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高中英语一轮复习教学案Book 8Unit2 Part I 课前自测重点单词 必记1_adj.古代的;古老的 2_n运动员;运动选手3_ adv.现今;现在 4_vt.& vi.收费;控诉n.费用;主管5_ vt.& vi.收费;控诉n.费用;主管6_ vi.讨价还价;讲条件n.便宜货 7_n光荣;荣誉 8_vi.& vt.应受;值得9_ v做广告;登广告_n广告10_ n没有希望的;绝望的_(反义词)有希望的11_ n责任;职责12_ n体操;体能训练_ n体育馆;健身房13_ vi.比赛;竞争_ n比赛;竞赛14_ n志愿者;志愿兵adj.志愿的;义务的vt.& vi.自愿15.容许,承认_高频短语必背1_参加;参与 2_代表;象征;表示3_又;也 4_主管;看管5_陆续地;一个接一个地 6_ 过去常常7. 与讨价还价 _8. 拾起;搭载,偶然学到_9.与比赛_10. .改变主意_11. 事实上_12. 听说_ 13.即将做_ 14.在中起作用_15.定期地,有规律地_16每四年 _Part II 重点突破考点精讲典型例句/题1. compete vi.竞争;比赛1) compete in参加(比赛,竞争)2) compete with/against sb.和某人对抗3) compete for sth.为了而竞争4) compete with sb./sth.与媲美,比得上5) competition n比赛6) competitive adj.有竞争力的7)competitor n比赛者;对手用compete的适当形式填空As the youngest_,I had to_ in the writing contest against 20 other top students for the annual writing award. I must be very_ to be the winner.作为最年轻的比赛者,我必须和另外20个顶尖的学生在写作比赛中去竞争以争得这场年度的写作奖。要成为获胜者,我必须有很强的竞争力。2.admit vt.& vi.容许;承认;接纳;容纳 1) admit doing /having done /that.承认做 2)admit sb. to准许入学 3)be admitted as 作为.被接纳4) admission n进入;许可;入场券;承认1) He admitted _without a driving license. 他承认无证驾驶。2)I am excited to tell you that I_(被北京大学录取)Beijing University.。3.charge vt.& vi.收费;控诉电n费用;主管1) charge sb money for sth 为某东西向某人索要多少钱2) charge sb. with (doing) sth. 使某人承担责任;控告3) free of charge 免费 4) sb. take charge of sth. _5) be in charge of sth _6) be in the charge of sb._1)How much do you _(索价)mending a pair of shoes?2)Will you be _(负责) the company when I am away?3)The company is _(由负责)Tom when the boss is away. 5)He _(被指控) murder. 4.bargain vi.讨价还价;谈判 n. 成交的商品;廉价货1)bargain with sb. about/ over/ for sth.某人协商某事2)Its a bargin.这可是便宜货。1)These shoes are_(便宜货) at such a low price.2)We _ her _ the price. 我们跟她议价。5.stand for代表;象征;倡导,支持;容忍,接受 stand sth./doing sth.忍受(做)某事stand by站在旁边袖手旁观stand out突出;显眼;杰出1)Pine trees_(代表)courage and strength. 2)我不会容忍把我当孩子对待。I wont_like a child.3)Her bright clothes always make her_in a crowd.6as well 也;又;还1) as well/ too/ also/either辨析_2) as well as +名词 放在主语之后,谓语动词用_数。1)Im going to London and my sisters going _(也)2)He as well as his wife _(be) invited to the party.7.deserve vi & vt.应受(报答或惩罚);值得1)deserve consideration / attention值得考虑/注意2) deserve to do应该做3)deserve doing/to be done应该/值得(被)做1)They deserved_(奖赏).2)They didnt deserve _(赢)8.used to“过去常常”,1)used to do其否定和疑问形式,使用 _,也可以借_。2) be used to doing_3) be used to do _1)Your father used to drink a lot, _he?2)The man _ (习惯于住)in the countryside. Wood can3) _make paper.(木头可用于造纸)9.nor/neither系动词/助动词/情态动词另一个主语”1)“neither/nor/so系动词(情态动词或助动词)主语”表示前面的情况也适用于后者,so用于肯定场合,neither/nor用于否定场合。2)如果前句有两个分句,谓语部分不同,或者既有肯定又有否定,要用so it is with.或Its the same with.句型。1)He isnt a doctor,and_(他哥哥也不是)。2)If you go to school early tomorrow,_(我也早去).3)Mary was born in Australia and she lived in the United States._(Jane也是).10.what引导名词性从句what引名词性从句,在意义上译法非常灵活,它可以指“的东西”“的人”“的时间”“的地点”等;在句中可以作主语、宾语、表语我们生活在所谓的信息时代。We live in_the Information Age.时间是我们所需要的东西。Time is_.他所缺乏的是信心。_is confidence.Part III课后自测单项选择1.The students competed_the honor of winning _each other_the school sports meet.A for,against,in B for,with,against C.against,for,at D.about,in,with2. My doctor, who is kept _ the nurse, has _ ill since last week.Ain the charge of; fallen Bin charge of; beenCin the charge of; been Dtake charge of; fallen3. He certainly deserves _ to prison.Ato send Bto be sent Csending Dbeing sent4. Children under six are not _ to school except those of extraordinary intelligence.Apermitted Badmitted Caccepted Dreceived5. The father as well as his children _ skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter.Ais going Bgo Cgoes Dare going6.The house rent is expensive. Ive got about half the space I had at home and Im paying _here.Aas three times much Bas much three timesCmuch as three times Dthree times as much7.You forgot your purse when you went out. Good heavens, _.Aso did I Bso I did
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