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课题Unit5 Seasons课型新授课时1教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写season, spring, warm, summer, hot, autumn, cool, winter, cold。2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写 In spring, it is warm. We go boating。3.能在老师的指导下有感情地朗读本首诗歌。4.能表达四季的气候特征及人们相应的活动。重点1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写season, spring, warm, summer, hot, autumn, cool, winter, cold。2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写 In spring, it is warm. We go boating。难点1.能在老师的指导下有感情地朗读本首诗歌。2.能表达四季的气候特征及人们相应的活动。教具学具准备光盘单词卡片,课文图片,PPT教学过程Step1. Preparation and Situation1. Greeting.2. Play a game: Enjoy the song, then give a title. (seasons) Step2. Presentation1. Learn about the seasons, read the words in different ways.T: How many seasons are there in a year? What are they?2. Play a game: Listen and say, which season is coming?3. Show a picture of a parkT: What can you see in the park? T: What season is it? (学习Spring 春天,春季)T: How do you feel in spring? (学习warm)T: What can we do in spring? (学习go boating和fly kites)4. Try to say: In , it is . we fly , we go , we like . (教授句型 It is ., we .) 生举例5. Learn the other three seasons.(1) Discuss in group of four: how do you feel in other three seasons?(学习hot. cool. cold )(2) Try to say: In , it is . ( act )(3) Look at the pictures, learn the phrases.T: What can you do in other three seasons? (学习eat 备 注教学过程ice creams,go swimming,have picnics,go climbing,go skating,make snowmen)6. Read the poem about the seasons.7Story time:(1) Listen to the tape and repeat.(2) Enjoy reading: read the poems loudly with emotion.(3) Act the poems.(4) Read the poems together.Step3. Practice.1. Use the key the words and the sentences, try to say the poems.2. Enjoy the cartoon: The four seasons of a big tree3. Do some exercise: (1) Look and match(2) 创设情境,实验小学四(2)班的王老师正在为今年的社会实践活动的地点的选择犹豫不决,同学们各抒己见,看看老师能采纳谁的建议?I like . Its in , It isnt in .We can see many beautiful . Step4. Summary.Step5. Homework.1. Read and recite the poem with emotion.有感情地朗读小诗并背诵。2.Choose one season and compose a poem.选择一个季节,并创编一首诗。3.Preview Fun time and Cartoon time.预习Fun time和Cartoon time。板书设计Unit5 Seasons spring warm fly kites/go boatingsummer hot eat ice creams/ go swimmingautumn cool have picnics/ go climbingwinter cold make snowmen/ skating备 注教学反思课题Unit 5 Seasons课型新授课时2教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool, cold.2. 能听懂、会读、会说句子:We like spring/summer/autumn/winter. In , it is warm/cool/hot/cold. We (具体活动)3. 自由地表达每个季节的气候特征和在每个季节里通常做的事情。4. 仿照书上Fun time 完成“我最喜欢的季节”的英文明信片制作。重难点1. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool, cold.2. 能听懂、会读、会说句子:We like spring/summer/autumn/winter. In , it is warm/cool/hot/cold. We (具体活动)3. 自由地表达每个季节的气候特征和在每个季节里通常做的事情。教具学具准备光盘单词卡片,课文图片,PPT教学过程教学过程教学过程Step One: Warming up1. Sing a song: I like four seasons 2. Recite and act the poem of story time with music(上节课没来得及展示的小组进行配乐诗朗诵)Step Two: Presentation1. T: Boys and girls, I think you all past the first challenge. Lets go to the next stage-第二阶段:语言表达能力和手脑并用能力T: Do you have confidence? Our slogan is -Ss: Go, go, lets go!PPT呈现本节课培训目标与任务Task One语言表达能力I can talk about the four seasonsTask Two手脑并用能力I can make a postcard about seasons. 2. Task One - I can talk about the four seasonsRead and guess(1)It is warm. We fly kites and have picnics.T: Which season is it?S: Its spring.T: Thats right. (给出不完全单词_ pr_ _ _ ) Can you spell spring?S1: S-p-r-i-n-gT: Well done. Lets spell together. (2)It is hot. We eat ice creams and go swimming.T: Do you know this season?S: Its summer.T: Good. (给出不完全单词s_ m _ _ ) Can you spell?S1: (3)It is cold. We make snowmen and go skating.T: Can you guess this season?S: Its winter.T: Yes. (给出不完全单词_ in _ er ) (4)It is cool. We eat fruit and go climbing.T: The season isS: autumn.T: Great. (给出不完全单词_ u _ um _ ) How to spell?S1: T: And we can also call it fall.Ss: Fall.此环节进行过程中完成板书3. Task two I can make a postcard about seasons.T: Congratulations! All of you can talk about the four seasons very well. Let s go on to make a postcard. Our slogan is -Ss: Go, go, lets go!T: Look at this postcard. Is it nice? (呈现书上做好的postcard)Ss: Yes, how nice!T: Its Tommys card. Lets listen to him.(播放书上Tommy介绍的音频) Which season does Tommy like?(如果学生听不明白does,教师可提示Spring? Winter? ) Ss: winterT: Which season do you like? S1,2,3: T: Can you introduce your favorite season like Tommy?Tips: Can you introduce(介绍) your favorite(最喜欢的) season?给出提示语句:It is I I I like Step Three: Show time
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