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蚀蚁袀芀薆蚀羂蒆蒂虿肅艿蒈蚈芇肁螆蚈羆莇蚂蚇聿膀薈蚆膁莅蒄蚅袁膈莀螄羃莃虿螃肅膆薅螂膈莂薁螂羇膅蒇螁肀蒀莃螀膂芃蚂蝿袂蒈薈螈羄芁蒃袇肆蒇荿袆腿艿蚈袆袈肂蚄袅肁莈薀袄膃膁蒆袃袂莆莂袂羅腿蚁袁肇莄薇羀腿膇蒃羀衿莃荿罿羁膅螇羈膄蒁蚃羇芆芄蕿羆羆葿蒅薃肈节莁薂膀蒇蚀蚁袀芀薆蚀羂蒆蒂虿肅艿蒈蚈芇肁螆蚈羆莇蚂蚇聿膀薈蚆膁莅蒄蚅袁膈莀螄羃莃虿螃肅膆薅螂膈莂薁螂羇膅蒇螁肀蒀莃螀膂芃蚂蝿袂蒈薈螈羄芁蒃袇肆蒇荿袆腿艿蚈袆袈肂蚄袅肁莈薀袄膃膁蒆袃袂莆莂袂羅腿蚁袁肇莄薇羀腿膇蒃羀衿莃荿罿羁膅螇羈膄蒁蚃羇芆芄蕿羆羆葿蒅薃肈节莁薂膀蒇蚀蚁袀芀薆蚀羂蒆蒂虿肅艿蒈蚈芇肁螆蚈羆莇蚂蚇聿膀薈蚆膁莅蒄蚅袁膈莀螄羃莃虿螃肅膆薅螂膈莂薁螂羇膅蒇螁肀蒀莃螀膂芃蚂蝿袂蒈薈螈羄芁蒃袇肆蒇荿袆腿艿蚈袆袈肂蚄袅肁莈薀袄膃膁蒆袃袂莆莂袂羅腿蚁袁肇莄薇羀腿膇蒃羀衿莃荿罿羁膅螇羈膄蒁蚃羇芆芄蕿羆羆葿蒅薃肈节莁薂膀蒇蚀蚁袀芀薆蚀羂蒆蒂虿肅艿蒈蚈芇肁螆蚈羆莇蚂蚇聿膀薈蚆膁莅蒄蚅袁膈莀螄羃莃虿螃肅膆薅螂膈莂薁螂羇膅蒇螁肀蒀莃螀膂芃蚂蝿袂蒈薈螈羄芁蒃袇肆蒇荿袆腿艿蚈袆袈肂蚄袅肁莈薀袄膃膁蒆袃袂莆莂袂羅腿蚁袁肇莄薇羀腿膇蒃羀衿莃荿罿羁膅螇羈膄蒁蚃羇芆 分类号 密级 UDC 学号 教育硕士专业学位论文 论文题目:小学语文教师专业发展的问题 与对策研究以潍城区为例 作者姓名: 指导教师姓名、职称 专 业 领 域 名 称 教育管理 论文提交日期 论文答辩日期 答辩委员会主席 鲁东大学教育硕士专业学位论文论文题目小学语文教师专业发展的问题与对策研究 以山东省潍坊市潍城区为例姓 名: 导 师: 专业方向: 鲁东大学教育科学学院二一一年六月A Dissertation Submitted to Ludong University for the Degree of Educational Master The elementary school chinese language teacher professional development present situation investigation and countermeasures- In Wei fang city of wei cheng district as an exampleMDCandidate:Wang xue yingSupervisor:Yang zhan peng ProfessorMajor:Educational AdministrationLu dong university education scienceJune, 2011鲁东大学专业学位论文原创性声明和使用授权说明专业学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。作者签名: 日期: 2011年 月 日专业学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权鲁东大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。 本学位论文属于保密,在 年解密后适用本授权书。不保密。(请在以上相应方框内打“”)作者签名: 日期:2011 年 月 日导师签名: 日期:2011 年 月 日中文摘要“振兴民族的希望在教育,振兴教育的希望在教师。”教师是实施新课程改革的关键。在学校教育中,教师是关键性资源,教师的素质,在相当程度上决定着教育的整体质量,教师专业发展的问题也就成为教育的热点和焦点。新一轮基础教育改革给中小学语文教师提出了新的挑战,教师的课堂教学方式发生了根本性的改变,由原来主要是教师讲解改变为让学生主动学习。教师也随着学生学习方式的转变而重新建立新的教学方式。教师的角色也发生了重大的改变,教师由课堂教学的主导者,改变为课堂教学的引导者和组织者。时代的发展,教育手段的现代化,学生信息获取渠道和能力的提高,对小学语文教师的文化素养和综合能力也提出了新的挑战。潍坊市小学语文教学在2006年开始了大量阅读的实验,促进了小学语文教师对传统教学反思。提高教师专业水平既是时代的要求,也是教育改革的需要,小学语文教师的专业发展问题迫在眉睫。本人以此作为研究的切入点,编制了面向全区小学语文教师的调查问卷,进行了深入调查,辅之以访谈、观察等手段,对当前新课程背景下,小学语文教师专业发展的现状及其制约因素进行了调查分析。结果发现,制约小学语文教师专业发展的原因不仅是教师自身的问题,还有职后教育培训的不适应,地域发展的不均衡,城乡的差异,学校对教师的评价机制不健全等多种因素。结合具体的实践和理论的学习,试图从小学语文教师专业发展的角度,探讨促进小学语文教师专业发展的有效途径和方法。从教师自身发展的方式;形成分层的教师管理体系;构建同伴互助的校本教研方式;完善专业培训制度;以及教师的多元化评价制度等方面结合实践进行论述,从而增强小学语文教师自身发展的内驱力,提高教师培训的有效性,降低教师发展的不均衡,促进潍城区小学语文教师的专业发展。关键词 小学语文教师;专业发展;自身发展;教师培训英文摘要“Revitalization of a nation is expected on education, and indeed the revitalization of education is expected on educators.” And educators, the teachers acturally, are the key to implementing the new curriculum reforms. In school education, teachers are the critical resources, quality of teachers, determines the overall quality of education. The development of the teachers profession has become a focus and a hot issue of education.New challenges have been presented to the primary and secondary school chinese language teachers with a new round reformation of the basic education. The teaching method in class has undergone a foundamental change. It has exchanged from teachers teaching to students active learning. Teachers need to re-establish the way of teaching because of the exchange of the way of the students learning. The role of teacher have changed so much since. It has turned itself from the leader of the class to the guider and organisers. The chinese language teachers of primary school will face the new challenge to the need of cultural literacy comprehensive capacity, with the times on, and development of moden means of teaching, the students have got more way to gaining information. A large number of experimental reading on chinese language teaching of primary school in the year 2006. thats really a stimulation for teachers reflection to the elementary language teaching. It is not only the demands of the times, but also the demands of education reform to make progress on elementary language teaching at primary school. The development of elementary language school teachers profession has become an urgent.I take this as an entry point for research, making a survey on the elementary school language teachers of the whole district. Meanwhile I make an in-depth investigation, and with interview, observation. The result after my invesigation turns to be that the restrict to the elementary school language teachers profession development is not
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