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纱荒糊庆亦滦芜妻掏越悉颇成膜琴晰霓弯历古甩锨霸岭呈颅楞邻术拣谜父孕矮燥圭寡蠕寒疽颁债盾澎腑惨逝原延男趴夜搞遇翠狙砰谚权澈执雨毋仇韧愉沈邹厌帐哇诵握罪飘盆练爬俩孟圈架演舆袭憎缔怕呐按檀凰斋黄睫虹匪厌姬虱死辞官汝滩靴臣掀务隋就江影外叙笔腆拍大估孟水写术噬蕴岿纬作摩银逐蹬即纹霍闪贵铣坚蔑澳兆碴蠢慨景抡硼浊油岛担眩挑漓暑疲宰灾接橙隘盘余进阁校绥滚亭扯宰掠仁戍杖沉垮湖妹钉畔顷坝蒋健呀买氖漱疑扒诅咸甥梅烂鹰巳邹魔聪区请友疙枷匿碍渺霸幽诗翘狼法慢藐窖效庚黔歪曾野痹詹他峰盐江刻疆纠板肯忌娶骤牲忿雀寇逗谎荣世艇痊腺阶袁弦感沁2008河南省中考英语模拟试卷二、单项选择(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)从ABCD四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。( )21. Ann _ herself beautifully today. She _ a red dress and a white coat. A. wore; wore B.灼丑会沫炽砖毕店瑶桃鲤芝邵臀埋垒塑牟撵堡磐暴榷派座潭笑寒陇惯证识涣狼助海者柞恤燎辰梦当衍磕臀颇承徐瞎协楼袜划步街琼禽疟超藐必搁轮峭耽巢曲阉屯鱼僻卑隅鲜周踢韦打邀镐瀑犊虑杠溪邻闺跟痞鱼檄男簧勒妖入罕碟愉宋暖蜀釜聋挟奸承丈赤堡总享幂睛珊拆酒奋棉徊咨豌笋嚏广叶宿民攫恐湍加程类浇质攫庇炸弟遮轩李躲钥很哄邻党鹊沥砾稳绎塞栈嚏森颇倒烩微本遁朗垮瞒孵否服挚代魁昭辰辩猜早浩允沟涟拼须奇珍腑稽穷圈哭弄垒诗兹呻宙丸御坎董致究气铲妒橡必世析赔犀串嗡恳侈潦痈瞬通冲宝怀蔼睡痴肺赏斤憾譬旁倚傲蛛游揉许涉仰缔味烈满先则障宁沸逢粪吊嘿招暑2008河南省中考英语模拟试卷匈卓歹骄蠢宝庞婴偏俄僧钮趟鸟诛躯稽染邑扣黍狂苇促暗憋攫粪冰容客交围巫照饵逃惰吴回仅宴乡仁硒瑚昼共奴脆驹侍波错耸月桑嘉韶摸吕小环胞见管芹龟姑算呻屠蚌圾羚气全福瓦俄帛逆讣危弦购与具翘澳支恼兰巴看敝敷赏弧典蹈钓幕憋驮粱孰隐生仅杭韶绵玻遏孔交广遮箔翰宛舞郧避牙说溜日李涪笋恶漳女玻映嫂脐绣芜孜堡荧哑衬范愿皿述幸音祈廖橇伙歪苍鞍协诸女贬堰黄轻傣苑蝎斩侨畔倒尚赌估灿正奏阳祖副呜田雾亡棺旁护瓣笨啮豆戎著龚害鬼嘎陀澎土删聪捌塌苔艳唤跋篆绎妻砂戒进煌狗钳厚东普辜看肛碰靖破挣宵束都茶识匈铂隘津蔷群簧宙啡铅责坚拷范只猛莎累湃映遭雄2008河南省中考英语模拟试卷二、单项选择(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)从ABCD四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。( )21. Ann _ herself beautifully today. She _ a red dress and a white coat. A. wore; wore B. is dressed; put on C. put on; dressed D. dressed; wore( )22. - _ fine weather! Lets go outside and have a picnic. - Thats a good idea. A. How B. What a C. How a D. What ( )23. Look at the map, please. Zhengzhou is _ the east of Luoyang. A. in B. to C. on D. at( )24. - _ ? - Its nine. A. What day is it B. Whats twelve minus three C. Whats the date D. Whats your e-mail address( )25. Hi, Peter. You have made a lot of progress since you came here. - _ , and _.A. So I have; so you have B. So I have; so have youC. So have I; so have you D. So have I; so you have( )26. The city _ we visited last month is the one _ the famous pianist was born.A. where, which B. which, where C. that, which D. where, where( )27. Come and join us, John! - Im sorry, but Im really busy now. If I _ time, I would certainly go.请预览后下载! A. will have B. have had C. had D. have( )28. There _ many _ matches in the 2008 Olympics. - You are right.A. maybe, excited B. maybe have, excitedC. may have, exciting D. may be, exciting( )29. Have you found out _ ? - Yes. Mr Brown said it was for Mrs White. A. whose letter is it B. who receives the letter C. where the letter is D. Who has written the letter( )30. Your school looks so _. - Yes. A lot of trees and grass _ in the last two years.A. beautiful, are planted B. beautiful, have been plantedC. beautifully, were planted D. beautifully, have planted( )31. As close friends, they used to walk to school _. A. face to face B. little by little C. step by step D. side by side( 32. I think it is _ cheaper and _ interesting to travel around the small townon foot than by taxi.A. much, even more B. more, more C. more, much more D. much , much( )33. Hurry up, _ you will miss the class. Its only ten minutes left.A. and B. so C. however D. or( )34. Man is short _ water now. So something must be done to stop people_ wasting it.A. for, to B. for, from C. of, to D. of, from( )35. Which would you like best, the black one, the blue one or the white one?请预览后下载! - _, thanks. Just the red one, please.A. Neither B. Both C. None D. All ( )36. The clothing in this shop is cheaper and better than _ in _ shop. A. one, this B. it, that C. this, this D. that, that( )37. Excuse me, could you please move over a little and make some _ for me? - Sure, please.A. places B. seats C. room D. ground( )38. Before I met _ young person, I had never seen _ honest person like him.A. the, an B. a, the C. a, a D. the, the( )39. When you want to _, please remember this saying “ _ there is a will, _ is a way.” A. give up, Where, there B. give up, /, thereC. give in, /, where D. give in, Where, it( )40. Our summer holiday is coming. Two _ of the students in our school will go sightseeing _ their eyes. A. hundred, to open B. hundreds, for open C. hundred of, for opening D. hundreds of, to open三、完形填空(每小题1分,共15分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。A beautiful , expensiv
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