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2022年考博英语-全国医学统考考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题6.问题1选项A.He has lost some weight.B.He has gained a lot.C.He needs to exercise more.D.He is still overweight.【答案】C【解析】W: You dont seem to be overweight. M: No, not really. If I run up a flight of stairs, it takes me a while to get my breath back. I need to work out more. Q: What does the man mean? 【解析】细节题。男士说:I need to work out more(我需要加强锻炼)。2. 单选题12.问题1选项A.She isnt feeling well.B.She is under pressure.C.She doesnt like the weather.D.She is feeling relieved.【答案】A【解析】M: Are you having any problems like weakness, fatigue, or headaches? W: Well, I certainly felt under the weather. Q: What does the woman mean? 【解析】常用习语。女士说I certainly felt under the weather,即她觉得身体不适。3. 单选题There are ill effects on the health of older people when their activities are restricted;( ), intervention that increases the range of their activities promotes their health.问题1选项A.in additionB.in contrastC.in turnD.in short【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. in addition 此外 B. in contrast 与此相反C. in turn 依次;轮流;反过来 D. in short 总之;简而言之【答案】B【考查点】词组辨析。【解题思路】当老年人的活动受到限制时,他们的健康会受到不良影响;扩大他们活动范围的干预措施可以促进他们的健康。由本句前后句句意可知,前后所表达意思相反,所以此处应填入B选项“与此相反”。【干扰项排除】A选项in addition表此外的意思,而这里前后两部分表转折关系,A选项无法表示转折;C选项in turn依次;轮流;反过来,当这个短语表示“反过来”时,多指前后两者相辅相成相互影响,该选项不表示相反的意思,和原文语境不符合;D选项in short 总之;简而言之,不表达转折含义。【句意】当老年人的活动受到限制时,他们的健康会受到不良影响;相反,增加他们活动范围的干预可以促进他们的健康。4. 单选题13.问题1选项A.Michaels wife was ill.B.Michaels daughter was ill.C.Michaels daughter gave birth to twins.D.Michael was hospitalized for a check-up.【答案】C【解析】M: I saw Michael with his wife this morning, in the obstetrics and gynecology department. Is his wife ill? W: No, she called me just now. Guess what? Their daughter has just had twins. And they were there for her. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 【解析】细节题。女士说:Their daughter has just had twins(他们女儿刚生了双胞胎)。故选C。5. 单选题7.问题1选项A.She is giving the man an injection.B.She is listening to the mans heart.C.She is feeling the mans pulse.D.She is helping the man stop shivering.【答案】B【解析】M: Ooh, thats cold! W: Dont worry, its just my stethoscope steskop. Q: What is the woman doing? 【解析】细节题。关键在于对话中的单词stethoscope(听诊器),故选B。6. 单选题12.问题1选项A.The womans classmate.B.The womans boyfriend.C.The womans brother.D.The womans teacher.【答案】B【解析】M: I heard all the time that John is dating several girls.W: But its not true, he has explained everything to me.M: Do you really believe what he said?W: Yeah, I believe in our feelings for each other.Q: Who is John?【解析】推断题。根据对话推断John是对话中女士的男友。7. 单选题26-30问题1选项A.Eight-year-olds.B.Twelve-year-olds.C.Seventeen-year-olds.D.Adults.问题2选项A.The use off MRI.B.The use of computer tasks.C.The three-way division of the subjects.D.The instructions given to the subjects.问题3选项A.12-year-olds respond strongly to negative feedback.B.12-year-olds function the same as 8-year-olds.C.8-year-olds function almost the same as adults.D.12-year-olds function almost the same as adults.问题4选项A.Not bad.B.Excellent.C.Not so good.D.Got it wrong this time.30.问题5选项A.Scientists.B.The general public.C.Teachers at the kindergarten.D.Children with Attention Deficit Disorder【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:A第5题:C【解析】Eight-year-old children have a radically different learning strategy from twelve-year-olds and adults. (29) Eight-year-olds learn primarily from positive feedback, whereas negative feedback scarcely causes any alarm bells to ring. (26) Twelve-year-olds are better able to process negative feedback, and use it to learn from their mistakes. Adults do the same, but more efficiently. Dr Eveline Crone and her colleagues from the Leiden Brain and Cognition Lab used fMRI research to compare the brains of three different age groups: children of eight to nine years, children of eleven to twelve years, and adults aged between 18 and 25 years. (27) This three-way division had never been made before; the comparison is generally made between children and adults. Crone herself was surprised at the outcome: (28) “We had expected that the brains of eight-year-olds would function in exactly the same way as the brains of twelve-year-olds, but maybe not quite so well. Children learn the whole time, so this new knowledge can have major consequences for people wanting to teach children: how can you best relay instructions to eight- and twelve-year-olds?” The researchers gave children of both age groups and adults aged 18 to 25 a computer task while they lay in the MRI scanner. The task required them to discover rules. If they did this correctly, a tick appeared on the screen, otherwise a
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