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Unit 1 Literature Prepare Yourself Do you know ?communication satellite 通讯卫星mobile telephony 移动通讯intelligent robot 智能机器人clone 克隆telecommunications 远程通讯How do you say it ?文学 literature科幻小说 science fiction空间旅行 space traveling外星人 alien人类社会 human society高技术 high-technology信息时代 information age信息产业 information industryMake up a sentenceIt took 100 years before the moon landings predicted by the French writer Jules Verne actually took place.法国科幻小说家Jules Verne预言的人类登月,整整用了100年才变成现实。Text 1 Whats the Big Idea?Imagination is more important than knoeledge.Word Glossarysponsor 英spns 美spnsn. 赞助者;主办者;保证人vt. 赞助;发起prominent 英prmnnt美prmnntadj. 突出的,显著的;杰出的;卓越的fiction 英fk()n美fknn. 小说;虚构,编造;谎言hostile 英hstal美hstladj. 敌对的,敌方的;怀敌意的n. 敌对frivolous 英frv()ls美frvlsadj. 无聊的;轻佻的;琐碎的mutual 英mjutl; -tjl美mjutuladj. 共同的;相互的,彼此的suspicion 英ssp()n美sspnn. 怀疑;嫌疑;疑心;一点儿vt. 怀疑speculation 英,spekjlen美,spkjulenn. 投机;推测;思索;投机买卖remarkably 英rima:kbliadv. 显著地;非常地;引人注目地robotic 美robtkadj. 机器人的,像机器人的;自动的n. 机器人学telephony 英tlef()n美tlfnin. 电话(学);电话制造predict 英prdkt美prdkt想vt. 预报,预言;预知vi. 作出预言;作预料,作预报alien 英eln美elnadj. 外国的;相异的,性质不同的;不相容的n. 外国人,外侨;外星人vt. 让渡,转让emerge 英md美mdvi. 浮现;摆脱;暴露vision 英v()n美vnn. 视力;美景;眼力;幻象;想象力vt. 想象;显现;梦见dominate 英dmnet美dmnetvt. 控制;支配;占优势;在中占主要地位vi. 占优势;处于支配地位Expressions and Phrasesin reality 实际上;事实上call for 要求;需要;提倡;邀请;为叫喊in the middle of 在中间deal with 处理;涉及;做生意in search of 寻找;搜寻play a role in 在起作用Notes“He backs a company which produces intelligent robots, capable of learning new tasks from their environment.”他主办了一家公司,主要生产智能机器人,这种机器人能够根据它所处环境而学习处理各种任务。本句中capable of learning new tasks from their environment做定语修饰intelligent robots,起补充说明的作用。SECTION B.Vocabulary studyA. Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the right word or expression fron the box and make changes where necessary.predict reveal dominate in search of play a major role in预料 揭露 支配、占主导作用 搜寻 在方面起主要作用call for in reality speculation a wide range of respect号召 实际上 推测 广泛的 尊重1、They got there in the late afternoon and went around in search of a place to stay. 他们在下午晚些时候到达那里并四处寻找栖身之地。2、The astronomers were questioned on a wide range of subjects from physics to psychology. 宇航员被问到广泛的问题,从物理学到心理学。3、As people spend more time watching TV and reading the newspapers, the media plays a major role in influencing their opinions. 注意复数加s因为人们花大量的时间看电视、看报纸,媒体在影响他们的观点上发挥了主要作用。4、There was a strange silence about what was happening, but the details of the murder were finally revealed by the local paper. 人们对于关于当时发生的事情表现出奇怪的沉默,但是谋杀的细节最终被当地报纸揭露出来。5、After another round of negotiations, they finally signed a declaration calling for an immediate ceasefire. 经过又一轮谈判之后,他们终于签署了号召立即停火的宣言。6、Xiao Ling always seems so self-confident, but in reality she is extremely shy. 小玲看起来总是很自信,但实际上她十分害羞。7、I have to admit that she is very nice as a hostess, but she dose tend to dominate the conversation. 我不得不承认她是个非常好的主持人,但她确实试图在整个谈话中占主导作用。8、Out of respect for the whishes of her family, the accident was not reported in the local media. 为了尊重她家人的愿望,这个事故没有在当地媒体中报道。9、The companys expansion was predicted on the assumption that sales would rise.曾经有人预料假设销售量上升这家公司就会扩张。10、Any suggestion of an imminent crash in stock market is pure speculation . 股票市场即将崩溃的任何建议都纯粹是推测。B. Choose the appropriate word for each sentence ,using the proper form.culture / cultural1. The students attended a class entitled “Beyond Tradition ”,in which they discussed the effect of technology on traditional culture . 学生们上了一堂名为“超越传统”的课,课上他们讨论了技术对传统文化的影响。2. China has a vast territory and abundant resources .She is a large country with a long history and a rich cultural heritage . 形容词,后加名词中国领土宽广,资源丰富。她是一个历史悠久文化遗产丰厚的大国。sponsored/sponsoring 赞助、资助 第一个是动词/ 现在分词+名称3. At the conference , the minister accused the organization of sponsoring terrorism . 会上,部长指控该组织资助恐怖主义。 介词后面要加ing 变成动名词4. The research program is sponsored by a large computer company. 该研究项目由一个大计算机公司赞助。 表示被赞助complication/complexity 复杂/复杂性5. The drop in student numbers added further complication to the situation. 学生数量的减少使得情况更加复杂。6. Now he was getting a lesson in the complexity of diesel engines. 词组现在,他从柴油发动机的复杂性中得到了教训。dominate/prevail 支配、占统治地位/流行、取胜、占优势7. Being a member of Animal Adoration Society, she seems to think that animal rights should prevail over everything else . 词组作为一个动物崇拜会的成员,她似乎认为动物的权利应优于一切。8. It was obvious that her husband completely dominated he
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