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Module 8 Story timeUnit l第1课时字目目标重点单词hair, gold, forest, decide, basket, notice, pick, lost, around, towards重点短语once upon a time, again and again, go for a walk, knock on重点句型1. Once upon a time there was a small boy called Tom.2. She decided to go for a walk in the park with her basket.3. Oh, did she often go for a walk in the forest alone?重点语法一般过去时(二):行为动词的一般过去时态曾课堂现节自主学习方素1. 学生自学新词汇(见教材P108)o2. 学生自学教材(P48),找出课文中重点词组和句子。课堂导学方秦Step 1情景导入教师问学生:你们还记得小时候妈妈给你们讲的故事吗?然后要求一个学生简单地说一说故事梗概。环节说明:教师的话语,直接导入本节的教学语言目标,学生们一定会有很大的兴趣来积极参与到本节教学活动中去。Step 2完成教材12的任务1. 听录音,并在下列正确的句子后打。(1) The story is Goldilocks and the Three Bears.()(2) The story begins: Once upon a time()(3) Goldilocks was a girl with hair of gold.()2. 熟读方框2里的单词。3.仔细观察图片,回答下列问题。(l) Who was Goldilocks?(3)Baby Bear looked in the bedroom.()3. 小结训练。汉译英。(1) 金凤花姑娘匆忙地从房子里跑出来。Goldilocks hurried out of the house.刚开始他们没有注意到金凤花姑娘。They didn t notice Goldilocks at first.(3)小熊指着他床上的小姑娘,高声叫喊。Baby Bear pointed at thelittle girl in his bed, and shouted.环节说明:此环节可让学生熟悉教材。Step 3完成教材5的任务1. 用方框里单词的适当形式填空,集体核对。教师点拨。2. 小结训练。(1) Lin Mei bought some food and then she entered (enter) thehouse.(2) Wang Kang walked (walk) to school last Monday morning.(3) Mrs. Zhang arrived (arrive) in Hong Kong last night.环节说明:此环节训练学生对行为动词的一般过去时态的熟练使用。Step 4完成教材67的任务1. 看下列句子,写一些新句子。参考案例First, she tried the big chair. Then.she tried the middle chair.Finally, she tried the small chair.2. 再读一遍活动2中的故事,想象一下接下来会发生什么,至少写出三个句子。Step5问题探究return的用法return意为“返回”。return to表示返回某地”,相当于come/go/get back to。如:We returned to the hotel after taking a walk.【拓展 Jreturn 作及物动词,意为“归还。return sb.sth.= return sth.tosb.意为“归还某人某物”。【注意1 return本身就表示“返回;归还”,所以不能再与副词back连用。Step 6家庭作业请完成模块8 Unit 2第4课时的练习题。教学反思这一课时主要是教会学生熟练运用行为动词的一般过去时态。教师在授课时可采用多种形式,如讲故事等,让学生更容易产生兴趣,更熟练运用行为动词的一般过去时态。Unit 3 第5课时重点单词dark, soon, door, answer, hungry, finish, push重点短语in pieces, at first重点句型1. The stories usually begin with Once upon a time.2. There was a small boy called Tom.课皇现节自主学习方秦学生自学教材(P5253)找出课文中的重点词组和句子。完成教材(P52-53)的练习题。课堂导学方素Step 1情景导入教师要求学生熟读下面的语言训练。1. Finally, she pushed the door.2.She didn t like the middle bed or the big bed.3. Did she pick any flowers in the forest?环节说明:语言训练复习了本模块的语法知识,同时又能帮助学生完成本节的任务。Step 2完成教材12的任务1. 用方框里的单词的适当形式填空,完成句子。2. 用方框里的单词的适当形式填空,完成短文。3. 独立完成,集体核对。4. 小结训练。用方框里的单词的适当形式填空。(1) We didn t go (not go) to the cinema last night.(2) You d better put (put) on your coat now.(3) Listen! Sue is singing (sing) an English song.(4) Tom gets (get) up at six in the morning.Step 3完成教材3的任务1. 结对练习,使用所给的单词,看图片,造句子。2. 把这些任务4的词放在一起构成一个故事。记得使用像and, so,but, because, first, next, and then 和 finally 这样的词。参考案例 Once upon a time there was a little girl called Nuwa.Herfather was Emperor Yan and he loved3. 分组写故事,邀请学生把他们的故事读给另一组听,并听一下他们的故事。Step 4问题探究l.Once upon a time there was a small boy called Tom.从前,有一个小男孩叫汤姆。called Tom是过去分词短语,在句中作定语,修饰boy。called相当于 named 或 with the name如:Do you know the place called Gum Tree?你知道那个叫核树村的地方吗?2. exciting形容词,意为“令人兴奋的,使人激动的”,通常用来修饰物.如:lt s very exciting to play tennis with my dad.和爸爸打网球令人兴奋。【拓展excited形容词,意为“激动的;兴奋的”,通常用来修饰人。如:He was so excited that he could not speak out a word.他如it匕兴奋以至于说不出一句话。3. all around the world 全世界all作形容词时,如果all所修饰的名词前有定冠词、指示代词、形容词性物主代词或基数词,all应放在这些词的前面。如:All my brothers like playing basketball,我所有的兄弟都喜欢打篮球。All the boys are playing on the playground 所有的男孩都在操场上玩。Step 5家庭作业请完成模块8 Unit 3的练习题。教学反思本课时通过突发情况的假设来引入课题,训练和学习相关内容的表达,把课堂内容与实际可能碰到的情况相结合,有很好的巩固强化作用。Module 8【重点短语】2. in the forest 在森林里1. once upon a time 从前3. look into向.里面看去4. knock on the door 敲门5. a girl with hair of gold 一个留着金色头发的女孩6. begin with 以开始7. go for a walk 去散步8. pick up捡起,拾起9. pick some flowers 摘一些花10. look around环视,四下张望11. in pieces 破碎12. at first首先,最初13. sit down 坐下14. point at 指着15. walk into the bedroom 走进臣卜室16. jump out of bed 跳下床17. be asleep 睡着19. change into 变成21. around the world 全世界20. again and again 一遍又一遍【重点句子】1. All alone in the dark forest, Goldilocks picked some flowers.金凤花姑娘独自走进了阴暗的森林里,摘了一些花。3. Then she noticed a little house, so she hurried towards it, and knockedon the door.她注意到一栋小房子,于是她赶快朝那栋房子走了过去,敲了敲门。4. Nobody answered, so she knocked again, and again.没人回应,于是她又反复的敲门。5. On a table there were three bowls with some nice food in them.在一张桌子上有三个碗,碗里盛着好吃的东西。6. The little bowl was just right. She finished all the food in it.小碗里的正好,她把小碗里的东西全吃光了。7. It was not comfortable either.它也不舒服。8. Soon the chair was in pieces.那把椅子一会儿就散架了。9. Very soon she was asleep in it.很快她就在小床上睡着了。10. Then Baby Bear pointed at the little girl in his bed.小熊指了指他床上的小女孩。11. Goldilocks jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house withouther basket.金凤花姑娘从床上跳了下来,
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