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本科生毕业设计基于JSP的网上考试系统JSP-based Online Examination System学生姓名所在专业计算机科学与技术所在班级申请学位工学学士指导教师职称副指导教师职称答辩时间基于JSP的网上考试系统目 录目 录设计总说明IINTRODUCTIONII1绪论11.1设计的背景11.1.1网上考试系统概述11.1.2国内外网上考试系统的研究现状11.2设计的概况21.2.1设计的目的和意义21.2.2设计的指导思想21.2.3论文组织结构22系统开发的相关理论与技术32.1系统开发模式32.1.1B/S结构设计模式32.2系统开发工具选择42.2.1操作系统和服务器选用42.2.2开发平台42.2.3数据库的选用42.2.4其它辅助工具的选用42.3相关理论与开发技术52.3.1JSP技术53系统分析63.1可行性分析63.1.1技术可行性63.1.2经济可行性73.1.3操作可行性73.2需求分析73.2.1角色识别73.2.2考生功能83.2.3管理功能83.2.4功能模块划分83.3系统流程图83.4数据字典93.5实体关系模型(实体E-R图)114系统总体设计134.1系统功能总框架144.2数据库设计144.2.1逻辑结构设计144.2.2物理结构设计165系统详细设计及实现代码175.1前台175.1.1考生信息模块175.1.2在线考试模块模块215.2后台235.2.1考试题目管理模块236系统测试277总结28鸣 谢29参考文献30附 录31设计总说明设计总说明随着科技的发展,网络技术已经深入到人们的日常生活中。它同时带来了教育方式的一次变革,而网络考试则是一个很重要的方面。基于Web技术的网络考试系统具有廉价、开放、易实现等特点,考试既可以在本地进行,也可以在异地进行,大大拓展了考试的灵活性。缩短了常规考试要求老师设计试卷、打印试卷、安排考试、监考、收集试卷、评改试卷、统计分数、入档,这个漫长而复杂的过程,提高工作效率,节省时间金钱,使考试更趋于客观、公正。网络应用中最常见的模式是B/S模式,即需要获取信息的用户使用浏览器向服务器发出请求,服务器对此作出响应,将有关信息发送给用户的浏览器。在B/S模式中,服务器上必须有所谓的Web应用程序,服务器通过运行这些Web程序来响应用户的请求。JSP正是一种优秀的Web服务器端开发技术,得益于Java语言,JSP具有跨平台、易维护和安全性,正适合用于在线考试系统的开发。本系统以软件工程方法学为指导并利用JSP技术设计实现基于JSP的网上考试系统,具有在线考试、即时阅卷、成绩查询及考题和考生信息管理等功能,开发工具采用MyEclipse,后台数据库采用SQL Server 2005。首先对系统的可行性及需求进行分析,接着进行数据库的设计、软件结构的设计,最后对前台和后台等进行详细设计并在Myelipse平台下采用JSP技术编程实现。系统运行结果良好,达到预期目标。本系统的创新之处在于:第一.使用了Struts框架,Struts通过JavaServlet/JSP技术,实现了基于Java EE Web应用的MVC设计模式应用框架,是MVC经典设计模式中的一个经典产品,可以使得系统的设计思路更加清晰;第二.应用了EL表达式和Struts框架提供的标签库,大大减少了JSP页面中的脚本程序,使得页面代码更加简洁明了;第三.应用了Ajax技术实现考试系统的考试时间自动计时和根据选择的课程动态生成相关套题的下拉列表。局限于个人的开发经验,本系统尚有许多能够进一步改进和优化的地方,例如JSP页面的布局和美化,过于简单的页面会使人觉得单调,但是过多的图片和不好的颜色搭配又会对用户的体验造成影响,还有代码算法的优化,因为编程经验的缺少,可能会使同样一个功能但是却付出了更多的资源代价去实现。不足之处,望各位批评指正。关键词:管理信息系统;考试系统;JSP;StrutsIIIINTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTIONWith the development of science and technology, the network technology has penetrated into peoples daily life. It also brought a revolution in the way of education, while the network test is a very important aspect. The network examination system based on Web technology has the advantages of low cost, open, easily implemented, the exam can in local, also can be in different, greatly expanding the flexibility of the exam. Shorten the routine exam papers, the teacher design requirements of printing papers, examination arrangements, examiners, collected papers, grades examination papers, scores, into the file, the long and complex process, improve work efficiency, save time and money, make the examination more objective, justice.The most common mode of network applications is the B/S model, namely the need to obtain the information of users use the browser sends a request to the server, the server responds, will send relevant information to the users browser. In B/S mode, there must be so-called Web applications on the server, the server by running the Web program in response to user requests. JSP is an excellent Web server development technology, thanks to the Java language, JSP is cross-platform, easy maintenance and safety, is suitable for the development of online examination system.This system based on the software engineering methodology for guidance and the use of JSP technology design and implementation of online examination system based on JSP, with online exam, instant marking, score inquiry and examination questions and the examinee information management functions, development tools using MyEclipse, background database using SQL Server 2005. The feasibility and system requirements analysis, design, database design and software structure, finally the foreground and background are detailed designed and implemented using JSP technology under MyEclipse platform programming. System is running well, to achieve the desired objectives.The innovation lies in the system: the first using the Struts framework, Struts through JavaServlet / JSP technology, applications based on Java EE Web Application Framework MVC design pattern is a classic MVC design pattern in a classic, you can make system design ideas more clearly; second. applied EL expressions and Struts framework provides a tag library, greatly reducing the JSP page of the script, making the page code more concise; Third application of Ajax technology to achieve the examination system the examination time automatic timing and dynamically generated based on the selected program sets of questions related to the drop-down list.Confined to the personal development experience, this system still has a lot of to further improve and optimize the place, such as a JSP page layout and landscaping, too simple page will make people feel monotonous, but too many pictures and bad color will impact on the user experience, and code optimization, because of the lack of programming experience, may make the same funct
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