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窗体顶端1单选题,5分Or cpany has mada()with forigautobileompny to buy50 cars A.cota B.coractC.oncept D.contc 参照答案:2单选题,5分Th bod caotstor vitamin C t is()to hav fres supp evera. A.estialB.visibl C.ulmateD.pofun参照答案:A3单选题,分lease note that willbe way fromBostex we, youwant to c man discuss tis. A.i caseunle .utilD.sotha 参照答案:A单选题,分Iheory, ever erson will hve aces()a nimitd aout of infomation ine nited ate.t Bfrm Cat Drouh 参照答案:A5单选题,分 _ teok on h face, hdoent quteunetwhatthespeaker s sai .Judgeby BJudgng by CTodgeyD.To be jded by 参照答案:B单选题,5分In _ Chiese culture, hilrens margedecionsweeften made bparents.A.tradtional horic Creote.nitil 参照答案:A7单选题,5分As a tacer, he thinks his buinesis to ir u() in is students er haninit on obieceA.oserationBcrsity Csuprorit D.judgmen 参照答案:8单选题,5分erys atual()of tellin lies,preendigto be sck hen hes helh. Aaable B.spotaeos C.compet.expert 参照答案:9单选题,5分he ctor so deth worri patie feel()ese A.ith B.at C.oDof 参照答案:B单选题,分Thmanaer aidthater ere o easons _ ur saes roppd arp last ear. A.bcuse B.nce C.y D.while参照答案:B二、阅读题(本大题共1小题,共10分)1阅读题,0分s itte idren, most ou ere taughth virtue (美德) of hoey from ar les an ther stoie. T storyofinch,w begin lf as auppe (木偶), tahes s he imrtnce of ellig theruth In theoryof yougGergeWashigton, wholies abou utingdwn the cherry tr, w larnta h ern his father prisonly he h dmtswhthe has don. Eventogh wknowtt “hoety i te bestpoicy,” wdo we often liein our everyylfe? Thefct s that we i formay rasos. Wesomtimes lie t imize(将最小化) urerros ad mistake. F example, some dents mght li to heir teachrsabou ufinihed homwork. Tey migh sy that te leftthe wor at home whn, iact, they diteen o thewr. heetudentdont wn tob irrespnsible(无责任感旳), othey mae up a li o sae a Anther rason e le to geut f situao e dont an to be in.If wejus dot wa tatdt dormein ealy n Saturda mornig, we might iv the excse: “Ivbeen figting f a cold allwek, and I ed t sep on Saturda oing.” Welie becase we blivetha telligth th wil cause pobems. Whn we dn kow o tosay ,w oft u to vid dificuti Hove,liesarnot lways negav(悲观旳); n fact to inds of lie can ld psitve(积极旳) sul. Tefirst s mmny refrred toas “hit le.” Wl whte lie wen wdont wanthrt thr peoples feelingFor xamle,i goodiend sos up wh n unflttering (难看旳) haircut,we uld be ruhflan s,“Ta haict i aful It osnt ityou aall!”Intea,w ae moelikly to li and sa, “I likeyur hrcu.It os good on you,” dspe frends ling.The second kind f psitiv e is h “rotecveie.”Thisone cn hlusetouof o avoid dangerous itatns. Prt ten teah thi chlde o use this inie. Fo example, arnts tll theirchilde not toa thattheyareome alone if they receive hone calls rom strags. Inis stuaio,lig ca prevnthar or isater. Peope lieor resons, boh good ad ad Howevr, befwe resort to (采用) lying o coer up iakesor o avid upleasant siuains, prhaps we houd rthnk ourmoive (动机) orlig!-i !suppsts-1. Whatis mnly scussd in this pasage? () A. The imortanc otelling he truth. B. Posite and ngaive esltspoducdby lies.C. e reaos or tiv fr telligies. H to toptelling li. 2. Wih of te followigs “wit lie”acin o the passge? () A. ie told y tdntohs tacer abot unfied homwrk. B.i to by somonwho wants o aoi urtig thers C.Alildby child to avoid an ufavorble situain. D ietold b abo who cried lf. hyo som sdens ie to their teachrsabo thei uinshedmer?() A. Becaue the want to inimz their mistaes B. Bause te have nideaabo the virue ofhonesty. . Becus they ve lefei homeworkathoe caus hey dont hav enseof reposibility.4.hih o the flowig can b rgardedas an “ulattring harut”
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