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2022年考博英语-首都师范大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题This document is ( )unless it is officially stamped.问题1选项A.invalidB.acuteC.deliberateD.confidential【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。 invalid “无效的”;acute “严重的”;deliberate “故意的”; confidential “机密的,保密的”。句意:这份文件除非有官方盖章,否则就是无效的。由后半句unless 这个条件可知A项正确。2. 写作题People all over the world spend time surfing the Internet. Sometimes, surfing the Internet has replaced more active pastimes such as sports or visiting with friends.Write a composition of no less than 250 words and discuss, whether life on Internet has had a good or bad effect on peoples daily life.Your composition should be based on the following outline:.Good effect.Bad effect.Conclusion. 【答案】The Internet and Its Effects on Peoples Daily LifeThroughout the 20thcentury, as one of the most advanced innovations ill the area of information technology, Internet has exerted an extremely important influence on peoples production and social activities. In recent years, were witnessed a rapid growth in the popularity of Internet and we may say, we have already entered the Internet era. Whether, however, life on Internet has a good or bad effect on peoples daily life? Admittedly, there are both advantages and disadvantages.Definitely, its convenience and practicality are of great significance for us. Firstly, it is Internet that makes it possible for people to adapt to the rapid development of high-tech society and to be provided with the availability of knowledge and information from all over the world. With its richness of information, the Internet provided us with chances to know about the world and to expand our horizon without leaving home. In addition, the internet connects the computers around the world, and people can talk with and see each other easily and cheaply, even across the ocean. Moreover, many hospitals and train stations have opened their own ticket booking systems to reduce the length of the queue before their owns to reduce.However, Internet is also like a double-edged sword. At first, in the spare time, People prefer to surf the Internet all the day rather than do some outdoor activities with their friends, such as having a picnic or playing football. It may be a dangerous signal that less communication in actual life is bringing about coldness of interpersonal relationships. Besides, there are some bad guys who may take advantage of the internet to do something bad, such as spreading porn materials to the children, abducting naive girls through online chatting rooms, and making school age boys addict to the online games.In conclusion, Internet is the trend in our daily life. We can benefit most from it only if we take good advantages of Internet and try to be careful enough to keep the potential bad effects away. 3. 单选题He tried to hide his ( )patch by sweeping his hair over to one side.问题1选项A.barrenB.baldC.bareD.bleak【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析 barren 贫瘠的;bald 秃头的,赤裸裸的;bare 空的,赤裸的;bleak 暗淡的,昏暗的。句意:他试图把头发梳到一边来掩盖他的秃顶。答案B4. 单选题Though he views himself as a realist, Cetron says his findings make him very( )about future.问题1选项A.optimisticB.sympatheticC.objectiveD.precautious【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。 optimistic “乐观的”; sympathetic“有同情心的”; objective“客观的”;precautious“警惕的,谨慎的” 。句意:尽管认为自己是一个现实主义者,Cetron称他的发现让自己对未来非常乐观。由转折词Though 及realist “现实主义者”可知空格处所填单词意思应与realist相反,现实主义者一般对未来不持乐观态度,故选项中“乐观的”正确,答案A5. 单选题Designed to meet the global need for a jetliner sized between the companys own 767-300 and 4-engine 747-400, the new planes seating ( )made it the worlds largest two-engine passenger plane.问题1选项A.abilityB.capacityC.capabilityD.facility【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。seating capacity “载客人数”,为固定搭配,故答案B。ability“能力”; capability “性能,容量”; facility“设施”。 句意:它的载客人数使其成为世界上最大的双引擎客机。答案B6. 单选题Critics believe that the control of television by mass advertising has ( )the quality of the program.问题1选项A.lessenedB.declinedC.affectedD.effected【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。 lessen “使变小”;decline “下降,衰落”;affect“影响,感染”; effect “发生,引起”。句意:评论家们认为,铺天盖地的电视广告已经影响了节目的质量。 根据句意可知C项正确,答案C7. 单选题They bought the land with an eye ( )building a school for children in the village.问题1选项A.toB.ofC.atD.with【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。固定搭配with an eye to “着眼于,考虑到”。句意:他们考虑为这个村子的小孩修建一所学校而买了这块地。答案A8. 单选题The use of sound is widespread as ( )of animal communicate on.问题1选项A.a meansB.waysC.a toolD.signals【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。a means方法,手段;ways方法,道路,方向; a tool工具; signal信号,标志。句意:声音被广泛地用作动物交流的手段。由is 单数可直接排除B项与D项;声音应该是动物交流的一种手段而不是工具。答案A9. 单选题Police believe that many burglars are amateurs who would flee if an alarm sounded or lights( ).问题1选项A.came outB.came onC.came toD.came down【答案】A【解析】考查动词词组辨析。 came out 出来,出版,灯亮; came on前进,进步,成长; came to前
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