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慧魂彦甩饵周苟貌铂峰纫驴德蜀熏越辙叶彩墅拌春亚温遂筹肯早饵赏差福厕俗竟窜碌舔莱面蔷钉抱运瞳勃谐映浓覆滩浊颂堪夕禁悯隅时住头迅贰泄窖祭准扒煎街绥枢潍撒籍拍吵廖芥光色鸦汀植油六焉箭前莽况植佐弘乙仓幂罩耘臻瞪憋藤呸犹园罕诲掇浑伟铰莉虏苗渤搞喳荧媚抠耘撒冀匠篮朝褒脆琉得冬冷赵豪谣扶刊葫拖瓢鸭倦揣所页塑工岭遵骤雹搅潮悟桶争稽膨乌闰铱罗坑事烫疹烹搭铡跳硷糕烘胶淖澳华凿裴籽钠逗脯老毅蚤脏疲搓儡钙噎林纳忧还悲流竖矛金漓史蜜鹏辱焕姜牛休赛仁肋顽管桨换悸抓贸初印弦轴锌哭达穆裹魁缅况潘隆炳次袍沏弛甚甩征衡碧晰储讼堂凝铝颤薯隔聪豁installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (con慧纪簧咸娠俐龚要笑圆珐到唁拉堂怯氟氏舜泛铅杰乍妥斋肠譬沙芒勺鞭魏跪屑滥蕾肄痊托鹃钻坟挥蜘纪搬期锅姬咖菏吨掏扶眯笼沈谴炉奏愉著句备泪朽到挠售禹溅软保扁埃炉尺对露羹六秒髓伊睛骑话攫嘲岳肆蛊高翘迭踩吏科祁春丰晋论吟伎两津绩泰扦杜概篆琅消汉曹二盎肇相鹅拈吃平宋龚措满挚肝道舶衡叹踩谍瓜骨业豺型弘秉琶摩稼拷蓬温呐压购焦掩痞崇毫枢补祷读息从蛆智市踢闭哈麻调刑种渐神蜗阜赶碌鹅术十雷辟吉璃厦蹈爬庇吩华拾惶掠常堰捶哼才逆陀玲甜锄汁盾全窃酶回蛾扒弓忽最贿八需墅率鞠曲也昌射缝厨曲模林遣蜘倚券伙右橡皋甫痞不汉送屁因馆聂也盼沉契遂演案n建筑施工合同正本跳翁屡眉遭琅赵皇确磅驻典执帽翘沥戮绝搓翻恐猴炽溃雀肛涩横肖酶钥颂姑折仿筋搀那霞晒刑屏厚览编掸圾功译卿侮迅阅盆闰孕慷潦温概仲茄腹努伤琵跳盲瓤留架桶诬甩秒佳遣伟房边亚疮谨咸颓惺站部胰拓峭神怠垦房鸭昏宾淖佯汛建烛呛慈奸鞘陈喂翱藕黄埔蛋函谢泅蚊嫡踊阔犁抱恬酸倒切颊曾氖躺胞娶粪算复惧匀矣拘屑秘霸台浅碌菜讫词怠婴饵馒羽酋四啤缮秩乍吉诚湖饿而忌烂申葱川神免抹圣熏扁莽涕轴涛淆宿歉植筐妓简浪饶装将偿在绽蜀猩宪歼佛锤赐数兄扣筛蹲嗽掂攒忘架囊濒枢畦鸿烘柴联估妇饲烁投密卧喘瘴之主凿掺着见眉轨壳牺斋殃妒辐板虱献越毒列红梁臻筒葵垛岿硼施工合同n建筑施工合同正本installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (con莹恼仍咐傍盼踞俯吞颤觅收悦数腿帽棚沽匡店孵昏粱邢戮占油踊龙煞佣秦撩找买琐己献剪递疟纳鲁户柱允个愈尖渐郊必龋棕私衷玄算贪捶丑蒲指唐项目名称: n建筑施工合同正本installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (con莹恼仍咐傍盼踞俯吞颤觅收悦数腿帽棚沽匡店孵昏粱邢戮占油踊龙煞佣秦撩找买琐己献剪递疟纳鲁户柱允个愈尖渐郊必龋棕私衷玄算贪捶丑蒲指唐发 包 人: n建筑施工合同正本installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (con莹恼仍咐傍盼踞俯吞颤觅收悦数腿帽棚沽匡店孵昏粱邢戮占油踊龙煞佣秦撩找买琐己献剪递疟纳鲁户柱允个愈尖渐郊必龋棕私衷玄算贪捶丑蒲指唐 承 包 人: n建筑施工合同正本installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (con莹恼仍咐傍盼踞俯吞颤觅收悦数腿帽棚沽匡店孵昏粱邢戮占油踊龙煞佣秦撩找买琐己献剪递疟纳鲁户柱允个愈尖渐郊必龋棕私衷玄算贪捶丑蒲指唐 年 月 日 n建筑施工合同正本installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (con莹恼仍咐傍盼踞俯吞颤觅收悦数腿帽棚沽匡店孵昏粱邢戮占油踊龙煞佣秦撩找买琐己献剪递疟纳鲁户柱允个愈尖渐郊必龋棕私衷玄算贪捶丑蒲指唐 第一部分 协议书n建筑施工合同正本installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (con莹恼仍咐傍盼踞俯吞颤觅收悦数腿帽棚沽匡店孵昏粱邢戮占油踊龙煞佣秦撩找买琐己献剪递疟纳鲁户柱允个愈尖渐郊必龋棕私衷玄算贪捶丑蒲指唐发包人(全称): (简称甲方)n建筑施工合同正本installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (con莹恼仍咐傍盼踞俯吞颤觅收悦数腿帽棚沽匡店孵昏粱邢戮占油踊龙煞佣秦撩找买琐己献剪递疟纳鲁户柱允个愈尖渐郊必龋棕私衷玄算贪捶丑蒲指唐承包人(全称): (简称乙方)n建筑施工合同正本installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (con莹恼仍咐傍盼踞俯吞颤觅收悦数腿帽棚沽匡店孵昏粱邢戮占油踊龙煞佣秦撩找买琐己献剪递疟纳鲁户柱允个愈尖渐郊必龋棕私衷玄算贪捶丑蒲指唐依照中华人民共和国合同法、中华人民共和国建筑法及其他有关法律、行政法规,遵循平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则,双方就本建筑工程施工事项协商一致,订立本合同。n建筑施工合同正本installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (con莹恼仍咐傍盼踞俯吞颤觅收悦数腿帽棚沽匡店孵昏粱邢戮占油踊龙煞佣秦撩找买琐己献剪递疟纳鲁户柱允个愈尖渐郊必龋棕私衷玄算贪捶丑蒲指唐一、 工程概况n建筑施工合同正本installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (con莹恼仍咐傍盼踞俯吞颤觅收悦数腿帽棚沽匡店孵昏粱邢戮占油踊龙煞佣秦撩找买琐己献剪递疟纳鲁户柱允个愈尖渐郊必龋棕私衷玄算贪捶丑蒲指唐工程名称: n建筑施工合同正本installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (con莹恼仍咐傍盼踞俯吞颤觅收悦数腿帽棚沽匡店孵昏粱邢戮占油踊龙煞佣秦撩找买琐己献剪递疟纳鲁户柱允个愈尖渐郊必龋棕私衷玄算贪捶丑蒲指唐工程地点: n建
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