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本科生毕业设计(论文)(2013届)设计(论文)题目 The Application of Body Language in Rural Primary School English Teaching 作 者 分 院 外国语言文化分院 专 业 班 级 英语0906 指导教师(职称) 论 文 字 数 论文完成时间 2013年2月1日 The Application of Body Language in Rural Primary School English TeachingA thesis submitted toSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesQianjiang CollegeHangzhou Normal Universityin partial fulfillment of the requirementfor the degree of Bachelor of ArtsUnder the Supervision ofCao, XiaomingSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesQianjiang CollegeHangzhou Normal UniversityFebruary 1, 2013AbstractThis paper mainly focuses on the research of the application of body language in rural primary school English teaching with the methods of questionnaire and analytic method. It aims to find out the current situation of body language in English teaching in rural primary school, subsequently put forward some corresponding measures and strategies to improve the teachers competence of body language applying and gradually inspire students learning interest and efficiency. From the research results, we see that all students like teachers having classes with body language, and the teachers also admitted that the application of body language in rural primary school English teaching is a more efficient way. Key words:body language; English teaching; rural primary school内容摘要本文使用了文献法,问卷调查法和分析法来研究农村小学英语教学中肢体语言的应用问题,旨在发现肢体语言在农村小学英语教学中的应用现状,并提出相应的措施来进一步提高教师的肢体语言使用能力,进而激发学生学习兴趣,提高学习效率。经调查研究表明,所有的学生都喜欢老师讲课时带点肢体语言,而且老师也承认在农村小学英语教学时,应用肢体语言是一个更有效地方法。关键词:肢体语言;英语教学;农村小学Contents1. Introduction12. Relevant Theories on Body Language22.1 Speech act theory in body language22.2 Multiple intelligences theory in body language33. Current Situation of English Teaching in Rural Primary School44.Methodology64.1 Research questions64.2 Subjects64.3 Instruments64.4 Data collection74.5 Data analysis75. The Application of Body Language in Rural Primary School English Teaching85.1 Stirring students interest with facial expression and posture85.2 Expressing better with gesture95.3 Understanding students better with cooperative eye contact and body touch105.4 Focusing students attention with gesture and eye contact115.5 Transforming abstract to concrete with postures and gestures126. Conclusion13References14Acknowledgments16Appendix171. IntroductionHuman communication consists of verbal communication and nonverbal communication. Many investigations have shown that the information passed by verbal communication is only 35% and the rest part of it is delivered through a non-verbal communication. Also Linguist David Abercrombie points out that “we speak with vocal, but we talked with the entire body” (Zhan, 2010). In addition, Terence Hawkes also pointed out that “No one is only talking. Any speech acts are included the information transferred through the gestures, posture, facial expressions, eyes, body contact and other such languages to complete”. From that we can clearly see the non-verbal communication plays an important role in human communication, especially in English teaching.Body language is a significant form of non-verbal communication and plays an irreplaceable role by non-verbal patterns in English teaching. It is an effective teaching way that teachers use their body movements to teach and express themselves such as gestures, eye contact, facial expressions and postures.However, what is the definition of body language? There are many kinds of definitions from experts. Some scholars hold the view that body language is a language without words, and others give a similar statement that body language indicates all communicative symbols except oral speech. Samover (1981) have made some attempts on more specific definition about body language like this: Body language is the socially, biologically, psychologically or culturally framed exchange of valuable messages which are not verbally spoken out but conveyed by the body, gesture, symbols or relevant context and surrounding environment etc.Generally speaking, body language refers to a non-verbal pattern conveying information through facial expressions, gestures, actions. People can use body language to help them express more easily and understood. Sometimes it is more specific, richer and more moving than spoken language.The paper gives a brief introduction about the body language, presents a complete English class and shows the theories of English teaching. The main contents of the paper include: the current situation of English teaching in rural primary school, methodology, the application of b
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