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常用机构词汇(法语,汉语,英语对照)法语 汉语 英语Autorisation provisoire de travail 临时工作许可证Temporary work permitBail commercial 营业租约Commercial leaseBail professionnel 非营业租约Professional leaseBureau de liaison 联络处Liaison officeCarte de sjour 居留证Residence permitCentre des imp?ts 税务局Tax officeCentre daffaires 商业局Business centerCode du Travail 劳动法French Labor LawsComit dentreprise 企业委员会 Labor management committeeCommune 市镇,基层行政单位 City authoritiesContrat dure indtermine (CDI) 无定期合同,长期合同Labor contract of unspecified durationContrat dure dtermine (CDD) 定期合同,短期合同Labor contract of specified durationConseil dadministration 董事会Board of directorsConseil de surveillance 监事会Supervisory councilConvention collective 劳资集体协议Sector-specific collective agreement on labor relationsCrdit dimp?t recherche 研究税收信贷R&D tax creditDcret 法令DecreeEntreprise Unipersonnelle Responsabilit Limite (EURL) 有限责任独资公司Limited liability company with a single shareholderGrant 经理ManagerGreffe du tribunal de commerce 商业法院注册书记处Trade register (Commercial court register)Groupement dintrt conomique (GIE) 经济合作公司Incorporated Joint VentureInspection du Travail 劳动监督Labor inspectionOffice des Migrations Internationales 国际移民局 Office of Immigration ServicesPlan social 解雇预算Layoff planPrfecture 省政府Local representative of national government in each French departementPrime lamnagement du territoire (PAT) 领土整治补贴Development grantPrudhommes 劳资调解委员会Industrial disputes conciliation boardSalari 雇佣劳动者 Salaried employeeSocit anonyme (SA) 股份有限公司Stock companySocit responsabilit limite (SARL) 有限责任公司Limited liability companySocit civile 非商业性公司,非贸易类合作,如房产或医疗 Non-trading partnership (e.g. real estate or medical services)Socit en commandite par actions 股份两合公司Partnership limited by sharesSocit en nom collectif 合伙公司,合伙人对公司债务负无限责任General partnershipSocit par actions simplifie (SAS) 简易股份公司Simplified corporationTaxe dhabitation 住房税Housing taxTaxe foncire 土地税Property taxTaxe professionnelle 商业税Business taxVisa de long sjour 长期签证Long-term visa
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