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2022年高二年级期末测试题 教案听力(共10小题,每小题1分)你将从录音上听到若干小段对话或讲话,每一段放两次。请根据每段的内容回答一个或数个问题,回答及选择答案均印在试卷上。每个问题给你25秒钟回答时间。例:你将听到:Man:I wonder why the office is still not openWoman: But its not yet eight In fact, Its only a quarter to eight你将读到:At what time does the office open?AAt 830 BAt 815 C At 800 DAt 745答案是 C听下面6段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。1What do we know about John?AHe lives in ParisBHe stayed in Paris last weekC A friend of his came to visit him from Paris last week2How will Nancy go home for Christmas?ABu bus BBy air CBy train3What is the relationship between the speakers?A A shop assistant and a customerBA teacher and a studentCTwo neighbours4What does the second speaker mean?AShe didnt understand what the first speaker saidBShe didnt hear clearly what the first speaker saidCShe didnt know what she should do5What will the mans parents probably do this evening?AThey will go to Shanghai by train.BThey will see their son off at the railway stationCThey will stay at home.6Wheredid this conversationtake place?AAt the hotel BAt the theatre CAt the railway station.听以下对话,回答第7至10题。7What does the man suggest doing at first?A Preparing for the examsBSeeing a filmCLearning Japanese8What do we know about the woman?A She is JapaneseBShe is learning JapaneseCShe likes Japanese movies.9What was the woman going to do when the man came in?AShe was leavingBShe was going to take the examCShe was going to listen to the text10What will the two speakers probably do after that?A Either the man or the woman will go to the movieBBoth of them will go to the movieC Neither of them will go to the movie单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填在空白处的正确答案。例: He es late sometimes,_?Ais he Bisnt he Cdoes he Ddoesnt he答案是D。11Men_to smoke in public,which should be known to everyoneAare not allowingBallowed C.are not allowedDdontallow12 Nothing can stop him_thatLet him do whatever he likesAdoingBdo Cto do Ddone13This project_careful thought againI think wed better hold a meeting tomorrowAcalls on Bcalls for C calls offDcalls at 14While_to foreigners, you must try your best to make yourself_Aspokenunderstood Bspoken understand Cspeakingunderstood Dspeakingunderstand15They are all anxious about his safety_AGood heavens BTheres no need to be anxiousCIt doesnt matter DIts a pleasure16 Quebec is_province in CanadaIf you speak English there,you may meet with troubleAa Frenchspoken Ban EnglishspokenCa Frenchspeaking Dan Englishspeaking17Beijing,as well as Xian,_so many places of interestAis famous asBare famous asCis famous forDare famous for18Muchattention_pronunciation if you want to speak English wellA should pay to Bmust be paid Cshould be paid Dwill be paid19This shirt_ you very well but it is_cold weatherAfits for suitable forBfits not suitableCfitsnot suitable for Dis fitnot suitable20 The child is behind the door,_.Aand holds his breathBholding his breathCand cant breathe Dheld his breath21. Yesterday he had to leave_Hong Kong for business,so his wife set off _Taiwan herself for holidayAtoforBforfor Cforto Dtoto22._fishes are usually more expensive than dead ones,because its not easy to keep them_.ALivingaliveBLivealive CLivinglive DAlivelivng23The room is darkI think they_to bedLets e tomorrowAought to have gone Bcan have goneCshould have goneDmust have gone24I opened the door and was_to step out_a stranger appeared before meAgoingandBplanning thenCjust aboutwhenDsetting outbut25I am sorry, butI forgot to bring your book today_A. You are weleBAll rightC No problemDThank you all the same26 John Smith,for_money was not a problem now, bought some expensive presents for his friendsAhis Bwhich Cwhose D whom27Would you please give us a talk on modern science?_,but I am leaving_New York tomorrowAIhope sotoBId like it forCIm afraid notto
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