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extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization, the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the citys 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included province first Taiwan setsguarantee for the great struggle. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including exercise thrift, against extravagance mass line is party of lifeline and fundamental work route accurate grasp party of mass line education practice activities of guideline and target requirements set and develop three strict three real of style put power shut into system of cage in using history wisdom advance anti-corruption construction in-depth advance style clean government and anti-corruption struggle develop nail nail of spirit, a Zhang good of blueprint worked to. 9. other aspects. 18 big yilai, XI General Secretary also respectively on diplomatic, and military, and ecological construction, aspects published has important speech, covers has construction ecological civilization, and advance defense and army modern, and rich one country, two systems practice and advance country unified, and go peace development road, and promoted building new powers relationship, and go good around diplomatic work, and strengthening and developing countries solidarity cooperation, and active participation multilateral affairs, and science of thinking and work method, many aspects. XI Jinping, Secretary of a series of important speeches, and further enrich and develop the partys theory, line, principles and policies, the party puts forward new requirements for more contemporary features, the latest achievement of Marxism in China, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. Four methods. To address the relationship between comprehensive and focused on science. In the process of learning, we should follow as a good study and carry out the wise men to conduct a comprehensive collaborative learning; and with their own jobs, focus research and understanding spirit, grasp the potential requirements. For example, every party member should be according to the various branches of learning program, an article does not go into a link, no leakage of conducting a comprehensive study, and combined with their own duties and responsibilities, be focused and targeted Geoscience. Like, leaders to highlight learning XI on ruling acting political know of deep love of cut dry in practice go in forefront of river new language out poverty XI on coordination advance four a full strategy layout discusses excerpts XI on full deepening reform discusses excerpts XI on full law ruling discusses excerpts 18 big yilai XI on major economic problem discusses excerpts, discipline to highlight learning XI on strict party of discipline and rules discusses excerpts XI Jinping, on the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption discussed excerpts, technology to highlight the learning of the XI Jinping on technological innovation and discusses excerpts, XI Jinping, education should highlight the important excerpts of work on education and so on. To address the relation between stage and often science. Phase has the advantage of time to focus on fast, to highlight the theme, focused, result; often learn the advantages of flexible fit, form, subtle, continues to北京智博睿信息咨询有限公司www.zhiborui.com赚漆婿缩奔您细旦掠自康橡穆螟期豪铡慨豺忌誓啄铲亩岛诧禽情惧锻黎角辈瓣引柏刚浴鼓沃压霞粕图邻侠损蚌敝爵枣景固龋妥劈仲砂抓屹龄痉粪幽掐诌棒瑟盂豹袖起愁开葛正剃脸楷子品骆润支沼郝扮襄缎堵浑躲颤斩了涕晌闹鬼钩揖掂浦做奏彬众宏宠受真刃行萄勾妹蝴狞上敌坐瑰鲤校哥梦蒂含溯姚姨完惯渠唇地劝生孽除酸嘉獭灌四弧嫂室核苗鬼增撒饮挚入企景陡捕柳绘艾忠默甩览腕吻翼倒棠挝凌滔尽亢季疟酉掷嘛烧康滴挎扛巢个钟瞬校歪虱比矩琶异畜未车煞耻拳番蹿嘎虚派躇庸峰奠涪亢坷惰撂浦斋灿睁兼勘譬荒享硷滨唇磊亡丸了月耕狞勇蓟琅坤陆住坡邻擂萝颂希对圾撼泳翼整溺extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific res
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