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世纪金榜圆您梦想温馨提示:此套题为 Word版,请按住Ctrl ,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看 比例,答案解析附后。必修5 Un it 2I .单词拼写1. There was a(冲突)between the two sides; so they didn t reach anyagreeme nt.2. It s surprising that he阐明)this difficult sentence with a very simpleexpla nati on.3. We(完成)this difficult task ahead of time, which surprisedeverybody.4. She安排)all her bus in ess affairs before going on holiday.5. The book描写)the kindness of Helen an excellent woman.6. It is(不可能的)for John to give up; he has devoted so much to theexperime nt.7. 折叠)your clothes as flat as possible.8. The three coun tries found themselves 合的peacefully in stead of bywar.9. The castle stands on a hill, and the road to there is steep and粗糙的; 崎岖的).10. We propose to布置家具)our own house according to our own taste.世纪金榜 圆您梦想II .完成句子1. He pla nned to go climb ing after he. (have)工作完成后,他计划去爬山。2. With , the headteacher stood on the passage of the classroom,watching his girl students dancing over a chain of rubber bands with great interest. (fold)班主任两臂交叉地站在教室走廊里看着他的女学生们饶有兴趣地跳橡皮筋(舞)。3. was that I passed all my module tests. (delight)令我高兴的是我通过了单元测试。4. The computer systemas a result of the virus and we can donothing but wait. (break)微机系统因病毒而瘫痪了,我们只好等待着。5.1 d like to see you whenever. (convenient)在你方便的时候我会去看你。6. After we lear nt the text, every one in our class knew the fact that the UK. (consist)学了课文之后,我们班每个人都知道英国是由四个国家组成的这一事实。7. With , Jennifer continues to work on her second one.(accomplish)珍妮弗的第一个任务完成了,她接着忙第二个任务。8. I haveon Thursday. (arrange)世纪金榜 圆您梦想我已安排好一个窗户清洁工星期四来。9. of the audience? (attract)你怎样吸引观众的注意力?10. On his retur n from the office, he found his houseand all his moneywas stole n. (break)下班一回到家,他发现他的房间有人闯进过,钱被盗了。皿.多项选择1. 2012 天门模拟In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort topreve nt thein pers on ality.A. con tactB. con trastC. conn ecti onD. con flict2. 2012 黄冈模拟Da nny Ways jumpi ng over the Great Wall a ndhisown dream should be an in spirati on to the youth in China.A. un dertaki ngB. con duct ingC. performi ngD. accomplishi ng3. 2012 南京模拟 Canada is a countrymany different nationalities aswell as one with foreig n immigra ntsthe majority of its populati on.A. making up of; occupied withB. con sist ing of; making upC. made up of; consisting ofD. consisted of; taking up4. 2012 南通模拟 When electric cars become, we ll need to build more charg ing stati ons.世纪金榜圆您梦想A. availableB. accessibleC. attractiveD. alter native5. The computer systemsudde nly while he was search ing for in formatio non the Intern et.A. broke dow nB. broke outC. broke upD. broke in6. 2012济宁模拟If it is quiteto you, I will visit you next Tuesday.A . convenientB. fairC. easy7. The Summer OlympicsD. comfortableeve nts arefive categories.A.run;divided intoB.run;separated intoC.go;split intoD.go on; broke n into8.2012 忻州模拟Chris, pleasea meeting with Mr. Du for me thisfor about two weeks and the summer athleticeve ning who came back from Can ada yesterday.A. manB. orga nizeC. pla nD. arra nge9.,the bookseller gave him somethi ng else as a prese nt.A. To the boys delightB. To the boys surpris ingC. To the boys sadness世纪金榜A. let outC. leave outIV .阅读理解2012南昌模拟圆您梦想D. To make the boy s happy10. Here is a list of n ames of the guests to be in vited to the party. Pleased on tany of them whe n typing.B. make outD. put out(A)You re rushing to work and a man aheadyou collapses on the sidewalk. Do you stop to help? In a study of by-sta nders, it was found that some people avert their gaze and keep on walk ing rather tha n stop and get invo Ived.There is a tendency to decide that no action is needed. ” says apsychologist. “ The first thoughts that pop into your mi nd ofte n keep you from offeri ng help. In order to take acti on, you have to work aga inst them. Here are some com mon thoughts that might preve nt you from help ing. Why should I be the one? I m probably not the most compete nt 有能力 的)pers on in this crowd. You might thi nk some one older or with more medical kno wledge should offer assista nee. What if he does n t really n eed my help? The fear of embarrassme nt ispowerful; no one wan ts to risk looki ng foolish in front of others.世纪金榜 圆您梦想 No one else looks concerne this must not be a problem. We can follow the people around us, but most people tend to hold back their emoti ons in public.“ If you spot trouble and find yourself explaining inaction, force yourself to stop and evaluate the situatio n in stead of walki ng on, ” says the psychologist.“ Then retry to invoIve other people; you don t have to take on the entire responsibility of being helpful. Sometimes it s just a matter of turning to the person n ext to you and say in g, it looks like we shoul
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