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绝密启用前外研版九年级英语期末试题题号一二三四五六七总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)请点击修改第I卷的文字说明评卷人得分一、单项选择(15分)1After Mandela was free (自由的) in 1990, he chose to shake hands with the people _ wanted to kill him.A. whose B. which C. / D. Who2This question sounds _ than that one.A. many more polite B. much more politeC. many more politely D.much more politely3 Remember _ the door when you leave the room.A. close B. to closeC. closingD. closed4-A growing number of workers choose to stay in big cities with their own hard work.-They badly need a feeling of _ and trust here.A. warmth B. growth C. faith D. truth5We are _ by our teacher to read English as much as possible to improve our spoken English.A. advised B. suggested C. warned D. forced6 -I hear Tina_to appear in the advertisement. Is that true?-Oh, yes. She is busy preparing for it these days.A. invites B. has invitedC. will invite D. has been invited7The newspaper says if more underground lines_ next year,it will be much easier for people to travel around Nanjing.A. will be finished Bhave finishedC. are finishing D. are finished8-LiAn, a Chinese director, won the best director again in his_.-How great he is. It is his _ time to win an Oscar.A. forty, twice B. fortieth, secondC. forties, second D. forties, two9 What should I do _ healthy, doctor? -You should take more exercise.A. keep B. to keepC. keeping D. keeps10 What about this pink skirt,madam?This one is really beautiful. I will buy it_its a little expensive.A. though B. but C. because D. and11Jerry _ to stay at home just now.A. tells B. toldC. is told D. was told12He improved his English a lot _ listening to the radio.A. with B. by C. for D. on13 My brother told me _ any attention to the students who laugh at me.A. to pay B. not to payC. to disturb D. not to disturb14 -_ the population of the world today? -Its 6.6 billion.A. Which is B. How much is C. Whats15_ the morning of December 1st, 2006, the 15th Asia Games _ in Doha(多哈).A.In, held B.On, was heldC.At, held D.For, were held评卷人得分二、完形填空(25分)完形填空 (本大题共10分,每小题1分)ADriving a car at a high speed along a highway seems to be fun. You only need to the bright traffic signs beside the highway and it will take you where you wish to go.But to a London taxi driver, driving is not an easy job. A taxi driver needs to have not only good driving skills but also a good of the city of London, from the street to the most popular restaurant around. He has to be at the service(服务) of all kinds of passengers(乘客) at all times.A London taxi driver said the following about his job.During the night it is for him to stop two or three times for some food. He said, “I never when Im working, otherwise, Id lose my license (驾驶执照).”He usually goes home between two and three oclock in the morning. There are times he has to stay and try to make more runs. He said, “Thats the worst thing about working for yourself. If you dont make money, no one is going to it to you. ”London taxi drivers not only “take” but also “give”. Every summer hundreds of poor from London go for a day at the sea by taxi! Their rides are by the taxi drivers. At the sea, they are met by the mayor (市长) , and a lunch party is also held for the taxi drivers and the children. After a happy days running around the and visiting the market there, the children go home again by taxi, free of charge of course!16A. catch B. meet C. follow D. throw17A. taste B. knowledge C. dream D. teacher18A. noisiest B. coldest C. dirtiest D. loneliest19A. usual B. strange C. dangerous D. impossible20A. speak B. sing C. run D. drink21A. shorter B. longer C. earlier D. higher22A. give B. lend C. send D. return23A. elderly B. farmers C. patients D. children24A. paid B. borrowed C. sent D. spent25A. buildings B. mountains C. beaches D. roadsB.I was recently invited to dinner by a friend. During the meal, the manager came over and said that our meal was free. He stood there at me, he seemed to know me. I asked if he knew me. He laughed and said I had probably _ him, but I had changed his life. He said that twelve years ago he was in stress management class. I asked the group what their number one stress was and of them, including him, said it was their . He said I listened carefully an
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