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名词和名词短语(2) 限定词和属格4.1 限定词 Determiner 定义在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指,类指以及表示数量等限定的词。Determiners refer to the words which are used in the pre-modification of a noun phrase which typically precede any adj. that pre-modify the head word.考点1限定词和形容词区别 Difference between Determiner and Adjective1.前置限定, 限定词在形容词前面.Determiner usually precede adj. in pre-modification.2.限定词的选择受中心词影响而形容词不受。The choice of Determiner is determined by the head word but not that of adj.3.形容词表明中心词的特征,而限定词限定中心词的意义数量。Adj. describe the head word by showing its characteristic while determiner determine the head word by identifying or quantifying.4.形容词可位于中心词后,而限定词不可。 Adj. can post-modify the head word but not Determiner.5.形容词有比较级而限定词没有(除few, little, many much外) 。Adj. has comparative form but not Determiner(except few, little, many much).定义4.1.2 Co-occurrence of DeterminersDeterminer may co-occurrence in the pre-modification of a noun phrase: two or more determiner may modify one and the same head word. Each determiner takes a fixed position , we identify their relative positions in the case of co-occurrence.前位限定Pre-Determiner 中位限定 Central Determiner后位限定Post Determiner All, BothHalf, Double Twice, Three times One-third, Two-thirdsWhatSuchmanyA, TheThis, That, These, ThoseMy, your, hisJohns(Genitive)Any, Some, NoEach, Every, Either, Neither,WhatWhich(ever), Whose(ever) One, Two, ThreeFirst, Second, Third.Next, Last,Few, Many, MuchAnother, Other, Several Such考点2Pre-determiners and Central Determiners are mutually exclusive, that is in one and the same Noun Phrase, there could be only one Pre-determiner and Central Determiner, however, Post-Determiners are not mutually exclusive.考点34.1.3 Usage of some DeterminersAll and Whole (difference)1. All强调个体中的每一个,某种程度上与every相似。She would work 12 hours a day all the year long.1. Whole更注重于整体。Whole regiments surrendered to the enemy.2. All修饰一个表示地方的短语时,一般指“所有住在那的人”, All the village was excited at the news.(=the whole village2. Whole根据原文一般指指居民或者地方本身The whole village was flooded,3. 修饰专有名词时语法的区别。All Newcastle was excited at the news.3. 修饰专有名词时语法的区别。The whole of Newcastle was excited at the news.All and BothAll 修饰2部分以上组成的个体。Both 修饰的个体由2部分组成 All, Every, EachAll 侧重于整个groupAll the boys enjoyed themselves at the party.Every指Group中的个体Every boy enjoyed himself at the party.Each则侧重于单独的个体。Each boy got one present at the party.Both, Each, EitherBoth 强调2个一起 Each, Either当表明2个中的每一个的时候Any, Either, No (None), NeitherAny, No (None) refer to a group of more than 2.Either and Neither refer to a group of 2.定义4.1.4 Article 冠词As a determiner, it pre-modifies a head noun, in the English Language, there are two articles: Definite article 定冠词“the” and indefinite article 不定冠词“An”. The Two terms indicate some of the semantic implication of the article usage.泛指和特指定义 Generic reference vs. Specific reference: Generic reference denotes class membership and it can also refer to a class as a whole, its realized by a singular countable noun that goes with an indefinite article a(n),or with definite article “the” or a plural countable noun goes without an article.e.g. The panda is a rare animal.Specific reference can be made either in a definite way or in an indefinite way, definite specific reference identifies the referent in question and is realized by a noun with a definite article “the”. Indefinite specific reference points to a particular, actual example of the class, realized by a singular countable noun with “a”.e.g. A dog charged me yesterday when I was on my way home.*不定冠词 A(n) Indefinite Article “A(n)” 1. 当专有名词或者不可数作为一种可数名词的分来来讲的话,前面可加AHe looks forward to owning a Benz.2. 职业,工作为补语的名词需要不定冠词修饰。John is a writer.3. 仅可一个人担任的职业名词不需要不定冠词的修饰。He was selected chairman of the committee. *定冠词 The Definite Article “The”The Definite Article “The”不需要加定冠词“The”的情况需要加定冠词“The”的情况1. 公共机构在习惯性表达里不需要冠词。They go to church every Sunday.1. 指公共机构本身的建筑时,用The (bed, class, table, town etc.用法相同)The church was pulled down for a new and bigger one.2. 但是体育运动不需要加定冠词Play basketball/ football/ tennis2. 指某人有能力弹奏某乐器时用 “THE”Play the Piano/ Guitar/ Cello/ Violin 3. by 后面接交通工具名词时不加“the”By taxi/ by bus3. 当一些指独立事物或者人物的名词表示某些“特定的系统或服务“的时候,要加”the”Ring for the taxi if its raining.4. 季节名词前一般不加“the”Why dont you go in summer?4. 除了特指的某一时间的某一季节, The summer of 19955. 指“某一时间点”的时候不加At dawn/ At sunrise/ At night 5. 指“某一时间段”的时候可用定冠词In the morning/ During the afternoon (for.)6. 复数可数名词泛指时,不加定冠词。 不可数名词用法相同。Pandas are rare animal. (泛指) With the Pandas (特指)The desk is made of mahogany. (泛指) The desk is made of the mahogany from Thailand.(特指)*Proper noun 专有名词除了一下几种情况,一般不加定冠词 1. 复数名字前加“the”指 “一家人”The Greens/ The Johns.2. 海洋,河流,海峡,山脉等地理专有名词前要加“the”The Mediterranean/ The Alps3. 普通名词组成的组织名词The Uni
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