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必修2Module2必修2Module2语言运用题组求精准(25mins).完形填空Paris uses her power to feed the homeless.Her mom,Marshall,says her 1 to become a hands-on good actor was the main 2 of a childrens book,OneBoysMagic.Paris might not have had a magic stick,but she didnt let that 3 her.Turning 4 to more practical magic and the 5 of her parents,Paris filled and 6 more than 500 care packages containing food and 7 essentials to downtown St.Louiss homeless people,as well as 8 approximately 250 meals to on-duty workers.But Paris wasnt satisfied to simply 9 goods.It was 10 for her to make a link with the people she was trying to help.After 11 each package herself,Paris drew a picture or wrote a personal message on each one to 12 the kind of human connection so many of the homeless 13 lack.“It makes me really 14 because this small child who is entering first grade has such a big heart,” Marshall said.“She wants to 15.She wants to help others.”Paris has already 16 a lot by anyones standards,but if she has her way,shes only just getting started.Shes looking toward to holding a Thanksgiving hot-food 17 for the homeless and also hopes to start a Christmas toy fund for kids 18.“I want to 19 people to do good things,” Paris said.Out of the mouth of the child,comes not only wisdom,but 20 as well.1.A.caseB.inspirationC.targetD.relief2.A.nameB.parentC.symbolD.character3.A.stopB.disappointC.touchD.disturb4.A.evenB.everC.insteadD.just 5.A.confidenceB.qualityC.ruleD.help6.A.keptB.deliveredC.lentD.sold 7.A.otherB.onlyC.dearD.fancy8.A.putting outB.working outC.handing outD.trying out 9.A.carryB.donateC.reserveD.produce 10.A.commonB.strangeC.believableD.important 11.A.fillingB.decoratingC.checkingD.measuring 12.A.feelB.praiseC.acceptD.create13.A.lightlyB.secretlyC.extremelyD.suitably 14.A.worriedB.specialC.naturalD.proud15.A.smileB.giveC.workD.read 16.A.wroteB.understoodC.accomplishedD.invented 17.A.driveB.speechC.advertisementD.hunt 18.A.in dangerB.in comfortC.in silenceD.in need 19.A.askB.inspireC.intendD.permit 20.A.priceB.hopeC.encouragementD.kindness.语法填空Hakka Earth Building is a bright pearl of Chinese civilization.It is praised as a magnificent architectural work of village houses in 1 world for its long history,unique style,smart structure and magnificent scale,which is 2 (close) related to the history of Hakka people in the mountainous areas in Fujian.Earthen houses are made 3 earth,stone,bamboo and wood,all readily available materials which are used 4 (form) walls up to 6 feet thick.The end result is a windproof,quake-proof building that is warmer in winter and cooler in summer 5 others.The top has gun holes for defensive purposes.In addition to the unique function of defending against the 6 (enemy),the earth building also has the characteristics of fire prevention,guarding against wild animals and good lighting.What is amazing about these earth buildings 7 (be) the fact that some of them are over 700 years old,surviving through natural elements,including earthquakes.In 2008,a total of 46 Fujiantulou sites 8 (list) as World Heritage Site by UNESCO.Theyre exceptional examples of a building tradition and function 9 (represent) a particular type of group living and defensive organization in a 10 (harmony) relationship with their environment.参考答案必修2Module2语言运用题组求精准.【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。本文讲述了一年级的小女孩Paris在父母的支援之下,帮助无家可归的人和其他困难人群。1.B根据第二段的第一句中的“Parismightnothavehadamagicstick”可知,Paris受到了儿童书籍的主人公的激励,所以成为实干的善行者。2.D参照上题解析。3.A根据下一句她寻求父母的帮助,由此可推断出她没有魔杖并不能阻止她。4.C根据语境可知,她没有魔杖,而是(instead)求助于实际的魔法。5.D根据语境和常识可知,一年级的小女孩帮助其他人,需要寻求父母的帮助(help)。6.B根据空前她装好爱心包裹,空后给圣路易斯的无家可归的人,可知她递送(deliver)给他们。7.A根据语境可知,爱心包裹中除了食物,还有其他的(other)生活必需品。8.C此处与上文递送是相同性质的动作,所以她分发(handingout)餐食给值班工人。9.B根据上一段她送食物和生活必需品可知,此处表示她不满足于仅仅捐献(donate)实物。10.D根据下文她画画,写信息,与她努力帮助的人形成联系,由此可以推断出她认为这很重要(important)。11.A根据常识可知先装(filling)包裹,再画画,或写信息。12.D根据语境可知她画画,或写信息是为了创造(create)一种人与人之间的联系。13.C根据常识可知,无家可归的人极其(extremely)缺少人与人之间的联系,缺少别人对他们的关心。14.D根据空后“thissmallchildwhoisenteringfirstgradehassuchabigheart”可推断出,这让她母亲感到自豪(proud)。15.B根据语境可知,她母亲说她女儿想奉献(give)。16.C根据上文可知她做了很多慈善活动,由此可知,此处表示以任何人的标准来看,她完成(accomplished)了很多。17.A根据语境可知,她想为无家可归者举办感恩节热食物活动。“drive”熟词生义,意为“活动”。18.D此处应该和上文同样性质的行为,她想为需要帮助的“inneed”的孩子建立圣诞玩具基金。“incomfort”舒适的。19.B根据语境可知,她从事慈善活动是为了鼓励“inspire”其他人做好事。20.D纵观全文可知,Paris是个好心的女孩,由此可知,她所说的话充满智慧和善良“kindness”。.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。介绍了中华文明的一颗璀璨明珠客家土楼。1.the考查定冠词。句意:它以其悠久的历史、独特的风格、精巧的结构、宏伟的规模被誉为世界上宏伟的村屋建筑作品,与福建山区客家人的历史息息相关。world是专有名词,要用定冠词修饰。2.closely考查副词。此处需要用副词closely修饰动词短语berelatedto。3.of考查固定短语。bemadeof表示“由制成的”,表示制成成品后仍然可以看出原材料,故填of。4.to form考查不定式。sth.beusedtodo表示“某物被用来做”。5.than考查介词。句意:它是防风、抗震的房子,冬天比其他的房屋更暖和,夏天比其他的房屋更凉爽。根据warmer和cooler可知,此处表示比较,故填than。6.enemies考查名词。句意:土楼除了具有防御敌人的独特功能外
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