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听力概况在四六级考 试中,听力部分从2006年6月起由过去20%的比例上升为35%,有消息称,国家四六级出题委员会即将在2012年左右全面推行计算机四六级考试。其中,听力部分将到70%的内容。六级听力题目构成与比例小对话: 8% 选择题 共8道对话,每题长约1分钟 长对话: 7% 选择题 共2段对话,每段长约3分钟听力短文: 10%选择题 共3篇文章,每篇长约3分钟 复合式听写:10% 听写填空 填8个单词和三句话,放音三遍,共计8分钟听力位于考试的卷二部分,共占全卷35%。07年六级考试改革后,听力考试的对话部分在以往单一短对话的基础上增加了长对话的内容。其 中短对话部分由原来的10题减至8题;长对话有两篇,每篇题量在3至4题一共7题;不过对话部分题目总数保持不变,还是15个。新增的长对话持续时间约6 分钟,说话者的语速约为150-170词/分钟。该部分共15题,每题计1分,共15分。总的来说,题目的总量增加了,做题时间增加了,本身对学生是否能 够长时间的集中听力注意力就增加了考验。英语六级听不懂180分照样拿段对话的听力技巧教你如何分析题干选答案本文主要向大家介绍听力短对话的宏观方法,无论四级还是六级,听前的充分预读是必要的,因为只有认真的预读才能找到选项中的规律,另外,短对话必须遵守的一个原则就是:先听到什么不太可能是正确选项,后听到的才可能是正确答案,没听到什么最有可能选择什么!以下以六级题为例!第一招:相关保留原则当选项中有两项表达意思相近时,那么正确答案必在这两项之中!这时只需稍微听一听对话,即可知答案,如果出现了双重相关,便可直接确认正确选项,只需听完对话加之认证一下即可!典型例题: 1999年12月第4题4. A) Visiting the Browning。B) Writing a postcard。C) Looking for a postcard。D) Filling in a form。例题分析:B、C两项均含有 a poscard ,B、D两项均含有写.。.之意,即B、C和B、D构成双重相关,即可得出B为正确选项!本题听力原文:4. M: Whats the matter? Youve been sitting there for ages, just staring into space。W: I told the Browning Id send them a postcard. Now I dont know what to say。Q: Whats the woman doing?第二招:异项保留原则当选项中出现有意思明显相反的两项时,那么正确答案必在此二项中出现!如果出现双重异项,那么即可判断出正确答案,异项保留原则在六级考试听力短对话中应用广泛!典型例题: 1999年12月第6题6. A) She cant finish her assignment, either。B) She cant afford a computer right now。C) The man can use her computer。D) The man should buy a computer right away。例题分析:B、C异项,B项的意思是她现在没有电脑,C项的意思是男方可以使用他的电脑。B、D异项,B是说女方无电脑,而D是说男方无电脑,男女也是一种反意关系。所以根据双重异项原则可确定正确答案为B项!本题听力原文:6. M: Im frustrated. Were supposed to do our assignment on the computer, but I have difficulty getting access to the computers in the library。W: I understand the way you feel. Im looking forward to the day when I can afford to get my own。Q: What does the woman mean?第三招:女士保留原则做题做多了,我们应该了解西方人的思维方式,当对话中出现女士的建议和要求时,我们一定要注意,这时女士说出来的话很可能就是正确选项的异意! 因为女士经常以女神的形象出面,她们代表的是美好、正面、阳光的信息!典型例题: 1999年12月第9题9. A) The man should stick to what hes doing。B) The man should take up a new hobby。C) The man should stop playing tennis。D) The man should find the cause for his failure。例题分析:通过选项我们可以分析出男人做一些事情遇到了困难,这时一位女人出来安慰男人,根据女神原则可知女人一定会让男人坚持把这件事情做下去,而不要放弃,这样的题型太多了,所以可呈现出一定的规律性!本题听力原文:9. M: I think Im going to give up playing tennis. I lost again today。W: Just because you lost? It that the reason to quit?Q: What does the woman imply?第四招:概括、抽象保留原则当选项中出现比较概括、抽象的句子时,这时我们就要把表述事实的、具体的句子划掉,而去选择表概、抽象、比较性的句子!此原则可衍生出一个包含取大的原则,在作题时应用也是十分的广泛,一般当两个选项的意思接近时,表述比较全面的一般为正确选项!典型例题:7. A) The visiting economist has given several lectures。B) The guest lecturers opinion is different from Dr. Johnsons。C) Dr. Johnson and the guest speaker were schoolmates。D) Dr. Johnson invited the economist to visit their college例题分析:A、C、D均为表述事实的句子,只有B项为对比、比较的句子,较之A、C、D项更为抽象的表述了一件事情,所以B项为正确选项!本题听力原文:7. M: The visiting economist is speaking tonight, but Dr. Johnson doesnt seem to think much of him。W: Thats because Dr. Johnson comes from an entirely different school of thought。Q: What do we learn from the womans remark?第五招:态度和虚拟保留原则这两种方法一般无单独命题的规律性,只是作为上述四种宏观方法的辅助方法出现,当只剩下两个选项时,通常正态度的选项容易是正确答案,表虚拟的选项更容易是正确答案。关于六级短文听力1、结构:三篇文章,要求考生在四个选项中选出最符合原文的答案。每题1分,共10分(占710分中的10%)。2、难度:难度年年上升,考生失分的重灾区。短文部分由三篇文章构成,内容题材极为广泛,不仅考察学生的理解能力,而且还有对信息的短 期记忆能力和思维能力。3、基本规则:视听基本一致原则(根本原则);顺序出题原则(即题目顺序和文章内容的进展是对应的);首尾句原则(即首句和尾句处容易出题);同义替换原则(选项的单词和短语是原文中的同义或近义)重点词汇考点原则 (转折关系词汇、因果关系词汇、最高级词汇、情态动词等词汇的后方信息更容易成为答案)例题分析:2007年12月第一篇短文听力26. A)To win over the majority of passengers from airlines in twenty years.B)To reform railroad management in western European countries.C)To electrify the railway lines between major European cities.D)To set up an express train network throughout Europe.27. A)Major European airlines will go bankrupt.B)Europeans will pay much less for traveling.C)Traveling time by train between major European cities will be cut by half.D)Trains will become the safest and most efficient means of travel in Europe.28. A)Train travel will prove much more comfortable than air travel.B)Passengers will feel much safer on board a train than on a plane.C)Rail transport will be environmentally friendlier than air transport.D)Traveling by train may be as quick as,or even quicker than by air.29. A)In 1981. C)In 1990.B)In 1989. D)In 2000.In January 1989, the Community of European Railways presented their proposal for a high speed pan-European train network extending from Sweden to Sicily, and from Portugal to Poland by the year 2020. (第26题 考点。注意train network在选项中反 映)If their proposal becomes a reality, it will revolutionize train travel in Europe. Journeys between major cities will take half the time they take today.(第27题 考点,注意half在选项中的反映)Brussels will be only one and a half hours from Paris. The quickest way to get from Paris to Frankfurt, from Barcelona to Madrid will be by train, not plane. When the ne
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