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面试英语之外企面试常见问题二面试英语之面试常见问题英语面试中有一些问题是针对你过去所从事职业的,这些问题既有对过去工作的具体描述,过去薪资的了解,也有对过去能力的评估。本文由yjbys小编为大家搜集的面试英语之面试常见问题,我们一起来看看吧!1. where were you employed你以前在哪里工作2. what did you do in the past你过去做过些什么事呢3. how many places have you worked altogether说说你一共在那些地方工作过吗4. what was your reason for leaving说一下你离开这个岗位的原因5. how long did you work there and why did you leave你在那里工作多久,为什么要离开6. when did you start work there and when did you leave你什么时候在那里工作,何时离开的7. how long did you work at each job每个工作,你都做了多久8. would you mind to tell me your employment history可以把过去的工作经验告诉我吗9. what positions have you held before你以前担任过什么职务10. have you been employed in this field你以前在这方面效劳过吗11. where are your previous places of employment你以前的工作地点在哪里12. what kind of work did you do你以前做过哪一类工作13. what is your job in the company你在那家公司,担任什么工作14.how did you get to office你怎样去上班15.What experience do you have for this kind of job你有过和这种工作相关的经历吗16.How long have you been at your present place of employment你目前的工作干了多久
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