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人教PEP版四年级下学期期末测试英 语 试 卷学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_一、选出含有与下列各组单词画线部分读音相同的一项。A. circle B. star C. small D. cloudy E. world( )1. windy snowy( )2. card park( )3. work word( )4. ball tall( )5. uncle noodle二、看图,补全对话。1.- _ _is it?-Its_oclock. Its time for_class.2. -_ the weather_today?-Its_.3. -_these_? -Yes,_ _.4. -_ this _ cheap? -_,_ _. 5. -_skirt_it? -_ _.三、单项选择.( )1.-How many_can you see? - Seventeen. Ahorse Bsheep Ccow( )2. -How much_ these potatoes? -Theyre ten yuan. A. am B. is C. are( )3. -Mum. its hot now. Can I put on my _? -Yes, you can. A. shorts B. short C. sweater( )4. -Would you like some water? -_ A. No. Thank you. B. Can I help you? C. Yes. I like juice.( ) 5. Its six oclock. Its time_ go home. A. for B. to C. with四.给问句选择正确的答语。( )1. Where is the library?A. Its on the two floor. B. Its on the second floor.( )2. What are these?A. Its a sheep. B. They are horses.( )3. Can I help you?A. Yes, you can. B. Yes. Can I try on these shoes?( )4. Is the coat too big?A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it does.( )5. Can I go outside now?A. Yes, you cant. B. No, you cant.五、根据情景,选择正确的选项。A. What are those?B. Whose gloves are these?C. Whats the weather like?D. Excuse me. Where is the art room?E. Hurry up! Its time for school.( )1你来到了一所新学校找不到美术教室应该这样问:( )2你想知道这副手套是谁的,应该这样问:( )3你想知道远处的那些动物是什么,应该问:( )4你想知道外面天气如何,应该问:( )5早晨上学快迟到了,妈妈催促你快一些,应该说:六、选择正确的选项补全对话。Mum: Amy! Hurry up! Its time for break fast.Amy: 1 Mum: Its 7 oclock.Amy: 2 Mum: Yesit isAmy: 3 Mum: Yes, you can. Look!I bought a new dress for you.Amy: Really? 4 Mum: Its 80 yuan.Amy: Thanks, Mum. 5 A. How much is it?B. What time is it?C. Can I put on my dress?D. I like it.E. Is it sunny today?1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 七.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F) . Dear Grandma, Thank you for the new shorts. They are cool! Its hot in Beijing. Its sunny,too. I can wear my shorts and T-shirt. I have a new shirt. My old shirt is too small.I want to buy a hat. It is fifty yuan. Its too expensive. Whats the weather like on the farm? Is it warm? I miss(思念)you.Love,John( )1. It is hot and sunny in Beijing.( )2. John can wear his shorts and T-shirt.( )3. John has a new coat.( )4. The hat is too expensive.( )5. John is on the farm.参考答案一、1D 2B 3E 4C 5A二、1. What time, nine, English 2.Whats, like, sunny 3. Are, tomatoes, they are 4.Is, shirt, Yes, it is 5. Whose, is, Its Sarahs三、1B 2.C 3A 4A 5B四、1B 2.B 3B 4A 5B五、1D 2.B 3A 4C 5E六、1B 2.E 3C 4A 5D七、1T 2T 3F 4T 5F试题解析一、A:/l/ B:a: C: D: E: /:/ 1画线部分的读音为/,故选D。 2画线部分的读音为/a:/,故选B。 3画线部分的读音为/:/,故选E。 4画线部分的读音为:,故选C。 5画线部分的读音为/l/,故选A。二、1由图片可知信息:9点钟,上英语课。问句在询问时间,填What time;答句填nine,English。2由图片可知信息:天气晴朗。问句在询问天气,填Whatslike;答句填sunny。3由图片可知信息:三个西红柿。问句在询问这些是西红柿吗,填Are,tomatoes;答句填they are。4由图片可知信息:一件15元的衬衫。问句在询问是否便宜,填Is,shirt;答句填Yes,it is。5由图片可知信息:Sarah的短裙。问句在询问短裙是谁的,填Whose,is;答句填Its Sarahs。三、1由答语可知,此处应该为名词的复数形式,sheep单复数同形,A、C都是单数,故选B。 2由答句中Theyre可知,be动词为复数形式,选C。 3根据its hot可知是穿短裤,故选A。 4问句句意:你要来一些水吗?A:不,谢谢;B:我可以帮助你吗?C:是的,我喜欢果汁。A符合情景,故选A。 5“Its time to+动词(短语)”为固定句型,表示“到了做的时间了”。故选B。四、1A表达错误,表达“在几楼”用序数词,所以选B。 2问句是对复数概念进行的提问,所以答语也要是复数概念。故选B。 3A是中式思维下的表达,不符合情景,B是正确回答,故选B。 4由Is引导的一般疑问句,回答为“Yesit is./No,it isnt”,故选A。 5A表达错误,肯定回答为“Yes,you can.”,故选B。五、A:那些是什么?B:这些手套是谁的?C:天气如何?D:打扰一下,请问美术教室在哪儿?E:快点!该上学去了。 1找不到美术教室,应该询问美术教室在哪里。故选D。 2询问手套是谁的,应该用由Whose引导的疑问句。故选B。 3询问远处的动物是什么,A符合,故选A。 4询问天气情况,C符合,故选C. 5妈妈催促你快些,应该说hurry up。E符合,故选E。六、由后面答句为时间点可知,第一空为询问时间,选B;根据第二空后的答句可知,问句为由is引导的一般疑问句,所以此处填E:根据第三空后的答句可知,问句为由can引导的一般疑问句,所以此处填C;根据第四空后面的答语为价格可知,问句为由how much引导的问句,故填A。最后一空为D。七、1根据原文句子“Its hot in Beijing. Its sunnytoo.”可知,题目与短文相符,写T。 2根据原文句子“I can wear my shorts and T-shirt”可知,题目与短文相符,写T。 3根据原文句子“I have a new shirt.”可知,题目与短文不符,写F。 4根据原文句子“I want to buy a hat.Its too expensive.”可知,题目与短文相符,写T。 5根据原文句子“Whats the weather like on the farm?”可知,John在询问奶奶农场的天气如何,所以John不在农场,题目与短文不符,写F。
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