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2010年中考英语一模完形填空题型汇编1. 松江:C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文): (14分) Everyone needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh and do things with. Surely, there are times when we need to be alone. We dont always want people around. But we would feel 85 if we never had a friend. No two people are 86 . Sometimes friends dont get along well. That doesnt mean that they no more like each other. Most of the time they will go on being friends. Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very sad. We miss them very much. But we can 87 them up and write to them. Maybe we would never see them again. And we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out 88 we like new people until we get to know them. Families sometimes name their children after a close friend. Many places are named after men and women, if they are 89 people in a town. Some libraries are named this way. 90 are some schools. We think of these people and then we go to these places.Theres more good news for people, if they have friends. These people live longer than those people who dont have friends. 91 ? It could be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares. If someone cares about you, you take better care of yourself.85. A) alone B) lonely C) happy D) friendly86. A) different B) kind C) the same D) safe87. A) ring B) come C) get D) bring88. A) how many B) how often C) how much D) how soon89. A) afraid of B) interested inC) harmful to D) friendly to90. A) So B) And C) These D) Neither91. A) When B) Who C) What D) Why2. 嘉定: C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(14分)From the first day that men began to study numbers in daily life, some numbers have been thought to be lucky, while others are considered unlucky. And its not just Western culture that has done this. Cultures in Japan, China, India, and Africa have done the same thing, but for different reasons. Lets take a look at some commonly known lucky and unlucky numbers to see why they are loved or hated.7Everyone knows that “7” is lucky. But _85_? The root of most lucky numbers can be found in religion. God, for example, is said to have created the world in 7 days. Until the 1800s, there were seven known planets in the solar system(太阳系). Seven is even the usual number of spots on a ladybug(瓢虫)and ladybugs are considered good luck themselves.4This number means bad luck in Asia. For example, the _86_ of “4” in Chinese is very similar to the word “death.” And because of this, “4” has been considered bad luck in China.666“666” is an _87_ number. It is extremely bad luck in Western culture but very good luck in many Asian countries._88_ the Christian Bible(圣经), the number 666 means Satan(撒旦,魔鬼). It might be the most avoided number in Western culture. For example, there used to be US Highway 666 in New Mexico, but in 2003 it was changed to US Highway 491 because the government was afraid that the number would scare tourists away. Another example is that Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States, changed the _89_ 666 St. Cloud Road, Bel Air to 668 St. Cloud Road, Bel Air before moving in.But in Asia, people love “666” because it _90_ “things going smoothly,” and is considered to be very lucky.13People all over the world dont like “13.” Its difficult for you to find a building with a 13th floor in North America. Friday the 13th is considered a very bad day.2In many Asian countries, “2” is good luck. It is thought that good things come in pairs, which is a phrase that _91_ appears in Western culture.8Maybe no people in the world are more fascinated about the number “8” than the Chinese. A recent report said that the phone number 8888-8888 was sold for over $200,000 in China.85. A. when B. how C. why D. where86. A. meaning B. pronunciation C. spelling D. writing87. A. different B. boring C. difficult D. interesting88. A. Because of B. According to C. Thanks to D. With the help of89. A. address B. road C. phone number D. location90. A. sounds like B. looks like C. feels like D. seems like91. A. never B. still C. even D. only3. 奉贤CChoose the words or expressions and complete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(共14分)When I was about 12 years old, I had an enemy, a girl who liked to tell me about my weak points. Week by week her list became _85_: I was very short, and I wasnt a good student, I talked too much, and so on. I tried to stand all of these as long as I could. Finally, I became v
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