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天津商务职业学院国际贸易实务专业2014届毕业设计题目:出口餐巾到沙特阿拉伯业务卷宗专业班级国贸实务1104班学 号姓 名指导教师2014 年 04 月 10 日天津商务职业学院国际贸易实务专业2014届毕业设计开题报告学生姓名专业班级国贸实务1104指导教师选题出口餐巾到沙特阿拉伯业务卷宗根据学院的教学计划安排,我已完成相应学分的修读,现申请进行毕业设计,具体思路如下:一、设计背景在校的三年中,我们主要学习了进出口贸易实务、国际市场开发、国际商务单证实务、国际商法、商务英语函电、国际贸易实务、进出口业务操作、进出口业务跟单、业务磋商与谈判、进出口单证实务、商务礼仪、行业英语等专业课程。通过这些课程的学习,我对国际贸易的前景和国际贸易的基本流程有了一个较新的认识,同时也意识到国际贸易的重要性,并掌握了网上开发国际市场、进出口业务操作、英文商务函电撰写、制作单据等相关的技能,为将来从事与国际贸易相关的工作打下一定的基础。二、卷宗基本内容1.业务背景撰写:出口商简介、进口商简介。2.产品基本信息:产品名称、规格、包装、商品税则相应说明等。3.合同洽商阶段:主要包括询盘、发盘、还盘、接受函的撰写。4.合同商定:外销合同、信用证。5.合同履约:包括主要结汇单据,如发票、装箱单、海运提单、产地证、汇票等。6.总结报告:出口环节的介绍及个人心得体会。三、毕业设计拟采用的方式Simtrade 软件提供的资料( )在外贸公司实习中搜集的资料( )通过网站搜集的资料( )四、时间安排12013年12月10日前,完成合格的业务背景和卷宗目录。22014年 01月10日前,完成合格的合同洽商模块卷宗。3. 2014年02 月10日前,完成合格的合同订立模块卷宗。42014年03月10日前,完成合格的合同履行模块卷宗。52014年03月18日前,撰写业务总结,完成毕业设计。指导教师意见: 毕业设计思路清晰、明确,选题具有实践意义,卷宗内容包括了出口业务相关文件,涵盖了主要环节,资料较完善,采用方式合理、可行。签名:日期:业务卷宗目录序号内容页码范围备注1毕业设计开题报告12业务卷宗目录231业务背景介绍3-441.1出口商介绍351.2进口商介绍462商品信息573合同洽商6-983.1询盘函693.2发盘函7103.3还盘函8113.4接受函9124合同制定10-12134.1售货合同10144.2信用证11-12155合同履行13-18165.1商业发票13175.2装箱单14185.3提单15195.4保险单16205.5原产地证明17215.6汇票1822毕业设计总结报告19-2123毕业设计指导过程记录表22-2324毕业设计指导教师评审表2425毕业设计答辩评审表2526毕业设计综合成绩评价表261.业务背景介绍1.1出口商介绍公司名称(中文):天津君悦国际贸易有限公司公司名称(英文):Tianjin Junyue International Trade Corp., Ltd地址(中文):天津市滨海新区红星路88号地址(英文):No.88 Red Star Road, Binhai New District Tianjin, China公司总经理:LILI电话:022-25804911 传真:022-25804952 邮 编:300452 E-mail: Junyuehotmail.com.cn 网 址:htttp:/www.junyue.com公司介绍:我公司成立于1975年,是一家专业的外贸公司。公司主要经营各类纺织用品,经营的产品质量好,价格优。公司产品主要销往亚洲、欧洲等地区。多年以来,公司以为客户提供质优价廉的产品为宗旨,在国内外的纺织品行业都有很高的声誉。欢迎广大顾客与我们合作!Our company was founded in 1975 , it is a professional foreign trade company. Our Company is mainly engaged in many kinds of textile products, products are in good quality and best price. Company products are mainly sold to Asia, Europe and other regions. Over the years, the company is committed to providing high quality and low price products to customers, so our company has a high reputation both at home and abroad. Welcome customers cooperate with us. 1.2进口商介绍公司名称:Riyadh Yiman International Trade Corp., Ltd公司地址:Po Box 4148, Olaya King Fahad Road, Riyadh 11491, Saudi Arabia注册资金:USD 600000.00企业法人:DALAL所属国家:SAUDI ARABIA电话:00-966-12732000 传真:00-966-12732001E-mail: yimanhotmail.com.cn网址:htttp:/www.yiman.com公司介绍:Riyadh Yiman Limited is a Professional company which Sales and Produce textile article. It was founded in 1990,we handling garment、bedding bag、napkin and so on. Company products are mainly sold to South America, Europe and other regions.Over the years, we are in accordance with reputation first, customer first principle, always put the customers interests first, wholeheartedly to offer each of our customers the best products and the best quality service. Welcome friends from all walks of life to come to visit, guidance and business negotiation. 2.商品信息产品编号:17006 HS编码:6302910020中文名称:餐巾 英文名称:NAPKIN产 地: 中国 所属类别:纺织用品销售单位:件 包装单位:纸箱毛 重:36KGS/CARTON 净 重:34.5KGS/CARTON 体 积:0.034CBM商品图片:产品实际的最新的税收情况:3.合同洽商阶段3.1询盘函To:Tianjin Junyue International Trade Corp., LtdFrom:Riyadh Yiman International Trade Corp., LtdDate:Sep 5th,2013Subject:EnquiryDear Ms LILI,We known your name and address from the website of www.alibaba.com and learned that your company handing in Textile Articles. We are very interested in your products.At present, we are in the market for Napkin. We shall be pleased to receive your samples and all necessary information regarding these goods. Please give us your best quotations for this item, with indications of packing, for date of shipment, CIF Riyadh.Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you. We will very glad to entering into direct business relations with you.Your early replay will be appreciated.Yours faithfully,Riyadh Yiman International Trade Corp., LtdDALAL3.2发盘函To:Riyadh Yiman International Trade Corp., LtdFrom:Tianjin Junyue International Trade Corp., LtdDate:Sep 6th,2013Subject:QuotationDear Ms DALAL,We are glad to note from your letter of Sep 5th,2013 ,you are desirous of entering into direct business relations with us. This happens to coincide with our desire. We have sent the samples to you. You asking us to told you all necessary information regarding Napkin and offer the Napkin for sh
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