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Mue6 Unit 2 Let got the inmaon Frday.Taret laguage目标语言Wods& phas生词和短语how, aren, day, pace, pric, thatr, wimmingbility o能力目标Enabestudent to tal abutivition ad wrte an emailtaon. Teahing methods 教学方法Readig and wriig.Teahin impandificult pins教学重难点Howtouse prosiionbefor time anpaenaes.Thn aids教具准备Aomputer, pjector and ome hadoutseacing prcedures an wys教学过程与方式Sep I Revison ad leinhooseoepair o students to actout te wn converatin a revision.A sle conversaion:S: Wul you like to to the cinemaS: That gd ida WhnsitS:Itsi taero n in teevnS:Lts go i he fterno.Tn ktdents o d ativity oage 9 s awarnguexere.Let students et amilir with the prepsitis befo tim and place ames.Ppre some aesfrom newpaersbore la. Showth dvertandetthradhe adve. T: What hvyoureaYou cntle in Chinese.S: 广告.T: Now ook at e blakboardDo you know thse word?Swth ods: how, garde, ay, pac, pic, hetresk stuents to rea lud thwrds. StpRading and seking al abot adrts andas stuents to read th adverts i tvity2T: Fromth advers, w can ge lo of ioraton, or el, what, he d hee o oehing In or bos, there arealso som advert Now peaseread hadvert and finish Activity 2 npae38.Rmembe thethree“ws”what, hn nd wr.Ceck thansers.Thenask sudents twor in ais to nsh Actiity1 f te eenes notre, try o ore it.Chckthe anwesby akinsomesunts t read theentencs.Tn asstudents for some inormatio i thedetsT: W is hefilmS: Itsa thNwTimes Theatr.T: What ilmis: Te Lio King.T: whe isthe ilS: Its inthe atrnonnd i the evenngThenetstuen wok in pr to k nd answer ustions about th adversSample conversatio:: Wheis the magi showS: Its atte Sun TheatrS: When is the agi sowS: s in the eveng.S:ow mchis t mgic shwS: 120 n to 200 yuan.fertis, ask studes to work n pirs ad ask and ay and weethis aras instrctei acvity 4. tep II WritingAk sudents to rad thephrses in Actiity 5 alou and ten tal aboteis wth themT: Do yono what is it?S: Ti in email.T: Yes. Thissan ail to ony. Readthe emai and cplet it wit th hrasCheck h anses yasng se stntst ead te comlee mail. : wwant togo to nehisSuda atenon Please wr an mi tov ou frien to go wh u.Samlwrting:Fom: ing Lei To: Gu ChenDa:Thursdai!Wol oulke tooe to the ina at uaMing theatre. e film iChicken Run t n theafenoons on SndyBes wshs!ngLiSep V Hoeworksk studts to inish Exercises&7 o pa 9.2. wriean eail viation tyour frindanded it to h r hr if posibe.
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