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(通用版)2022高考英语二轮复习 第三板块 语法填空与短文改错 NO.2 再研考点 第一层级 第二讲 代词和介词讲义近几年,高考对代词的考查主要集中在代词的基本用法上,因此这类试题一般较为简单。语法填空侧重对it用法的考查;而短文改错对代词的考查主要集中在不定代词、反身代词、形容词性物主代词和代词的格等的用法上。考生在解题时要根据语境、句意判断人称和数,应仔细阅读上下文,根据代词具体指代的对象和在句中充当的成分,确定代词的格。未来高考对代词的考查将继续侧重代词的基本用法,并会加强语境的真实性和复杂性。(一)考点练悟(用代词填空)“Without the ball, Im half plete of 1._ (I),” Luis Figo, one of the worlds greatest football players once said.The Portuguese played his first international match in 1991 at the age of 18 and has kept scoring ever since.He reached a new mark on February 18 by playing 2._ (he) hundredth match for his national team in a friendly match against England. A crowd of more than 30,000 fans watched and cheered for 3._ (he) in Lisbon. “Figo, Figo,” 4._ shouted excitedly when he walked onto the field.The Real Madrid player, 31, wanted to help his country in Euro 2004 and to win 5._ Spanish Cup with Real Madrid. Madrid bought Figo from FC Barcelona for 82.4 million dollars in 2000, and he showed everyone what a great player he was by winning FIFAs Footballer of the Year award in 2001.“Figo works like an artist and has the skills to be the most plete player,” said FIFA President Joseph Blatter in 2001. “Figo 6._ (he) is a real leader who always tries his best on the field and a good team player. 7._ is no problem for him to work together with his teammate at Real Madrid, star footballer David Beckham.” In fact, Figo was the first 8._ to wele Beckham when he arrived. “We have a strong team, and we can help one 9._ and work together to be successful,” Figo said.答案:1.myself2.his3.him4.all5.another6.himself7.It8.one9.another(二)快捷技法思考趋向1当提示词为代词时,需分析判断用其主格、宾格、物主代词、反身代词中的哪种形式。2如空后无提示词,且空格处在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语时,考虑填代词。解题规则1人称代词、物主代词和反身代词常考点(1)人称代词中第三人称的主格(he, she, it, they)与宾格(him, her, it, them)常指代前文或后文出现的人或物。当提示词为人称代词的主格时需考虑是否变为宾格。(如题3)(2)形容词性物主代词(my, your, his, her, its, our, their)在句中作定语,常表示物体的所属;而名词性物主代词(mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs)在句中可以作主语、宾语和表语,但不可以作定语。(如题2)(3)反身代词(myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves)表示动作的承受者就是动作的执行者,可以在句中作宾语、表语和同位语。(如题1,6)2替代词和不定代词常考点(1)替代词that, those, one, onesthat可以指代前面出现过的不可数名词或单数可数名词,其复数形式为those。one指代前面出现过的同类事物中的“一个”,其复数形式为ones。(如题8)(2)不定代词的用法both, either, neither都强调两者,可作主语、宾语和定语。neither表示“两者都不”; either表示“两者中任何一个”; both表示“两者都”。all和none都强调三者或三者以上,all表示“全部都”,而none表示“全部都不”。(如题4)another表示“(三者或三者以上中的)另一个,再一个”; the other意为“(两者中的)另一个”;other意为“其余的,另外的”; others泛指其余的人或物。(如题5,9)3it的常考点(1)it可指代事物或上文提到过的内容。(2)it可作形式主语或形式宾语,用来指代不定式、动词ing形式或从句,而把真正的主语或宾语后置。(如题7)(3)表示“喜欢,恨”等情感的动词后面跟从句时,要先接it,再接从句,这类动词有like, love, hate, dislike, appreciate等。(4)it常用于一些固定搭配中,如it is no wonder that “难怪”;make it“成功;赶上”;when it es to .“当提到”等。(一)考点练悟下文中共有6处错误,每句中最多有一处。请找出并改正。How time flies! I had hardly had time to enjoy the warmth of your home when its time to go back to school. This winter I spent ten days studying maths, chemistry and physics, none of which was easy for mine.But I still had some fun during the Spring Festival. I attended uncles wedding and my new aunt was very beautiful. To our disappointment, I didnt get much lucky money as I had expected. I also went to the cinema with several classmates. They played jokes on each other and had a big meal in a restaurant called “Red Lobster”. The food there was very delicious and we all really enjoyed myself.答案:第二句:yourmy第三句:mineme第五句:attended后加my第六句:ourmy第八句:TheyWe第九句:myselfourselves(二)快捷技法思考趋向1考虑是否存在指代错误,即所用代词与其指代的对象是否相符。2考虑代词是否存在数和格的误用。3考虑人称代词与反身代词是否存在错用。4考虑物主代词是否误用。5考虑不定代词的错用。解题规则1代词的错用代词数的错用人称代词、物主代词以及反身代词等都有单复数之分,要根据上下文确定单复数。物主代词的错用形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,不能单独使用,常用来修饰名词;名词性物主代词相当于名词,常单独使用,不能修饰名词。人称代词与反身代词的错用反身代词是指代主语的,使动作的发出者把动作反射到本人身上。若所用代词与主语不一致,就要用人称代词而不用反身代词。不定代词的错用常见的有many与much, some(thing)与any(thing), other与another,表示两者的both, either, neither与表示三者或三者以上的all, none等。代词的指代错误若文中出现代词,它所代替的词一定存在于前文或后文的某处,要注意它们的前后一致性。2代词的缺失与多余代词的缺失主要是人称代词与物主代词的缺失,若缺少主语需考虑是否用人称代词,还要根据上下文考虑名词前是否缺少物主代词,另外还要注意it的缺失。代词的多余主要是定语从句中代词的多余和固定结构中代词的多余。在定语从句中,若引导词在从句中作宾语,此时就不能再用it, him或them等作宾语;在句式“sb./sth.beadj.to do”中,do后不能再用it或them。高考对介词的考查主要集中在介词的基本用法及含介词的固定搭配的用法上。语法填空题对介词的考查形式为纯空格,即没有提示词,这对考生正确理解句意和掌握的知识提出了较高的要求。短文改错题对介词的考查主要涉及介词的多余、缺失或误用,其中固定搭配中介词的误用是考查的重点。因此,考生应在掌握介词基本用法的同时,注意总结和积累其与名词、形容词、动词等搭配构成的短语的意义和用法。(一)考点练悟(用适当的介词填空)In the chemistry lab, because 1._ the students carelessness, the tube cracked and the liquid in it caused a fire on the table. Fortunately, he put it out 2._ time at last.In fact, it is mon to have some small accidents caused 3._ carelessness. I used to enjoy cooking, so I always sought a chance to cook. However, the desire led 4._ an accident.Once I stayed 5._ home alone. I found it a chance to cook. I put all the food I needed 6._ a pot. Then I had to wait 7._ it to boil. In
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