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We will continue t o improve the compa nys internal controlsystem, and steady improvement in ability to manageand control,optimizebusiness pr oce sses, to ensuresmoot h pr ocesses, responsibilities inpla ce; to further strengthen internal controls, play acontrol post independentoversight rol e of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit toolsdetectpotential management,streamline,standardize relatr, and stad transactions,strengthening operations in accorda nce with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communicati on zero resistance.o constantlyperfect ERPand BFS+,and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system base d construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system application-savingof breadth and depth, play informatio stre ngthe ning Humanities care, continues to foster companywind clear, and ga s are, a ndheart Shunof cult ure atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped,caredifficult employees; carried out style activities, richemployees life; strengtheninghealth and labourprotecti on, organization career health medical, controlcareer against; continues to implementation psychol ogicalwarni ng prevention system, training employees health of characteble of mood and enterprisingof attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities e nvironment.o stre ngthen risk management, ensure that thebusinessof zero risk. To strengthe nedbusiness plans ma nagement,will business businessplans cover to alllevel, e nsure thebusiness can control incontrol; to cl ose concern financial , and coal elstandardize tradi ng, and strive to achieve according to law, standardize and fair. Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees zero fly. To strengthen performance management,processcontrol, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improveperformance management. To further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and branch, and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core role, and fighting fortress role and pione er model role; tocontinues to strengthening four good leadershipconstruction建筑工程钢筋班组承包合同发包人(全称) :(以下简称甲方)承包人(全称) :(以下简称乙方 )承包人住址:联系方式:根据中华人民共和国合同法、中华人民共和国劳动法及其他有关法律,遵循自愿、公平、公正和诚实信用的原则,经甲乙双方就射洪中央景峰项目钢筋工程合作事项协商一致,特订立本合同如下:一、工程概况及承包内容1、工程名称:2、 工程概况:3 、 结构形式:4、承包范围:(1)、从筏板基础钢筋开始到主体结构顶为止的全部制作和安装,(注:预制和现浇构件的钢筋,砖墙拉结筋、构造柱、过梁、预埋、焊接;预埋铁钢筋、屋面钢性层等本工程图纸及规范要求的所有钢筋工程的制作、安装及焊接工作(乙方不包括框架主体的板筋、箍筋的制作,但砌体拉结筋和箍筋的制作,由乙方安排加工)。筏板和转换层钢筋的脚手架的搭设,后浇带钢丝网的安装和加固。( 2)、焊接工程包括:本工程规范允许焊接的所有焊接工作的人工及相应的焊接材料,包括电渣压力焊及筏板钢筋连接工料。二次结构的植筋由项目部负责。( 3)、钢筋工程包括:原材料进场配合卸车,加工场所有钢筋运输至施工现场人工上下车(运输工具由甲方提供),场内运输卸货就位,分类堆放整齐,场内二次搬运,制作和绑扎、安装钢筋,垂直、水平运输,马凳保护层,制作、安放垫块保护层,浇砼时钢筋值班保证负筋保护层正确,及时利用短钢筋,现场短钢筋清理堆放整齐。( 4)、钢筋的制作和绑扎需要的扎丝和焊条.焊药以及机具由乙方承担。(5)、承包人根据工程需要向发包人承诺的施工作业人员不少于名(本合同自乙方达到规定人数后开始生效)。二、合同工期:1、开工日期:年月日,竣工日期:年月日。具体开工时间以项目部发出的通知单为准。2、除本合同约定的工期外,具体节点控制时间以项目部进度计划(月、旬、周)为准。play levels cadres i n enterprisedevelopment in the ofback bone ba ckbone role; t o full strengtheni ng members youth work, fullplay youth empl oyees in com pany development in thard! Thehe of force role; t o improve inde pendent Commission againstcorruption work level, strengthening on enterprisebusiness key link of effectiveness monitored., And maintain sta bility. To further strengthen publi city and education, improve theoverall legal system. We must strengt hen safety management, establish and improve the education, supervisi on, and evaluation asoneof the traffic safety managementmechanism.o conscientiously sum up theOlympic se curity controls, promoti ng integrated management to a higher level, higher standards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar calendaron Decem ber 24, the ox Bell is a bout to ring, at this time of year, we clearly feel the pulseof the XX power generationcompany to flourish, to moreclearly hear XX power generationcompa nies mattogether across 2013 full of challenges a nd opportunities, tocreate a green, low-cost operation, fullof huma ne careof a world-class power generationcompany and workoccasion of the S pring Festival, my sincere wish that you and the familiesof the staff in the new year, goodhealth,happy, happy!We will c
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