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风雨哈佛路I loved mymotr s much 我爱我的妈妈h was drug adict她是个瘾君子Shws a alcoolc她是个酒鬼She aslelly blind并且基本失明Se was schizhrenic患有精神分裂utI nev forgo thatshovede但我不会忘掉她始终爱着我v if h dd it虽然她忘掉了allthe tim始终如此l he ime始终如此al tetime始终如此Lis, giv me the moey! It mie!丽萨,把钱给我,是我的o, ts in! 上帝,是我的钱,把它们都给我ather hos Sain DnasonV Whs Sant Dolon. rakFtherwhat Ameba?Where ist?在哪?ve it to me!把它给我Faher What is epiderm.TV What iste epidrmsCorect!Giv i tome!把它给我t o, mm!放开我,妈Igavea hudred t yo!我给过你块钱的ustcome, I gavu!tne of you!我刚刚刚给的块钱,给你们其中一种Weeforce toive on!我们靠那生活的Eey moh! Iis .Its.Ihe ame an thng!该死的,每月都是这样Fath atisgenus.Yoc pu i ino rm, so wecan st!你拿了它我们就得挨饿了Itsin!它是我的I didnttk it!Give t t me!我没有拿!给我Fther What is Denmar.Give i tome!ts ne!把它给我,它是我的Its mine!它是我的We hungry.我们饿了I cat ! e ned food, om!我不能,我们需要食物,妈!Wadidyu ver do for me, hh?! I ve yu lif!我给了你生命,你又为我做过什么?el goot to estree ansell msf for it?uh? 你难道让我上街卖身吗?D you at me to do it?I k do i setis, rigt?你想让我那样吗?你懂得我会的ather Cme n,jiny, whaaeyou saying?h desn ne do that!Oh,MGod!噢,上帝I ndit.我需要它I ed it我需要它I edt.我需要它Fahr hat is Medna.ateWhs Guer Cmpion.moologue antedtat si. Oh, od! anted ha smie smuch!我需要那个微笑。上帝,我是多么需要那个微笑 ws ptc,asn I?我可悲,不是吗?Dt take the educ!Mum!不要拿走它,妈妈Ddy!爸爸FatherWo Carl eilShe tkg the aqueduct!别去有水渠的地方What hl ifrnce does t ak?那有什么区别呢?Shellge mugd!她会摔倒的!Whocars!谁在乎呢Dd, wel cohr, f wecat shell get uged!爸爸,我们得拦住她,要否则她会摔倒的Aay aigproduion!真是个大麻烦Father ho Ne CowadSe they ixed th ligh or acan我看她们得把灯换一种ot easy o break hemagain没被砸碎就算幸运的了No, No, No. Shs o, see the waterunsdowil.不不,她没事,水是顺着山流的Thres n atr那儿没水o, No. Dont you knowwhaqueduc is? Th queducarred watr toew YorkCy 不,不,你不懂得水渠是干嘛的。水渠是用来把水引到纽约已经百年了for like oer ahundre yr tey di ha. And theyclose down, btow he ghot watrrgh? H arid your motr aog.后来关闭了,目前这幽灵水带走了你妈monoogue y father我的爸爸monoge ou culd st down n acouch and talk to y faer.你能坐在长凳上和我爸闲谈monoloue youjuscat tlohm r on.但你不能和她谈好久Hey, Jn !咳,基恩onologuee knewso uc. He l the asws right on EOPERDY.Hwas ageni,ever nw, everytme.她懂得诸多,答案能脱口而出。她是个天才,每次回答都对的mnoogue Thats thehg.就是这样nolgue ur parends reyour Gods你的父母是你的上帝mnoogueI loo othm aanexmplefwhI shoud fid everywhrn th world我把她们看作我生活的楷模onoloe Ty id slittletentintomneds 她们很少在乎我的需要mnoloue but te fetthat tei needs were so powefl tat . It ddnt mae me fel hurt o angry that they didt looit me.但我感觉她们的需要如此地强烈。以至于当她们不关怀我时我也不会感到有多受伤monoloue becausfltok Ths ust musttobetehumacnin toe so由于我觉得这是由人们所处的环境所决定的monolgue ndthen theodae in.然后发生了些事Youtook my husbnd, you litlbuser, Il kil ou你抢走了我的丈夫,你这个小混蛋,我要杀了你N mum不,妈咪Inotyour mor. did your favrI shouldn have tri onyu!我不是你的妈妈,我帮了你,你不能恩将仇报elp ceanuphisLi T s h teyreona ak u, too.帮我清理一下,丽思,她们见了也会把我们带走的N! NO! O! Is my house.不,不,不,这是我的家Dontae e!get out! NO!Dn tk!你不能拷走我,离开我的家,不,不.No fasten!别激动Wh hpned to twindow?窗户怎么了?Shethew th*她扔了一只猫ch yu n fietae me .我要把你们烧成灰cme on jean别这样,基恩hydont a medcation? good l!为什么不接受治疗,女士?Sh tkes it! he ust taes too mnyerthigs onop fit.她只是接受其她的事物太多了OKK好了,一切都好了Th placeis amss!这里真是个烂摊子Wa hapene here?这是怎么了?I fellw我跌倒了Oh oh oh Jan e knf dow噢,基恩,把刀放下OKOK好了,好了al right wheres theone?好吧,电话在哪?we t have o!我们没有电话this wmandoesnt it这女人真不像话Yor kiddin你说笑吧Yougr ve ch.clan this pce u,help your othe.你们有事情做,把屋子打扫干净,帮帮你妈How bouy aher?那我爸呢?Inoe he Shes . hesa femi.忽视她,她是个女权主义者Ican keou anim wat You kep sipping schol. Youep livglike animals. he izzy izz Lizy我随时能把你带走。你始终在逃学,住的跟狗窝似的ey Heywreae yo ging?coback here. cme ack.嘿,你去哪儿,回来回来Your onna o o aome. Do u now thome is like? here argirls.Thyl be to dul tae erytig u av.你需要一种家,你懂得家是什么样的吗?那儿的女孩会打你并且带走你的一切you can ve anythg! ou have clen athroomsoulwrk there if ou dont wok er你不会有任何东西的,你得打扫厕所。你不在这干活就去那个家ack p! back up.后退,后退Is notsho! You g noting betteto do hu?这不是表演。你们难道没有别的事做吗?umm
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