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人教PEP (三起)小学三年级英语下册单元试卷六二n五六七八九q分统分人符分本试卷测试时间为60分钟,满分为100分,其中听力部分占40分,笔试部分占60分。注意:第五大题为选做题,可选做一题。Parti Listening (听力部分,共 40 分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词,每个单词读两遍每小2分,共10分)()1.A.TB.PCD()2. A. liveB. fifteenC. fine()3. A. twelveB. tenC. eight()4. A. eighteenB. seventeenC. sixteen()5. A. 19B. 20C. 12二、听录音.选出你所听到的句子。每个句于读三ig.(每小戒2分,共10分)()1. A. I have 19 crayons.B. I have 16 crayons.()2. A. I sec fifteen cals.B. I see seventeen chairs.()3. A. He is my father.B. He is my broiher.()4. A. 1 like apples. 1 don t like pears.B. 1 like apples. 1 don* t like grapes.()5. A. How many cals do you see?B. How many bags do you see?三、听句子.将句子前的序号埴在相应图片下方的括号里。每个句子读三遍,(每小题 2分,共10分)四、听录音,选出你所听到的句子的正确答语,并将其序号填入题前括号里,每个句 于读三遍。(每小2分.共10分()1. A. I sec 5.B. 1 see red.C. Nice to see you.()2. A. No ,hc isn*B. He* $ my father.C. She is my mother.()3. A. 1 see two books.B. h* $ in your desk.C. Here you a代.()4. A. Yes. I de.B. Me. neither.C. Me too.()5. A.l have 18.B. 1 see 12 cats.C. I have 15 pencils.Part IIWriting (笔试部分,共60分)五、看图,选单词.将所选单词抄在四竣三格上.(每小题1分,共10分)desktwentygrandmathirteennineteenstrawberrymapsixteenchairfifteen五、(选做话在四线三格中按宇母表顺序/写26个字母的大小舄形式,(10分.错一个 扣1分.扣完为止)六 读一读,选出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项.每小换2分,共10分))1. handA.ChinaB. cat)2. milkA. big)3. bqxA. cfikeB. fjneB. orange)4. underA. duckB. pupil()5. tenA. she七、英汉互译。(每小题1分,共10分)B. leg1. fourteen2.西 It3.bcauiiful4.+A5.kitc6.十二7.seven(een9.clcvcn八、请选出每组中不属于同一类别的伺, 距1分,共5分)().帽子把它前面的字母绢号填在迎前括号(每小()1. A. chairB. eighteenC. desk()2. A.manB. mapC. woman()3. A. tallB. twentyC. twelve()4. A. fatB. fourteenC. fifteen()5. A. (hirteenB. barumaC.eleven九、清在第II栏中找出与第I栏中句子相对应的答语,把其字母编号填到短小题蔺面 的括号中.(每小18 2分,共20分))I. How many birds do you see?)2. How many oranges do you have?)3. Look at the kites!)4. Do you like watermelons ?)5. How old arc you ?I)6. How many crayons do you have?)7. How many kites do you see?)8. Where is my book?)9. Where are you ffxm?)10. Is she your teacher?+、情景交际。(每小散1分,共5分()I.当你0旺12只鸟时.你诃以说:_A.How many birds do you %ec?()2你不喜瓶橙了.你可以说:A.I like oranges.()3.你!的道有多少支蜡笔.你诃以说:A.I luive nuiiy crayons.()4.你也知道3在瑞坦,保可以设:_/X,Where is my book?A. Wow, so beautiful?B. Yes I do.C. I see 14.D. T m thirteen.E. I have 12IIF. h* s on (he desk.G 1 have 6.H. I see 18.I. Yes, she is.J. I* in from China.B. I see twelve birds.B.l dont like oranges.B. many crayon% du ycxi huve?B. Is i( your book?5.你您知iii那个女人始不姓萨拉的妈妈.他可能呵答说: A.ls she your nwlhef?B.No.she isnt.
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