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涟水金城外国语学校2012-2013学年高二下学期期初检测英语试题第I卷(选择题)一、单项选择1So difficult _ it to work with him in the same company that I determined to find another job. A. I have felt B. have I felt C. I did feel D. did I feel2He was seen _ a letter in his bed room.A. write B. to write C. written D. wrote3 What an amazing film! Its the most interesting film Ive ever seen. But Im sure it wont interest _. somebodyB. anybodyC. nobodyD. everybody 4-Why ? Wheres the key to the meeting room? -Dear me! You _it in the taxi!had never left B.didnt leave C.never left D.havent left 5-We havent been to Hangzhou for ages. -No, I dont remember how many years ago _ I last visited it. A. it was that B. was it that C. it was when D. was it when6I_ to the see the film Alice in Wonderland last night but for the fact that I was busy preparing for the English exam. A. must have gone B. must go C. might have gone D. might go7Heroes _ their life _ becoming the best they can be, whether it is President of the United States, a mother, or a firefighter. A. preventfrom B. devoteto C. preferto D. sufferfrom8The man should be excused because he caused the damage _A. deliberatelyB. unintentionallyC. meaningfullyD. determinedly9Share prices on the Stock Exchange fell sharply in the morning but _ slightly in the afternoon.Arestored Brecovered Cregained Dremained10 Do you want another drink? _.A.I dont think so. B. No wayC. Not at allD. I wouldnt say no 11Through so much trouble,he learned _ everyone needed friendship and _self confidence is important.A. that;/ B./;/ C. that;that D./;what12I felt greathy honoured into their society.A.to welcome B.welcoming C.to be welcomed D.welcomed13从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出所给单词的正确读音,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。1. houseA. ground B. countryC. groupD. cough2. handkerchiefA. thinkB. dangerousC. husbandD. handbag3. soft A. tongueB. consider C. combD. geography4. bambooA. looseB. bloodC. understoodD. wooden5. breatheA. thickB. southernC. mathematicsD. method14 Mom, I cant see any point in working hard at all the subjects at school. Come on, dear. Years of hard work will surely _ in the future of your career. A. make sure B. pay off C. bring back D. pay back 二、完型填空It was just getting dark. There was a touch of fog and I was on a lonely stretch of road. 1I was going along cheerfully, thinking about the dinner I would eat when I got to Salistury.I was going along 2 at about thirty-five miles an hour when suddenly I heard a scream, a 3 scream- “ Help! ” I looked round, but the only 4 of life was a large, black, rather suspicious-looking car just 5 a bend in the road about a hundred yards away. That was where the cry had come from. I 6 speed and went after it. I think the driver saw what I was doing, for he did the same and began to draw 7 me. As I drew near, the girls voice came again, a lovely voice but trembling with 8 .“Let me go, you coward; youre hurting me. Oh ! Oh ! ”I felt my 9 boil. The fog was coming down 10 now, and the countryside was lonelier. I had no 11 that the murderous guy in the car noticed this. Again came a cry.“Drop that knife, you fool. Oh ! ” Then a cry and a groan(呻吟). If I was to save her, it was now or 12 . Perhaps even now I was too late. But if I couldnt save the girl, I would at least try to bring the murderer to 13 . The car was only a couple of yards away now. I drove the bike right across its 14 , and its brakes screamed as the driver tried to pull it over and 15 into the ditch(沟)at the side of the road. The door of the car was pushed open angrily and a dark, evil-looking fellow stepped out .“You fool!” he shouted as he came towards me with his fist raised to hit me. But I was 16 than he. I put all I could into 17 that would have knocked out Joe Louis. It 18 him right on the point of the chin; his 19 slowly bent under him, and he dropped to the ground without a sound. I rushed to the car, 20 open the door and looked inside. There was no girl there. Suddenly from the back of the car came a voice.“You have been listening to a radio play, Murder in Hollywood, with Mae Garbo and Clark Taylor. The news will follow immediately . ”1. A. AndB. ThoughC. ThereforeD. But2. A. quietlyB. quicklyC. carefullyD. nervously3. A. boysB. mansC. womansD. drivers4. A. personB. signC. soundD. form5. A. turningB. crossingC. goingD. driving6. A. slowed downB. put onC. added toD. took up7. A. right behindB. close toC. away from
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