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.品句填词A)根据句意及汉语提示,写出所缺单词。1Due to the strict traffic regulations on drunken driving,the number of accidents from it has greatly _ (减少)答案:decreased2It was a _ (安慰) to see that all the children were safe at home.答案:relief3Parents should provide their children with a _ (安全的) environment to live and study in.答案:secure4We respect Dr.Jones,because hes devoted his whole life to the _ (保护) of the rare animals.答案:protection5The treatment they gave him did him more _ (危害)than good.答案:harmB)在句中空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。6What he said was of great _(important) to your decision.答案:importance7More attention should be paid to _(improve) the safety of school buses,which has become _ big concern of the whole society.答案:improving;a8I hear that the army _(inspect) by a general now.答案:is being inspected9The boy was bitten in_ leg by a dog this morning,which caused a quarrel between neighbors.答案:the10Wed better leave things_ they are until the police arrive.答案:as.选词填空用方框中短语的适当形式完成下列句子。for sure;in relief;in peace;in danger of;according to;came into being;turn around;pay attention to;burst into;die out1I wish youd leave me _ Ive got work to do.答案:in peace2The teacher got angry with me when I didnt _ his lectures.答案:pay attention to3Are you _ losing your job in the present financial crisis?答案:in danger of4The scientist explained in his book how the universe _答案:came into being5I _ and saw Jane was sitting directly behind me.答案:turned around6No one knows _ what happened to this kind of animal at that time.答案:for sure7_ these figures,our company is doing well.答案:According to8No one has come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaurs _答案:died out9I smiled _ as the last of the children hurried out of the door.答案:in relief10The plane crashed into the hillside and _ flames.答案:burst into.完成句子运用所学词汇或句型完成下列句子。1It is advisable to wear sunglasses _(保护眼睛免受强烈阳光的照射)答案:to protect your eyes from the strong sunlight2These rare animals,which are being hunted everywhere without limit,_(处在灭绝的危险之中)答案:are in danger of dying out3Scientists have many theories about how the universe _(形成)答案:came into being4The noise of the engine _ (消失) as the car disappeared in the distance.答案:died away5The government _(已开始关注) the housing problems of the average people.答案:has begun to pay attention to.词语串练根据汉语提示完成下列短文。1_too much _2_the number of wild animals greatly. _3_,there were some animals _4_and others in danger._5_our government has _6_the situation and a series of laws have _7_Eventually,we have succeeded in preventing the situation from _8_过度捕杀极大地影响了野生动物的数量。结果有一些动物绝迹,也有一些处境危险。幸运的是,政府已经关注这个问题;一系列的法律付诸实施。最终,我们成功地阻止了这种状况的恶化。答案:1.Hunting2.affected3.As a result4.dying out5.Fortunately6.paid attention to7.come into effect8getting worse.课文语法填空阅读下面课文缩写材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。Not long ago,a girl called Daisy took a magic trip around the world,riding a flying chair.First,she came to Tibet in China to visit antelopes.But to her great _1_(disappoint),she could only see mountains and people.Then an antelope told her _2_(sad) that they were being killed _3_ large numbers by humans for their wool to make clothing._4_ they might be gone forever in three years.Then the flying chair took Daisy to Zimbabwe,_5_ wildlife was properly protected.Daisy was glad to learn that farmers there were not killing the animals at will _6_ they used to.Only a certain number of the animals were set to be hunted for free by the government,_7_ not only saved the animals but benefited the farmers as well.At last,Daisy flew to a thick rainforest.There she was puzzled to see a monkey _8_ (rub) a millipede insect over its body.Then the monkey told her the insect contained a powerful drug which affected mosquitoes and _9_ rubbing it over the body it could protect _10_ from mosquitoes.Now Daisy was amazed and excited to find in fact the forest stores a lot of precious things people can make use of.So protecting nature really means much to our humans.答案:1.disappointment2.sadly3.in4.And5.where6.as7.which8.rubbing9.by10.itself写作素材1尊敬的市长,如果您能帮我们保护我们的土地不因城市的扩张而减少我将非常感激。2我们的生活受到很大影响。3我希望您能尽早做出回应。4这样我们就能成功保住我们富饶的土地了。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。 连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文。)_
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