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2020年精编外研版英语资料www.ks5u.com核心要点回扣.重点词汇1 adj.金融的,财政的 adv.财政上地2. n情绪,语气;心境 adj.喜怒无常的3 n损失 v遗失;错过 adj.失去的;丧失的4 v预言,预测 n预报;预言 adj.可预言的5 v考虑,认为 adj.体贴的,考虑周到的 adj.可观的 n考虑,细心【答案】1.financial;financially2.mood;moody3.loss;lose;lost4.predict;prediction;predictable 5consider;considerate;considerable;consideration.重点短语 【导学号:38300024】1.2burst3turn4bring. mind 使想起 mind 改变主意 mind 拿定主意5.【答案】1.in;with;in;keep;out of2.into;out;into;in3.round;away;down;up;in;out;to4.to;change ones;make up ones5.in;in;for;on;to.重点句式1I remember (第一次)I met Roy.2 (因为我把东西落在了)in the cloakroom,I went inside to get it,and found Roy (正在翻)the pockets of peoples coats.3It (不可能)to find my daughter (没有)the help of Friends Reunited.【答案】1.the first time2.Having left something;going through3.would have been impossible;without.回顾话题用本模块词汇或句式完成写作任务小时候我有幸有位密友汤姆,他很体贴,我对他绝对信任。曾经我对学习失去了兴趣,不时地逃课。父亲责骂后,我心情郁闷。更糟糕的是我甚至无缘无故和汤姆吵架。但是他原谅了我。我后悔那么做,真心实意地跟他和解,现在我们的关系又很好了。 【参考范文】As a child,I was blessed with a close friend,Tom,who was very considerate,and I had absolutely trust in him.Once I lost interest in study and skipped class from time to time.Having been scolded by father,I became moody.Whats worse,I even quarrelled with Tom for no reason.However,he forgave me.Regretting having done that,I made up with him from the bottom of my heart,and we were on good terms again now.
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