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申请上海交通大学工程硕士专业学位论文LLC半桥谐振电路的设计与应用学校:上海交通大学院系:微纳科学研究院班级:Z0834021学号:1083402006工程硕士生 :董艳工程领域:电子与通信工程导师I:戴庆元(教授)导师上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院2011 年 1 月Design and Application of LLC Half bridge Resonant circuitAuthor : Dong YanSpecialty: Semiconductor ScienceAdvisor I : Prof. Dai QingyuanAdvisor n :School of Electronics and Electric EngineeringShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityShanghai, P.R.ChinaJan,2011上海交通大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行 研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含 任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。 对论文的研究做出 重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到 本声明的法律结果由本人承担。学位论文作者签名:日期:上海交通大学学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学 校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权上海交通大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分 内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段 保存和汇编本学位论文。保密,在年解密后适用本授权书。本学位论文属于不保密口。(请在以上方框内打“”)指导教师签名:日期:学位论文作者签名: 日期:上海交通大学工程硕士学位论文摘要LLC半桥谐振电路的设计与应用现代开关电源要求具有较高的功率密度和平滑的电磁干扰(EMI)信号,并且所需要的电子元器件数量少、效率高。虽然在这方面可选的 DC-DC拓扑众多,但是LLC半桥 谐振电路凭借其软开关的特点在满足以上要求拥有独特的优势。对比常规谐振器,LLC型谐振变换器具有许多优点。首先,它可以在输入和负载大范围变化的情况下调节输出, 同时开关频率变化相对很小。第二,它可以在整个运行范围内,实现零电压切换(ZVS。 最后,所有寄生元件,包括所有半导体器件的结电容和变压器的漏磁电感和激磁电感, 都是用来实现ZVS的。本文首先对各种谐振变换器的优缺点进行了比较,总结出LLC谐振变换器的主要优点。并以90W电脑适配器项目为设计目标,对整个系统进行测试,验证理论提出的优化 方案。90W电脑适配器LLC前级使用PFC电路,后级使用LLC半桥谐振电路。文章第一部分总结了不同谐振变换器的优缺点,介绍了LLC型谐振变换器的原理,并对LLC半桥谐振电路在各个时间周期的工作特性和原理进行逐一阐述和分析。第二部分阐述了对LLC半桥谐振电路进行简化和建模,通过分析 LLC谐振电路频域直流特性, 总结实际设计要素。第三部分提出实际优化方案,其中包括设计主变压器设计和关键元 器件的选择,并从实验结果中验证。最后,通过对90W电脑适配器项目的设计,包括PFC电路设计部分和LLC半桥谐振电路部分,逐步说明设计流程和解决方案。测试部分 不仅针对应用LLC半桥谐振的90W电脑适配器,同时协助测试分析市场上其他拓扑结构 的同等功率等级电脑适配器。通过比较,90W半桥谐振适配器在效率方面有着明显的优 势,并在待机功耗等其他方面表现优良。关键词:LLC,半桥谐振电路,MOSFET,软开关 # 上海交通大学工程硕士学位论文ABSTRACTDesign and Application of LLC Half bridge Resonant CircuitABSTRACTModer n switchi ng power dema nds power supply with high power den sity, smooth EMI signal, and high efficiency, less external components. Although there are variable DC-DC topology in this field, LLC half bridge resonant circuit has unique advantages because of its ZVS (Zero Voltage Switching) feature. As for other normal resonantcircuit, LLC resonant circuit has lots of virtue. Firstly, LLC res onant circuit is able to adjust output whe n in put voltage and output load cha nge in wide ran ge. Mean while its switch ing freque ncy has little change compares to other normal resonant circuit. Secondly, LLC resonant circuit is able to achieve ZVS with in whole operati on ran ge. Lastly, in LLC res onant circuit, all the comp onents are to achieve ZVS, in clud ing all capacitor, leakage in ductor and magn etiz ing in ductor of tran sformer.In this article, different resonant circuits are contrasted and main advantagesof LLC resonant circuit comes out through the comparis on. Then through 90W adaptor project, the optimization proposals are verified in experiment by testing whole board. There are two stages in 90W adaptor, first stage is PFC circuit based on L6563, and second stage is LLC half bridge resonant circuit based on L6599.First part of this article is to conclude virtue and defect of different resonant circuit and introduce the principle. The working feature and principle are explained one by one when circuit working in different period. In second part of this article, LLC half bridge resonant circuit simplification and model build are introduced. Through conversion ratio of LLC resonant circuit, the main desig n key points are con cluded. Some optimizati on proposals are II 上海交通大学工程硕士学位论文ABSTRACTraised in the third part of this article, in clud ing desig n key points of main tran sformer and key components selection. They are needed to be verified in experiment. In the last part of this article, by worki ng on project -90W adapter for no tebook, the desig n flowchart is listed step by step. Both PFC circuit and LLC half bridge res onant circuit are in cluded. Mean while, the relative problems in experiment are also raised and its solution is provided according to personal point of view. The testing job is not only for this 90W LLC half bridge resonant adaptor, but also other 90W adaptor with different topology. By compared with other topoloies, 90W half bridge LLC has obvious advantageon efficiency. For other factors, it also performs very well.KEY WORDS LLC, Half bridge resonant circuit, MOSFET, ZVS#上海交通大学工程硕士学位论文符号说明符号说明Abbreviations缩略语Full spelling英文全名Chinese explanation中文解释PFCPower Factor Corrector功率因数校正器ZVSZero Voltage Switch ing零电压开通SRCSeires Resonant Circuit串联谐振电路PRCParallel Resonant Circuit并联谐振电路SPRCSeires - Parallel Resonant Circuit串并联谐振电路注:在此缩略语按字母顺序排列,并非按文中岀现顺序排列#上海交通大学工程硕士学位论文目录目录摘要 IABSTRACT II符号说明 IV第一章引言11.1课题研究背景与意义 11.2课题研究内容与任务 21.2.1课题研究内容 21.2.2 课题研究任务 21.3论文的组织结构及其章节安排 2第二章LLC半桥谐振电路原理 52.1 LLC半桥谐振电路 52.1.1不同谐振电路的比较 52.1.2基本电路52.2 LLC半桥谐振电路基本原理 62.3本章小结 11第三章LLC半桥谐振电路简化建模 123.1 LLC半桥谐振电路简化 123.2本章
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