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Section Grammar基础题单句语法填空1This development was only possible with the _ (introduce) of electricpowered engines and lifts.答案:introduction2Dont _ (understand) me. What I really mean is that he is smart and can deal with each situation well.答案:misunderstand3But Sarah, who has taken part in shows along with top models, wants to prove that she has brains as well as beauty. She is determined to carry on with her _ (educate)答案:education4However, be _ (care) not to go to extremes.答案:careful5Steam engines were used to pull the carriages and it must have been _ (fair) unpleasant for the passengers, with all the smoke and noise.答案:fairly6But something made her look closer, and she noticed a _ (shine) object.答案:shiny7The central London Railway was one of the most _ (success) of these new lines, and was opened in 1900.答案:successful8It is _ (certain) fun but the lifestyle is a little unreal.答案:certainly9Influenced by him, they performed _ (count) good deeds.答案:countless10He spoiled my _ (enjoy) of the film by talking all the time.答案:enjoyment单句改错1He should have apology to you for his fault._答案:apologyapologized2Since I have talked with my wife, I will come to a final decide._答案:decidedecision3Outdoor amuse will relax you after a days work in office._答案:amuseamusement4Tom, do you have enough strong for the race?_答案:strongstrength5They did what they could to help the people in the areas flood by the heavy rain._答案:floodflooded能力题阅读理解AThe Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park opened in Florida in 2009, and provided attractions and rides basedonp1 places from the Harry Potter books. The novels author JK Rowling has already given her blessing to the project. She said, “The plans Ive seen look unbelievably exciting, and I dont think fans of the books or films will be disappointed.”Stuart Craig, the man in charge of the design of the park, is an Oscarwinning production designer who worked on the Harry Potter films so it should befaithful to JK Rowlings vision.Stuart Craig said, “Our primary goal is to make sure this experience is an authentic extension (原著的延伸) of Harry Potters world as it is portrayed in the books and films.”Visitors to the park will be able to explore some of their favourite places from the book such as the village of Hogsmeade, the ForbiddenForest and, of course, HogwartsCastle, where Harry goes to school. Although fans can look forward to a holiday in the Harry Potter theme park, many will be saddened by the fact that the bestselling series is now drawingtoaclose.The final instalment (连载故事的一期) in the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, was published on 21 July, and to mark the event JK Rowling is to read extracts (摘录) from the book to a select audience at midnight on the day of publication.Rowling has announced that two characters die in the final book, but has not revealed (透露) if Harry is one of them so fans will have to wait to find out the fate of their magical hero.1Whats the passage mainly about? AA new book about Harry Potter.BA theme park about Harry Potter.CWhat people will see in the them park.DSomething about Harry Potter.答案:B主旨大意题。全文讲述了在Florida建成开放的哈里波特主题公园的情况,其他选项只是文章中的细节,而不是主旨。2What will people see in the theme park? ASome of the places in the book. BHarry Potter and most of the characters. CHow film Harry Potter was made. DThe ending part of the magical story.答案:A细节理解题。由文章第一段中的“provided attractions and rides based on places from the Harry Potter books”及第五段内容可以看出,在主题公园中,人们可以真实地体验哈里波特原著中的一些神奇地方。其他选项文章未提到。3What does the underlined word “portrayed” mean in the fourth paragraph? AExplore. BSadden. CDescribe. DOpen. 答案:C词义猜测题。由第四段内容可知,这个公园的目的是确保这是原著的延伸,就如同原著和电影中所描述的一样。故选C。4Whats the novels author JK Rowlings attitude to the theme park? ANot as good as the book. BIt will be well received. CNot satisfied with the places shown in the park. DSaddened. 答案:B推理判断题。从JK Rowling对主题公园的评价“The plans Ive seen look unbelievably exciting, and I dont think fans of the books or films will be disappointed.”可以看出,她对主题公园的前景看好。其他选项都是对主题公园的否定,因此可以排除。1faithful adj. 忠实的;忠诚的2primary adj. 主要的;基本的1(be) based on 以为基础2draw to a close 接近尾声B During the Middle Ages, kings and noblemen built castles for defensew1. The lord and his family and their servants lived in the castle. The lord owned the land around the castle, and it was farmed b
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