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1. come up with 想出 2. consist of 由.组成3. save information 储存信息4. go down 下降5. from that moment on 从那时起6. work as 以身份7. click on 点击8. access to .的通路;接近.的机会 利用.的权利9. have/get/obtain access to 得以接近/进入;拥有 或得到的权利/机会10. be accessible to 易接近的;可能进的11. design sth. for sb./sth. 为.设计.12. a design for sth. .的设计图13. be designed for/as/to do. 为.制造/设计的14. by design 故意地15. without permission 未经许可16. ask for permission 请求许可17. permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事18. Permit doing sth. 允许做某事19. consist of=be made of =be composed of 由组成20. consist with 和.一致;符合21. consist in 要点(特征)在于.;以.为主要特征22. as well as 同一样好;既.又.23. may/might as well 只好.,不妨24. at any moment 在任何时候25. for the moment 当前,暂时26. for a moment 片刻,一会儿27. In a moment 一会儿,立刻28. from that moment on 从那时起29. come up 被提出30. come out ( 太阳、月亮或星辰)出现,显现; 开花;出版,发表31. come across 偶然遇到,碰见32. come about 发生33. take out 减去;除去34. a series of 一系列35. give sb. a call 给某人打电话36. talk on a mobile phone 使用手机交谈37. concentrate on sth. 全神贯注,专心致志于38. concentrate ones /effort/attention on 集中思想/精力/注意力于.39. Concentrate oneself on 集中精力于40. at a disadvantage 处于不利地位41. to ones disadvantage 对某人不利42. have /gain an advantage over 胜过;优于43. take(full)advantage of (充分)利用44. average of 平均为45. on average 平均算起来46. above average 在平均水平以上47. below average 在平均水平以下48. agree with 同意,赞成;于一致;(气候、食物)适合49. agree to +名/代 “同意,赞同(计划、建议等)”agree to + do sth. “同意/答应做某事”50. agree on “就.取得一致意见;对.达成协议”,主语通常 是协议双方51. compare A with B 把A 和B 加以比较52. compare A to B 把A 比作B 53. take off 脱掉(衣服);(飞机)起飞;请假休息54. take over 接管55. take up 占据;从事56. take in 欺骗;吸收;理解57. take on 呈现;承担;从事58. Berners-Lee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet, notJust universities and the army.贝尔纳斯. 李德人人使用因特网成为可能,而不仅仅是大学和军队。59. He designed the fist “Web browser”,which allowed computer users to access documents from other computer.他设计出了第一个“网络浏览器” ,这使得电脑用户可以从其他电脑上读取文件。60. Our English teacher is excellent, but she cant help everyone in the class in the class in 50 minutes.我们的英语老师非常优秀,但她不能在50分钟内帮助班里的每一个人。61. Talking on a mobile phone is expensive ,so a lot of people send text messages.用手机谈话很贵,所以很多人发送文本信息。
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