师修完 900 分钟的视频学习,完成各项作业,参与了工作坊发起的学习活动。成绩合格不代表学习结束,他们将继续选修工作坊其他学习视频,提高自身信息技术能力,更好地为教育教学服务!
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