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PEP人教版英语六年级上册 Unit6 The Story of Rain第五课时教学设计【教学目标】1、能够听、说、读、写“Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds”能替换运用于水循环的整个过程。2、能够完成Group work。【教学重、难点】1、本课时需要重点掌握句型:Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds要求学生能替换关键词造新句并能在水循环的整个过程自如运用。2、本课时的难点是Lets talk部分,内容多,词汇量大。【课前准备】1、教师准备课件:水循环。2、教师准备A Lets learn的单词卡片。【教学过程】Step1. Warm-up(1)教师放歌曲“Little Water Drop”的录音,学生跟唱。(2)教师运用小游戏,复习上节课词汇。(3)出示课件:Step2. PresentationLets talk(1)教师引课:Today I have many photos. Do you know where does it come from? 教师出示图片及句型,同桌两两练习句型:A: Where does the come from?B: It comes from the(2)教师出示雨的图片:whats that? Where does the rain come from? 出示课件,教师引导学生回答:“It comes from the clouds”教师板书问答句:A: Where does thecome from?B: It comes from the . 带读后继续提问:“Where does come from?”引导学生回答。教师隐藏句型,让学生根据图示背诵句型并尝试画出简笔画。(2)教师出示云的图片并提问:Where does the cloud come from?教师引导学生回答:“It comes from the.”(3)教师给出图片,让学生根据图片的演示画出简笔画并写出两组句型。A: Where does the rain come from?B: It comes from the clouds.A: Where does the cloud come from?B: It comes from the vapour.(4)教师继续出示水蒸气的图片并提问:Where does the vapour come from? 教师引导学生回答:“It comes from the.” (5)教师提问:The vapour comes from the water in the river, but how can the water become vapour? 教师简单解释become的意思并出示太阳的图片,引导学生说出:The sun shines and the water become the vapour.(6)教师的板书完成水循环的图示:Of course, the water in the river comes from the rain.(7)教师ppt展示水循环,让学生根据图示描述水循环的过程。stream vapour cloud (sun)rain Step3. Practice(1)教师放本部分的录音,学生跟读, 要求学生录音中的模仿语音语调。(2) Fill in the blacks根据图片提示填写正确的关键词。(3) 根据图示学生分小组对水循环的过程进行问答练习,然后教师请每个小组选代表上台, 叙述水循环的简单过程并画出图示。Step 4.Consolidation and extension(1)“快速反应”游戏全班分四大组,各组分别命名为:water,vapour,cloud,rain。教师提问:“Where does the cloud come from?”vapour小组的成员应迅速起立并回答:“It come from the vapour”2、翻卡片,说句子把sun,stream,fiver,water,vapour,cloud,rain等图片在学生认读后,重新组合编号,请两个学生随意选择其中的两张,然后把这两个单词作为水循环过程的起始点和结束点进行问答。如选择的是water和vapour,学生就可以说:“Where does the valour come from? It comes from the water in the river”或者How can the water become vapour? The sun shines and the water becomes vapour”如果选择的是water和rain两张卡片,那么就要根据水循环的整个过程进行问答。Step5. Homework1.听录音并背诵课文。2. 画出水循环的图示,复述并默写水循环的过程。Blackboard Design Unit 6 The Story Of Rain Part A Let talkWhere does the come from? stream vapour cloud (sun)rain
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