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2009-2010画川高级中学高一(下)英语导学案19 课 题M4U1 words主备人 审核人 班 级高一( )姓 名学 号A 教学目标1 让学生学会一些重点单词的用法2 注意share, persuasive, Service等词的用法B 课前预习利用早读课的时间大声读第一单元的单词,要做到在老师讲解之前会读会默写。C 课内解惑:请特别注意以下单词的读音,拼写和用法。1.be used to be used to + n./pron/doing = get accustomed to _我很适应在此生活。_be used to doing 习惯于,适应于 to作为_词be used to do 被用来做to为_be used as 被用作 as为_词used to do _ I used to live in Nanjing.The new machine _ production. However, I _it.A. is used to increase; am not used to controllingB. is used to increasing; dont used to controlC. used to increase; dont used to controlD. used to increasing; am not used to control 2share vt. _ n. _与某人分享某物_Share (in) sth. _-Id like to share my books with you. -They will share joys and sorrows.a share in/of sth. _The lions share_Go shares (with sb.) (in sth.)_She _ my troubles as well as my joys.A. shares with B. shares (in) C. shares between D. shares among 3. persuasive adj. _v. _ n.persuade sb to do( into doing) sth._Persuade sb. not to do ( out of doing sth.)_强调的是结果“已说服”如果仅指“劝说,未必成功”则可用_最后我被说服听从了她的建议。_4.service n. 招待,兵役,部队,服务,帮助,益处,用处他在军队中服役。_at ones service _in service _ be of service to _serve v. 招待,服侍,适合,满足,供应serve as_ serve sb. with sth.= serve sth to sb._serve in sth._ serve sth./sb_The dictionary serves very well as a pillow Have all the guests been served with food and drinks?He served in the navy. He served the people heart and soul.In some parts of the world, tea _ with milk and sugar.A. is serving B. is served C. serves D. served5.intend _ intend to do_我打算去赶早班车,但是我起晚了。_intended to have done= had intended to do= intended to do _intended _ _be intended for sb_ be intended to do sth_.The book intended for the children 6.claim v/ n Claim+to do/that She claimed to be related to Queen.。Claim+不定式的完成时或从句的完成时他宣称他曾看过蒙娜丽莎(那幅画)_a claim for/on/to _lay claim to _7.aware作表语,意为_be/become aware of Are you aware of the importance of learning a foreign language?She became aware that something was burning.我很清楚吸烟有害健康。_8breath n. 呼吸,气息 breaths (pl.)hold ones breath _ out of breath _ Hold your breath and count to ten._breathe V _ breathe in/out _breathless (adj)无声无息的;喘不过气来;气喘吁吁的,停止呼吸的9cure n/v _cured _ _ curer _ _ cureless _ _cure sb.of sth._ a cure for sth._Cure sb of bad habbit_The doctor cured me of cold_A certain cure for this illness is not found yet.比较:cure /treat _This medicine cured him_ his cough.Which doctor is treating you_ your disease?10. comment评论,发表意见,批评,议论v. comment on sth./that-clause_The teacher refused to comment on the examination result. n. Youd better have comments from your teachers. have comment(s) on sth. No comment!_11. public 作公众讲时,_,作主语时,谓语动词用_前面加the 表示“民众,公众”作主语时,谓语动词_The public _the best judge.公众是最好的裁判。注意:in public _He was shy and hate to be seen_A. in the public eye B. in private C. in public D. in the public12lead领导, 带领, 指使leader _ leadership _under the leadership of the Party _leading _1)lead /live a life _lead a happy/busy/simple life = live happily/busily/simply2)领导,引导,率领She led me into the drawing-room.There is a road _ to the top of the mountain. 3)导致,造成。后果常与介词to =_Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.13deal with deal - dealt - dealt 1)处理 How to deal with the waste is a big problem. 2)对待,相处比较 do with和deal with 13.commit committed commit a crime/murder/ commit suicide/theft_昨晚发生了一起盗窃案。_commit oneself to _14choice n. 选择,挑选have no choice but to do_
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