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A Very Hungry Snake 英语绘本教学设计朱梅1复习巩固星期、颜色、水果单词。学习词汇:snake, triangle riceball, pineapple,climbing。2. 理解运用句型:It likes,Its;It eatsWhat happened?(二)技能目标1. 能理解并运用句型描述故事:it likes,Its;It eats2.正确理解和有感情朗读故事,发挥想象续编故事。(三)情感目标1.T: Do you like animals? Ss: T: I like cat .Because i ts cute. What animal do you like ?Ss:T: Today we are going to read a picture book about a animal.课件出示图片 Look,what is this ?((教拼读 snake)。Do you likethis snake? Why2.猜书名: This is the cover of the book.Could you please watchcarefully and guess the name of the book ? So many ideas. Great!Now, I will show you the name.Its (读,板书)Step2:while-readingA: Lets enjoy Passage 1.listen and answer:What dose it like ?What day is it today? What dose it eat? Check out .B:教学句型 It likes,Its;It eats(板书,操练)2.Tuesday片段A; 猜 T:What dose it eat? It eatsLook, a yellow bananaIts Tuesday. It eats a yellow banana.(带读)B: 听故事-带读文本-操练 guess,what happened?(one by one)3.Wednesday片段A; 猜 T:What dose it eat? It eatsLook, triangle rice ball;操练 triangle rice ball (one by one),贴板书齐读 It eats atriangle rice ballB: 听文本 C: On SaturdayIt eats an apple tree二、整体欣赏故事3.Home work介绍作者,推荐其它英语绘本。
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