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工作获得较好成效支部换届选举工作总结 本局支部于20_7年12月换届,至今已经三年半时间了。根据中国共产党章程和中国共产党基层组织选举工作暂行条例规定,结合我局实际,经报县直属机关工委同意,今天,我们在这里召开党支部换届选举会议。按照会议安排,下面我代表本届党支部向全体党员作工作报告,请予以审议。一、三年来的主要工作回忆三年来,我们党支部在机关工委的指导下,紧紧围绕全工作大局,严密联络工作实际,深化贯彻党的十七大、十七届三中全会,以学习理论科学开展观活动为契机,进一步为推动我事业开展提供了坚强有力的政治保证。20_7年月,党支部按期进展换届,新的成员,工作不分彼此,团结协作。每年年初制定工作方案、学习重点和工作目的,并按照机关党建目的管理逐一进展量化分解,做到每年有调整、有创新,自觉将党员义务和责任融入工作岗位、融入整体工作。坚持理论学习,注重。支部学习方案,通过学习、党课教育、个人自学等形式,组织党员干部认真学习党的,。年来,我们支部党建工作规章制度,为了突出理论特色, Opinions and suggestions on the partyapos;s mass line educational practiceAccording to the central and provincial, municipal unified deployment, according to municipal Party mittee “about carrying out the partyapos;s mass line educational practice activity in the cityapos;s implementation opinions, the spirit of the partyapos;s mass line educational practice activities from 20_in January to 99 months, carried out at all levels of departments and directly affiliated institutions and grass-roots party organizations.According to my actual County, the county to carry out the education practice put forward the following implementation opinions.First, the overall requirementsCounty county education practice to the eighteen Party of eight, the spirit of the the third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central mittee as the guidance, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary _i Jinping book series of important speech, earnestly implement the Central mittee really, opinions and advice , , optimal selection with strong village leaders, and strengthen college-graduate village official (Village The Ministry of Education) and tracking management, focus on building a strong sense of service, service ability and strong team, grass-roots party organization Secretary style of service good.Do the development of Party member, strict entrance fall off “, implement the three class, public mitment, democratic appraisal education management system and give full play to vanguard role.As the service of the masses into the rich carrier, to further e_pand the” red flag terrace Kingdom party brand connotation, establish and perfect the whole villages and towns, streets and villages, munity public service outlets, the implementation of the party organization and party mitment Jiannuo, twinning, window units and service industries such as instant evaluation price System, the full implementation of the “line of work”, “public pipeline engineering”, “five vanguard”, the “party shifangang” star rating, a rating of the party, grassroots organizations to enhance service function and improve the service level.Security guarantee system, to establish a stable base group and basic public organization operation.Service fee funds safeguard mechanism, strengthen the village collective economic accumulation, promote human, money, material, further implement love and tilt to the grassroots, grassroots cadres policy, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the service of the masses, to ensure that all work, rich work, a chapter everything.Three, step by stepThe education practice is not phased, not to engage in the transfer section.To adhere to the problem oriented, adhere to educational practice and science, insist on learning while the investigation and reform, with the “five question five check 33 assessment” as the carrier, the education, the implementation of the rectification, the entire chapter formed, the masses ments throughout.The aspects of education practice activities work effectively with each other through.(a) learning education, listen to opinions1, deep into the thought of launch.The township units in the province to thoroughly understand the central and municipal spirit, God, listen to opinions based on, bined with the actual development of the implementation plan, and timely mobilization, unified thought, improve knowledge, carefully arranged to start the single unit of educational practice implementation case should be reported.The steering group audit checks.Together with the organization held a mobilization meeting, Party members and cadres do, subordinate units responsible person, invite some two members on behalf of a service object, and representatives of the masses, to guide the leadership style and team member status into ments.2,of Jiangsu and Zhejiang in Mulberry Grove, remains nowhere.Shen Wenchao, shengze town and munist Party members.Intelligence efforts of the County Government, were buried alive at the age of 26 years old.Yu Ren Qian, jia_ing _incheng, and munist Opinions and suggestions on the partyapos;s mass line educational practiceAccording to the central and provincial, municipal unified deployment, according to municipal Party mittee “about carrying out the partyapos;s mass line educational practice activity in the cityapos;s implementation opinions, the spirit of the partyapos;s mass line educational practice activities from 20_in January to 99 months, carried out at all levels of departments and directly affiliated institutions and gra
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