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人教版英语必修一Unit 4 Earthquakes 导学案编制者 符永飞Period 1-2:Warming up and reading学习目标1. Get the Ss to know basic knowledge about natural disasterEarthquake2. Learn the words and expressions in the unit3. Get the Ss to learn about Tangshan Earthquake and understand the text. 4. Get the Ss to use different reading skills to read.单元内容概述:本单元的语言知识和技能是围绕“地震”这一话题展开的,内容涉及“中国唐山大地震的不眠之夜”、“美国旧金山1906年地震”、“地震后重建的新唐山”、“地震的基本知识”、“在地震或突遇的灾难中如何自救、救人”等。课前探知1. What natural disasters have you heard of? Can you name them in English?洪水: 台风: 海啸: 龙卷风: 沙尘暴: 风暴: 冰暴: 雪暴: 饥荒: 旱灾: 火山: 2. How much do you know about an earthquake?(1) what happens before an earthquake?地下水情况:动物的情况:.气象的情况:震前井水变化谚语:井水是个宝,前兆来得早。无雨水质浑,天旱井水冒。水位变化大,翻花冒水泡。有的变颜色,有的变味道。(2) What should you do when you meet an earthquake?( ) A、地震时躲到桌子下、床下和汽车里( ) B、.地震时靠墙站立或蹲下( ) C、地震时站在门框边上。( ) D、地震时迅速地从门或窗口逃离。( )E、把牢固的家具下腾空,以备震时藏身。( )F、震时就近躲避。利用三角空间,护住头部( )G、室外避震尽量到开阔的空地。( )H、地震时不要惊慌,伏而待定( )I、不要站在窗户边或阳台上( )J、地震时要跳楼、跳车或破窗而出( )K、地震时要快速乘坐电梯逃跑。( )L、逃震时要寻找衣服、财物等东西带上。( )M、不要躲避在电线杆、路灯、高大建筑物、立交桥、玻璃建筑物,大型广告牌、变压器的附近( )N、不要在石化、煤气等易爆、有毒的工厂或设施附近( )O、.要跑到位于明火的下风处。3.useful words and expressions高频单词必记1. _ v. 爆裂,爆发 2. _ n. &v.废墟,毁灭3._ v. 损害,伤害 4._ vt. 破坏,毁坏5. _n. & vt. 震惊,震动 6. _ n. & v. 援救7. _vt. 使惊吓 8. _ v. & n. 判断,法官9. _ n. 苦难, 痛苦 10. _ vt. 埋葬,掩埋11._n. & vt. 陷阱,使 陷入困境 12. _ n. 幸存者13. _ n. 电 14. _ n.灾难,灾祸15. _ n. 祝贺重点短语必备1._ 立刻,马上 2._ 突然3._ 仿佛,好像 4._ 结束,终结5._ 成为废墟,破败不堪 6._ 挖掘,发现7._ 大量的 8._ 对 不重视9._ 陷入 10._ 埋头于Step 1 Warming up task: Discuss:If there has been a big earthquake, what might happen ?The building: The road/the railway: The communication:The people: .Step 2. Pre-reading questions:1.Imagine there has a big earthquake and you must leave your home right away. You have time to take only one thing. What will you take? Why?2.Look at the pictures on P25 and think what will happen before an earthquake.Step 3. Reading1.Fast reading1.What does the passage mainly talk about?The passage mainly talks about a terrible (回答what?) that happened in (where?) in (when?) and cause great damage to people. (What result?)2.Skimming: Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.Para. 1 : Para. 2: Para. 3: Para. 4: 3. Scanning and match the sentences. Divide the passage into three parts and find out the main idea of each part.Para. 1 (Para. 1 ) What happened during the quake and the damage caused by the quake.Para. 2( ) The rescue work after the earthquake.Para. 3 ( ) Signs before the earthquake.How is the passage organized? (In what order is the passage written?)4.Careful reading: Make a timeline.TimeEventsFor three daysAt about 3:00am on July 28,1976At 3:42am on July 28,1976Afternoon of July 28,1976Soon after the quakeStep 4. Comprehending 1.Do Ex 1.on P27,Sb.2. Retell the story_ happened in Tangshan. For a few days, water in the wells _. From the _ of wells _came out. Mice, chicken, pigs and even fish became _. At 3:00 am, everything began to _.It seemed that the world was _. _ of the nation _ it. _ cut across the city. The city lay _. Two-thirds of the people died or _. Then later that afternoon, another big quake _ Tangshan. People began to wonder _. But all hope _. Soldiers came to help those _. Slowly, the city began to _.Step 5.HomeworkFinish the Exs on 成才之路参考答案:课前探知1. flood ,typhoon,tsumamitsu:n:m,tonadoit:ned ,sandstorm,storm,icestormSnowstorm,starvation,drought ,volcano vlken 2. A-E:ffffy F-J:ttttf K-O:ffttf3. 高频单词必记:1.burst,2.ruin,3.injure,4.destroy,5.shock,6.rescue,7.frighten,8.judge,9.suffering。10.bury,11.trap,12.survivor,13.electricity,14.disaster,15.congratulation重点短语必备:1.right away,2.burst into/out,3.as if,4.at an end,5.in ruins,6.dig out,7.a (great) number of, 8.think little of,9.be trapped in,10.be buried inWarming up ta
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