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14. Rumors began to circulate about his financialproblems.expire soon.第1部分:词汇选项(第1-15题,每题 1分,共15分)A. shortenB. endC. startD. resume1.The rules are too rigidto allowfor huma neerror.A.in flexibleB.gen eralC.complex2.This species has n earlydied outbecause itshabitat isA.turned deadB.passed byC.carried下面每个句子中均有1个词或者短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。D. directbeing destroyed.awayD. become exti net3. The con tract betwee n the two eompa nies willA. rejectedB. submittedC. consideredD. approved4. Three world-class tennis players came to contend for宀this title.A.argueB. claimC. wishD.compete5.The methodsof com muni catio nused duri ng the war were primitive.A.simpleB. reliableC. effectiveD.alter native6.Respect for lifeisa card inal prin cipleof the law.A.moralB. regularC. fun dame ntalD.hard7.The drinkingwater has become contaminatedwith lead.A.pollutedB. treatedC. testedD.corrupted8.Come out, orI llbust the doordow n.A.shutB. setC. breakD.beat9.She shed a fewtears at her daughterweddings.A.wipedB. injectedC. producedD.removed10.They didn spwwi 1 ii iujjieu ii u iiiiiuukzot the problem.A.existe neeB. importa neeC. causeD.situati on11.The tower remai ns in tact eve n after two hun dred years.A.unknownB. unu sualC. un damagedD.un stable12.Many expertsremainskeptical abouthis claims.A.doubtfulB. un touchedC. certa inD.sile nt13. The proposal wasendorsed by the majority of members.A. send15. The police willA. nakedB. spreadC. hearD. confirmn eed to keep a wary eye on this area of tow n.B. cautiousC. bli ndD. private2013年职称英语真题理工(A)词汇题的答案:1. A :in flexible2. D: become extinct3. B: end4. D: compete5. A : simple6. C: fun dame ntal7. A: polluted8. C: break9. C: produce10. B : importanee11. C: undamaged12. A : doubtful13. D : approved14. B : spread15. B : cautious第2部分:阅读判断下面的短文后列出了(第1622题,每题 1分,共7分)7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断;如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。New Un dersta nding of NaturalSilk MysteriesNatural silk, as we all know,has a stre ngth that man-made materials have longto match. In a discovery thatsounds more like an an cie nt Chin ese proverbls scie nee breakthrough,MIT researchers have discovered that silk gets itsstruggled than a materia strength from its weak ness. Or, more specifically,its many weak nesses. Silkgets its extraordinary durability and ductility(柔韧性)from an unusual arrangement ofhydroge n bondsthat are intrinsiflexible structure.cally very weak but that work together to create a strong,Most materials especially the ones we engin eer for stre ngth get their tough ness from brittle ness. As such, n atural silks like those produced by spiders have long fasc in ated both biologists and engineers because of their light weight, ductility and high strength (poundfor pound, silk is stro nger tha n steel and far less brittle). But on its face, it does nt seem thatsilks should be as stro ng as they are; molecularly, they are held together by hydrog en bon ds, which are far weaker tha n the covale nt ( 共价的 )bonds found in other molecules.To get a better un dersta nding of how silk man ages to producesuch stre ngth throughsuchweak bon ds, the MIT team created a set of computer modelsthat allowed them to observe the way silk behaves at theatomic level. They found that the arrangement of the tinysilk nano crystals ( 纳米晶体 )is such that the hydroge nbonds are able to work cooperatively, reinforcing one another againstexternal forces and failing slowly when they do fail, so as not so allow a sudde n fractureto spread across a silk structure.The result is n atural silks that can stretch and bend while retai ning a high degree of stre n gth.But while thats all well and good for spiders, bees and the like, this un dersta nding o f silkgeometry could lead to new materials that are stro nger and more ductile tha n those we cancurre ntly manu facture. Our best and stro ngest materials are gen erally expe nsive a nd difficult toproduce (requiri ng high temperature treatme nts or en ergy-inten sive processes).By looking to silk as a model, researchers could hods that relyon in expe nsive materials and weakg materialsthat are non etheless stron gertha nght you were going to get out of this materials n nanotubes (纳米碳管),think again.TheMITpote ntially devise newmanu facturi ngmetbonds to create less rigid, more forgivinanything currently on offer.And if you thouscie nee story without heari ngabout carboteam is already in the lablooking into ways of syn thesiz ing silk-likestructures outof materials that are stron ger t
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