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25吨汽车起重机主要技术参数说明Main technical parameterof 25ton truck crane(KFM5280JQZ)一、工作环境 Working surrounding1、工作海拔:0-4500米Working altitude: 0-4500m2、工作环境温度:-25C-+45CTemperature of work ing surro undin g: -25C-+45C3、允许工作环境:场地坚实平整,车架必须处于水平状态Allowed work ing surro unding:Strong and flat gro und, truck rack should be kept horiz ontal4、工作环境风力:6级Wind force of work ing surro unding: 6 degree二、主要技术参数Main technical parameter项 目Item单位Unit数值Value工作性能 参数Worki ng performa nee parameter最大额定总起重量Max. rated whole lift ing weightKg25000基本臂最大起重力矩Max. lift ing torque of basicboomKN.m875最长主臂最大起重力矩Max. lifti ng torque of Ion gestboomKN.m510主臂最大起升高度Max. lift ing height of mainboomm32.1副臂最大起升高度Max. lift ing height of viceboomm40单绳最大速度Max. speed of sin gle ropem/min115工作速度Worki ng speed起重臂伸出时间Exte nding time of lifti ng booms100起重臂起吊时间Lifti ng time of lift ing booms70回转速度Turning speedr/min0 2.4行驶参数Traveli ng parameter最高行驶速度Max. speedKm/h70最大爬坡度Max. grade ability%26最小转弯半径Mi n. tur ning radiusm11最小离地间隙Min. gro und cleara neem0.26接近角Approach an gle16离去角Departure an gle11行驶状态自重(总质量)Self-weight while traveli ng(the whole weight)Kg28320外形尺寸(长X宽x高)Exte rnal dime nsion(le ngth x width x height)mm12890x2500x3300支腿纵向跨距Vertical spa n of outriggerm5.38支腿横向跨距Horiz on tal spa n of outriggerm6.0主臂长Len gth of main boomm10.2 32.1副臂长Len gth of vice boomm8主臂仰角Elevati on of main boom-1 80型号ModelTAZ5281J/04发动机型号Engine modeWD615.64 欧 II发动机功率Engine powerKw/rpm175/2200尺寸参数Dime nsio nparameterChassis最大扭矩Max. torqueN.m/rpm930/1300 1500接近角/离去角Approach an gle/Departure an gle16/11
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