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公安机关接处警常用英语会话集推荐教材:1,实用警务英语口语2,警务英语口语3,口口声声,警务英语一、基本会话1、Hello、 This is 110 Emergency Police Service of YueXiu Municipal Public Security Bureau、 May I help you? / What can I do for you? 2、Someone is killed here, police should come at once to investigate it、 3、What is your position? (Where are you?) 您得位置在哪里?4、Ok, our criminal police will come immediately and make investigation of the scene of killing/stealing/blackmail/robbery/car accident、 好得,我们民警马上过去调查处理。5、A stealing has taken place in my house, and would you ask criminal police to come immediately and make investigation of the scene of the stealing? 6、Ok, our colleagues will come at once and handle it 、 7、My family members suffer from food poisoning、 我得家人都事物中毒了。8、Ok, our colleagues will come to the scene and help you 、(We will come at once and help you、) 好得,我们民警马上到现场救援。9、A fire takes place here, firemen, please、 失火了,请派消防员来。10、Fire-brigade will come immediately and put it out、 消防队员马上就来救火。11、I am calling to report a missing credit card、 就是得,我丢失了信用卡要报警。12、Have you reported to credit company about you r loss? 向信用卡公司挂失了吗?13、Please report this loss to your credit company (bank) by yourself、 请自己向信用卡公司挂失。14、What is the issuing bank of your travelers checks? 旅行支票得发行银行就是哪家?15、My car was stolen、 我得汽车(自行车)被盗了。20、Where was your parking place? 您得车停在什么地方?21、Where did you park it? 您得车放在哪里?23、Something was stolen in my car、 我车上得东西被盗了。25、My money has been stolen(My money was stolen)、 我得钱被偷了。26、Ok, our colleagues will come to the scene right away and handle it、 27、My bag has been robbed、 我得包被抢了。29、I have lost my bag in the room of YueXiu Hotel、 30、Which room and floor are you living? What was in the bag? When did you lose? Wait a moment, our colleagues will come immediately? 您住几号楼?几号房间?包里有些什么东西?估计什么时候丢得?31、A robbery took place in my office、 我得办公室内发生抢劫。32、Ok, police officers will respond to the scene right away and handle it 、 33、I was blackmailed at some place、 我被敲诈了。35、I was troubled in the traffic accident on、 我在某地发生交通事故。36、Please tell me where you are? 告诉我您得位置好吗?37、My position is 、kilometers away form someplace、 我现在在离某城(地)、公里处。39、One wheel of my car is out of order on 、, would you please do me a favor? (my wheel is broken on 、,help me please?) 我得车轮在某路上坏了,请您帮忙。40、My wallet has been stolen、( My wallet was stolen、) 我得钱包被人偷走了。41、Ok ,our colleagues will respond to the scene right away and handle it 、 42、 Is that 110? There are some problems with the gas pipeline in my house、 And I am afraid that it will catch fire、 就是110吗?我家得煤气管道出了问题,可能会发生火灾。43、 Just a moment, we will send fire brigade and the gas company to the scene、 44、My family members get gas poisoning now、 我家有人煤气中毒了。45、Ok, our colleagues will come to the scene right away and handle it 、 46、The pipe of running water is out order in my house、 我家得自来水管坏了。47、We will pass your message to the water supply company、 48、There is a power cut in our area、 我们这里全部停电了。49、We will pass your message to the power supply bureau、好得,我们马上通知供电局。50、The telephone-line is out of order in my house、 我家得电话坏了。51、We will pass your message to the telecommunication bureau at once、 电信局52、Now, I am locked outside my house without keys、 我家得门关了,我忘记带钥匙了。53、We will inform the locksmith to your home and let him help you, but fees are needed、 54、My wife suddenly feels sick, and I cannot contact with 120 Rescue Center by telephone、 Can you help me? 妻子突然生病,但我无法与120急救中心电话联系,请您帮忙。55、Calm down, please tell me your address in detail、 别着急,告诉我们您得具体地址。57、Please wait a moment, and our colleagues will get there soon、 请稍等,民警马上就到。58、A mental patient is making disturbance here、 我们这里有一个精神病人在闹事。59、Ok, our colleagues will come to the scene right away and handle it、 60、I have forgot my bag in the taxi、 我得包忘在出租车上了。61、What is the license plate of the taxi、 那辆出租车得牌号就是多少?62、It seems like T-2179, but I cannot read the Chinese letter before T、 好像就是T-217963、Ok, we will get contact with you soon after we find it 、Your phone number please?64、My car bumped against someone when I was driving、 我开车撞人了。65、Ok, our traffic police will come immediately and make investigation of the scene of the accident、 好得,交警马上就到现场处理。66、My baby has been lost his way、 我得小孩走失了。68、Please stay calm、 请保持冷静。69、Is your child a girl or a boy? How old is she? When she was lost? What was she wearing? 您孩子就是男孩还就是女孩?多大了?何时丢失得?穿什么衣服?70、When did he lose his way? What is his name and how old is he? And what is your home address? We will do our best find him、 何时走失得?姓名?年龄?家在哪里?71、A girl of 4 years old, She was in a red blouse and a colorful dress、 72、Do not worry、 We will let our colleagues help to look for her、 73、Is that 110 Emergency Police Service? I took a taxi just now and left my bag in it、 Would you please help me to look for my bag? 74、Is there anything in your bag? Do you remember the license p
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