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中国日报新单词 吃货 foodie拜金女 material girl 情侣装:his-and-hers clothes国际莫尔斯电码救难信号SOS (Save Our Souls; ) 师德 teachers code of morality百年老店 century-old shop拜年 pay a New Years visit 班车 shuttle bus暴力拆迁 forced relocation 北京四环路 the fourth ring road in Beijing 奔小康 strive for a relatively comfortable life 逼上梁山 be driven to do something便衣警察 police in plain clothes博鳌亚洲经济论坛 Boao Forum for Asia (BFA)补习班 tutoring center论文答辩 (thesis) oral defense 步行街 pedestrian street步行天桥 pedestrian overpass插播广告 commercial interruption/ commercial break撤侨 evacuation of nationals 车展 auto show跟团旅游 package tour 公关 public relations公益广告 public-interest ad古装剧 costume drama 航空母舰 aircraft carrier好莱坞大片 Hollywood blockbuster核讹诈 nuclear blackmail 盒饭 packed meal; box lunch核辐射 nuclear radiation 贺岁片 New Years Film和谐社会 harmonious society货到付款 cash on delivery机器阅卷 machine scoring集装箱公寓 container apartment (The daily rent for this 18-square-meter container apartment is eight yuan. They can also be refitted as mobile restrooms, kitchens, offices and garages.这种18平米的“集装箱公寓”一天的租金是8元,这种集装箱还可改造成移动厕所、厨房、办公室、车库等。)金元外交 dollar policy金砖国家 BRICS countries 九年义务教育 nine-year compulsory education居民身份证 resident identification card驴友 travelers秒杀 seckilling
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