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八年级英语动词不定式专题练习一、单项选择:( )1. The teacher told them _ make so much noise. A. dont B. not C. will not D. not to ( )2. The first thing is _ . A. visit to him B. to visit him C. visiting him D. visited him( )3. Li Yang advised me _ too much. A. not to drink B. to drink C. not drinking D. drinking( )4. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _. A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to ( )5.The doctor asked the patient _rich food after the operation(手术). A. to eat not B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating ( )6. The workers want us _ together with them. A. work B. working C. to work D. worked ( )7. I saw him _ out of the room. A. go B. went C. is going D. goes ( )8. He often makes his little sister _, A. cry B. crying C. cried D. to cry( )9 Therere so many kinds of new bikes on sale that I cant make up my mind _ to buy. A. what B. which C. how D. where ( )10. He cant decide _ to stay or not. A. whether B. if C. either D. if he will ( )11. We agreed _ here. A. met B. meeting C. to meet D. meet ( )12. Frank is the kind of person who people like to _. A. make friend with B. make friends of C. make friends D. make friends with ( )13. Go on _ the other exercise after you finish this one. A. to do B. doing C. does D. did( )14. She reached the top of the hill and stopped _ on a big rock A. rested B. resting C. to rest D. rest ( )15. Tom kept quiet about the accident because he was afraid of_ his job. A. lose B. to lose C. losing D. lost( )16. I need a day or two _. A. to think it over B. to think over C. of thinking ( )17. He was too excited _. A. speak B. to speak C. not to speak D. speaking ( )18. Im hungry. Get me something _. A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. for eating ( )19. - I usually go there by train. - Why not _ by boat for a change ? A. to try going B. trying to go C. to try and go D. try going ( )20. They wont let his mother _him in that way. A. to treat B. treated C. treat D. treats( )21. Im sorry I forgot _your dictionary. Lets borrow one from Li Ming. A. to take B. taking C. to bring D. bringing ( )22. The chair looks very old, I want a new one _ . A. sit B. to sit on C. sat D. sit on ( )23. Is _ necessary to return the book tomorrow ? A. this B. that C. it D. which( )24. Mother told me _ the water before I drank it . A. boiling B. boiled C. boil D. to boil( )25. On my way home , I stopped _ some food . A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought( )26. He made John _ the car for a week as a punishment(惩罚) .A. to wash B. washing C. wash D. are washing( )27. He needs _his bedroom ,because its too dirty. A. clean B. cleaning C. to clean D. cleaned二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. My mother decided _ (stay) at home with me tonight.2. They planned _ (arrive) in Shanghai three days later.3. She hopes _ (do) that herself.4. They enjoyed _ (collect) stamps.5. Tom began _ (play) the piano when he was three.6. Stop _ (talk). The news is beginning.7. I dont know what _ (do) next.8. Mrs Yang lives alone so she needs _ (look) after herself.9. My parents ask me _ (be) polite to others.10. Jane heard someone _ (knock) on the door at that moment.11. May agreed _ (give) the book to Paul.12. He often helps me _ (learn) my English.13. Lao She learned _ (teach) at a teachers school.14. Do you want _ (come) with me?15. My P.E teacher advised me _ (train) harder in basketball.
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