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专攻解题方法与技巧时文阅读3篇时文阅读:100节车厢!世界最长客运列车诞生据报道,瑞士雷蒂亚铁路公司近日开发出了一列由100节车厢组成、长约两千米的超长火车。经吉尼斯世界纪录认证,这是全球最长的窄轨客运列车。这列火车于10月29日从海拔1749米的普雷达出发,穿越瑞士境内最著名的朗德瓦萨高架桥后,一路开到贝尔金,完成了其首次的正式旅程。长长的红色列车行驶在位于瑞士阿尔卑斯山区的雷蒂亚铁路网上,与沿途风景相得益彰,吸引了不少火车迷和观光客乘车体验。阅读短文并回答问题High in the Swiss Alps, St Moritz made its name as a place for pushing the boundaries of winter sports. Recently, the region continued its long tradition of expanding the limits of what is possible with a world record attempt not on snow or ice, but on rails. To mark the 175th anniversary of Switzerlands first railway, a railway company created the worlds longest passenger train 100 cars, 2,990 tonnes and almost two kilometers long. Formed of 25 new electric trains, the record-breaking 1,906-meter train took almost an hour to cover around 25 kilometers over the impressive UNESCO World Heritage Albula Line, which is famous for its endless swooping curves and steep inclines(斜坡). The mountain railways are regarded as great feats of engineering. The 62-kilometer line between Thusis and St Moritz, a world-renowned masterpiece of civil engineering, took just five years to build despite requiring 55 bridges and 39 tunnels.Unlike most Swiss and European railways, which use the standard gauge(标准轨距)between the rails of 1.435 meters, the rails, known as Rhaetische Bahn rails, are just one meter apart. “In order to complete the trains journey successfully, everything has to be perfect. We need to be 100% synchronized(同步的), every second. Everyone has to keep their speed and other systems under control at all times,” lead driver Andreas Kramer said. “We need to know the Albula Line very well, every change of gradient, and every incline.”The mountainous Swiss landscape has encouraged creative transportation solutions for generations, resulting in one of the most train-reliant nations in the world. On average, Swiss citizens travel about 2,450 kilometers by train annually an estimated quarter of their total transportation system. In 2021, Swiss Federal Railways operated 11,260 trains carrying 880,000 passengers and 185,000 tonnes of goods per day on a 3,265 kilometer-long network with 804 stations. Therefore, the successful record attempt will be great for the local area and for the country as a whole.1. What is the worlds longest passenger train created for? A. Celebrating the 175th year of Swiss first railway. B. Satisfying peoples increasing demand for transportation. C. Encouraging people to pay attention to Swiss winter sports. D. Attracting more visitors to appreciate the beauty of St Moritz.2. What does the underlined word “feats” in paragraph 2 probably mean? A. Dreams. B. Burdens. C. Achievements. D. Competitions.3. What does Andreas Kramer think of the drivers work? A. It is boring. B. It is well-paid. C. It is dangerous. D. It is demanding.4. Why does the author mention the figures in the last paragraph? A. To show the popularity of tourism among Swiss citizens. B. To prove the significance of the successful record attempt. C. To stress the difficulty of constructing the worlds longest train. D. To present the trend of developing green transportation in Switzerland.答案:ACDB生词1. gradient n. 梯度;坡度2. train-reliant adj. 依赖火车的语块1. swooping curves 俯冲曲线2. civil engineering 土木工程3. on average 通常;平均知识拓展1. Alps 阿尔卑斯山脉位于欧洲中南部,覆盖了意大利北部、法国东南部、瑞士、列支敦士登、奥地利、德国南部及斯洛文尼亚。阿尔卑斯山脉自亚热带地中海海岸法国的尼斯附近向北延伸至日内瓦湖,然后再向东北伸展至多瑙河上的维也纳。2. Albula Line 阿尔布拉铁路是一条位于瑞士境内的单线米轨铁路,连接了瑞士南部格劳宾登州的图西斯和圣莫里茨。这条铁路于1898年开工建设,1904年完工,全长67公里,铁路沿线景色秀丽。2008年,阿尔布拉铁路因其在铁路工程上的造诣和人文价值而入选世界文化遗产。 时文阅读:中国传统制茶技艺申遗成功!2022年11月29日,我国申报的“中国传统制茶技艺及其相关习俗”项目,经联合国教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会评审通过,列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。此次申遗的成功对于进一步弘扬传播中国源远流长的茶文化,推动茶文化内涵式发展和立体化呈现意义非凡。截至目前,我国共有43个项目列入联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产名录、名册,居世界第一。阅读短文并回答问题Chinas traditional tea-making techniques and their associated social practices successfully became UNESCOs latest world intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产)on November 29, 2022. The list recognizes the knowledge, skills, and practices concerning management of tea plantations, picking of tea leaves, manual processing, and the drinking and sharing of tea.Chinese tea producers have developed six categories of tea green, yellow, dark, white, oolong and black. There are other varieties like flower-scented teas and more than 2,000 tea products. Because of changes that occurred over teas extremely long history, the tea-making process has become intricate today, including dozens of smaller steps. Tea makers face numerous challenges during the process. The core steps of tea-making process consist of enzyme inactivation, yellowing, piling, withering, leaf shaking and cooling, oxidation or fermentation and scenting. It even takes about half a month to complete the beginning processes and at least a whole month only to dry the tea.Speaking of the reasons why the application succeeded, UNESCO said that Chinas tea
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