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NSE 8AModule 3 Journey to space一、教材内容分析 本模块以人类探索宇宙的行为为背景引入现在完成时的用法,通过人类对宇宙太空所做努力的描述强化现在完成时的表意功能,开展听说读写教学活动。教学内容为语法的学习和使用提供了必要的感性材料。本模块的中心话题是介绍航天知识,着重介绍了火星探索计划以及宇宙中太阳系的部分知识。要求学生能够了解一点航天知识,学会利用现在完成时描述人类已经实施的太空探索计划。二、学情分析在前一个模块“Experiences”的学习中,学生初步掌握了利用现在完成时态谈论旅游、看电影、看书等经历,学习了现在完成时的一般疑问句及肯定、否定的回答方法。在本模块中,学生将继续学习yet, already, just等词在现在完成时态中的用法及have been to与 have gone to之间的区别。人类探索宇宙,是否真的存在外星人,太空旅行这些一直都是学生们非常感兴趣的话题,学生会觉得有话可说。但是在讨论这一话题时将涉及较多的专有名词,学生掌握的难度较大。所以如果教材内容处理不当,会导致学生有话想说,却无法用英语来表达的尴尬场面。因此在具体安排教学内容时,应注意适当降低难度与要求,通过开展生动有趣的活动将航天知识深入浅出的传授给学生。三、教学目标国家英语课程标准指出,教学的开展应该激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神。在教学过程中要努力培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象能力和创新精神。依据这些要求,我制订了本模块的教学目标:1语言技能目标(1)能够听懂对火星计划的陈述。(2)能够介绍人类对太空的探索经历。(3)能够读懂有关太空话题的文章,掌握文章的大意。(4)能够结合图片、录像等手段介绍对太空所进行的探索。2语言知识目标(1)能够运用现在完成时描述人类的太空探索计划,正确使用already, just, yet。(2)能够正确使用下列单词:earth, just, station, latest, month, discover, show, over, also, part(3)能够理解下列单词和词组:Mars, mission, unmanned, space shuttle, space station, billion, solar system, universe, galaxy, Jupiter(4)能够掌握和辨认句子的重音3情感态度目标(1)通过开展生动活泼的教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣。(2)在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务, 尽情享受学习的乐趣。4文化意识目标(1)通过中国“神州五号”、“神州六号”载人航天太空探索增强民族意识和自豪感。(2)让学生了解一些航天知识,空间站的生活情况,九大行星的基本情况及适合人类生存的基本条件等,实现跨学科交流的目的。5学习策略目标(1)自主学习 能够结合个人情况预习教材和拓展。(2)合作学习 能够与同学交流学习心得体会,共享学习策略。(3)能利用网上学习资源查找信息,用所学内容进行真实的交际,积极参与课外英语学习。(4)通过合作讨论、游戏、竞赛、单词联想等多种形式,实现在用中学、为用而学、学用结合、学而能用的原则。四、重点难点1教学重点(1)重点词汇:earth, just, station, latest, month, discover, show, over, also, part, light, real, already, yet, several, beyond, alone, cost, prefer(2)重点句型:Have you yet? Yes, I / we have already / just No, not yet. / No, I / we havent yet. I have been to He/ She has gone to (3)话题:宇宙探索2教学难点(1)用现在完成时描述人类已经实施的太空探索计划。(2)have been to与have gone to的区别。五、课时安排第一课时 Unit 1 Has it arrived yet?第二课时 Unit 2 We havent found life on other planets yet.第三四课时 Unit 3 Language in use & workbook六、教学过程设计 Unit 1 Has it arrived yet?TopicSpace mission to MarsAimsTo understand the conversation about the space mission to MarsTo talk about space mission to MarsTo talk about the life at space station and the space research in ChinaKey vocabularyearth, Mars, already, just, month, recently, several, discoverKey structuresHave they yet?Yes, they have just / already. No, not yet. (No, they havent yet.)Tasks Information gap Writing competitionGrammarThe present perfect tenseTeaching aidsTape recorder, video, multi-mediaStep 1 Lead-in1. Word map construction Show students a video about humans landing on the moon, and ask students to say out the things they see. Help students to answer: astronauts, spacecraft, the moon and so on. Then ask students to work in groups of four. Try to think out more related words like: earth, scientists, stars, space shuttle, sun, planet, universe, space station, air, space and so on.astronautspacecraft (设计说明:这个环节的设置旨在培养学生的自主学习、合作学习与发散思维的能力。学生在观看录像之后,说出已知的单词,并尝试联想相关词汇,这有利于学生发散思维能力的培养。若涉及未学过的词汇,学生可以通过小组互助合作查找出来,改变了由老师教,学生学的传统的单词教学的模式。学生通过合作探究,自学新的知识,若在反馈中出现错误,老师可适当纠正。这些都为下面的听力环节解决了语言上可能出现的困难。)2. Ask students to answer some questions about this video. How did the astronauts go to the moon?. How many spacecrafts has America sent to the moon by now?. Have they discovered life on the moon?. Have the scientists sent spacecrafts to Mars yet?. Have they discovered life on Mars yet?设计说明:此环节可以帮助学生更深入地了解人类登月的历史。最后的两个问题,很自然的将讨论的话题由登月过渡到火星探索方面,由此引出了接下来的内容,起到承上启下的衔接作用。另外,这些问题的设置很自然的引出该堂课的重点句型:Have they yet? Yes, they have just / already. No, not yet. / No, they havent yet.)Step 2 Listening (Activities 1 & 2)1. Tell students to listen to a piece of news about the travel mission to Mars and find the answer to the question “Have they discovered life on Mars yet?” and finish Activity 1: Listen and number the words as you hear them.2. Listen again and finish Activity 2: Check the true sentences.(设计说明:本活动为听力基本能力训练,是一种听力输入理解活动。听力的相关内容对火星探索计划作了简单的介绍,为学生能更好的理解下一环节中的对话内容作了铺垫。)Step 3 Listening and reading (Activities 3, 4, 5)1. Tell students Da Mings friend Tony has made a model of a space station, and now they are talking about the model. Ask students to listen and read the dialogues, then try to answer three questions: . Has the spacecraft to Mars arrived yet? . Have many astronauts been to the moon recently? . How do the astronauts go back to the earth from the space station?2. Ask students to read the dialogue again and finish Activities 4 and 5.3. Students read after the tape and then act out the dialogue.(设计说明:通过这一环节的学习,学生们对火星探索计划的了解更为透彻了。而朗读与表演对话则能使教学内容得到进一步的巩固与提高。)Step 4 Tasks (Activity 6)1. Show students a video and some pictures of space stations, and introduce the basic structures of a space station. Then ask students to discuss in groups
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