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【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流国际私法惯常用语.精品文档.Proper law of the torts 侵权行为自体法Formula of attribution 系属公式Lex personalis 属人法Lex patriae 本国法/国籍国法Personal law of a legal person 法人属人法Lex domicilii 住所地法Habitual residence 惯常居所Lex rei sitae = lex loci situs = lex situs 物之所在地法Lex loci actus 行为地法Locus regit actum 场所支配行为Lex loci contractus 合同缔结地法Lex loci solutionis 合同履行地法Lex loci delicti 侵权行为地法Lex loci celebratiois 婚姻举行地法Lex voluntatis 当事人合意选择的法律Autonomie de la volont = Lautonomie de la volont = autonomy of will 意思自治原则Lex fori 法院地法Law of the flag 旗国法Law of the place of the most significant relationship 最密切联系地法Lex causae = applicable law 准据法Rule of law 法律规范Nationality by birth = nationalit de lorigine 生来国籍/原始国籍Jus sanguinis 血统主义Jus soli 出生地主义Nationalit secondaire 派生国籍/传来取得Nationalit effective 实际国籍Conflict of nationalities 国籍冲突Domicile of origin 原始住所Domicile of choice 选择住所Statutory domicile = domicile of dependency 法定住所/从属住所Residence 居所Habitual resident 习惯居所/惯常居所The law of the place of the tort 侵权行为地法The place of acting 加害行为实施地The place of injury 加害结果发生地The law of the forum 法院地法A mixture of the lex fori and the lex loci delicti = Rule of double actionability重叠适用侵权行为地法和法院地法/双重可诉原则Proper law of the torts 侵权行为自体法Unjust enrichment 不当得利Negotiorum gestio = voluntary agency 无因管理Quasi-contractual obligation 准合同之债Substantive law 实体法Adjective law 程序法Lex fori 法院地国法Statuta realia 物的法则Statuta personalia 人的法则Statuta mixta 混合法则
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