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最新教学资料人教版英语Period 3 Section B 1a2c.教学准备1教师:录音机、磁带、多媒体课件。2学生:复习英语日期的表达方式;了解学校生活中的各种活动并作好记录。.教学目标1知识目标:(1)单词:test,trip,art,festival,dear,thing,term,month,busy,time(2)词组:English test,birthday party,school trip,basketball game,have a good time(3)句型:When is Sallys birthday party?Its on October 5th.When is Johns English test?Its on.2能力目标:通过对本课的学习,培养学生用英语表达的习惯,提高英语口语表达的能力,增强用英语交际的意识。3情感目标:增进同学之间的了解和友情,学会在交流中关注他人的情感。4文化意识:了解英语国家人们的日常交际内容,提高跨文化交际的能力。.教学重点(1)词汇:test,trip,art,festival,dear,thing,term,month,busy,time(2)句型:When is Sallys birthday party?Its on October 5th.When is Johns English test?Its on.教学难点让学生熟练运用下列句型正确交流和表达信息:When is Sallys birthday party?Its on October 5th.When is Johns English test?Its on.教学步骤Step 1:Present 1a建议1:在多媒体课件中,展示几幅图片,其中包括1a中的四幅图片,问学生图片中是什么活动,让学生将图片与活动配对。然后老师就图片内容和学生做自由谈论。For example:T:Class!Look at the pictures on the screen.What activity is it in each picture?Ss:Its a basketball game/a school trip.T:Class!Can you match the pictures with the events?After matching,check the students answers.T:Class!Do you like having these activities?For example,do you like having a school trip?S1:Yes,I do.I like trip very much.T:Do you like having English tests?S2:No,I dont like it.T:Why dont you like having English tests?S2:Because Im not good at English.建议2:教师问学生在学校中有哪些活动,是否喜欢参加这些活动,然后过渡到1a,让学生将图片与活动配对。For example:T:Class!What activities do you often have in the school?Ss:We have English tests,birthday parties,basketball games.T:What other activities do you have?Please try to think and say.Ss:School trip,sports meeting,running exercise.T:Do you like having these activities?For example,Do you like having basketball games?Ss:Yes,I do./No,I dont.Just ask students some of the activities randomly.Maybe different student has different answer.T:Class!Can you match the pictures with the events?Then check the students answers.Step 2:Practice建议1:教师先让学生大声读几遍1a中的词组,然后找几名不同层次的学生来读,看看读得怎么样。若读得不好,教师可领读一到两遍。For example:T:Class!Please read the phrases loudly.Then Ill call some of you to read.S1:English test,birthday party,basketball game.S2:English test,birthday party,basketball game.Then the teacher has a leading reading.建议2:教师问学生是否能正确读出1a中的词组,找几名不同层次的学生读一读,教师纠正其发音上的错误。然后让学生开展朗读比赛,看哪一组读得又快又好,给予读得好的小组奖励,例如小红旗、五角星等。For example:T:Class!Can you read the phrases correctly?S1:English test,birthday party,basketball game.S2:English test,birthday party,basketball game.Then the teacher has a pronunciation correction.T:Class!Now lets have a reading competition.See which group can read faster and better.Then call each group to act out.Award the group which read faster and better some prizes,such as a Red Flag,or a Red Star,etc.Step 3:Task 1b建议:教师问学生是否能熟练说出1a中的词组,告诉学生将做个听力测试,检验学生掌握的怎么样。然后播放录音,让学生听录音并圈出所听到的词组。For example:T:Class!Can you read and say the phrases in 1a fluently?Now,lets have a test.Please listen to the dialogue and circle the events you hear in 1a.Play the tape and let the students listen.Then check the answers.See how well they listened.Step 4:Task 1c建议:教师引导学生回顾1a中的词组,并问学生这些活动的日程表,然后过渡到1c,向学生介绍Sally也有自己的日程表,问学生是否知道她的日程表。For example:T:Class!Just now we talked about the activities in school,right?What activities do you know?Ss:English test,birthday party,basketball game,school trip.T:When is your birthday party?S1:My birthday party is on.T:When is your English test?S2:Its on.T:These are your calendars.Sally also has her own calendar,do you know when her birthday is?When her other activities are?Now,lets listen and find out the answers.Step 5:Consolidation建议:教师让学生看一遍听力材料,再放一遍录音让学生听,问学生是否能完全听懂。然后对听力材料中较难理解的句子做简单讲解。For example:T:Class!Please look through the listening text.Then we will listen again.See if you can catch the listening text completely.After listening,have a brief explanation about the difficult points.Step 6:Practice建议:让学生看着约翰的日程表,老师提问,学生回答。然后让学生仿照例子,两人一组作问答练习。For example:T:Class!Please look at Johns calendar and answer my questions.When is Sallys birthday party?Ss:Its on October 5th.T:When is the school trip?Ss:Its on September 26th.Then let the students roleplay the conversation in pairs.Call some pairs to act out.S1:Hi,Sally.When is your birthday party?S2:Its on October 5th.S1:When is the speech contest?S2:Its on September 29th.S1:When is the basketball game?S2:Its on October 2nd.Step 7:Practice 2a建议1:让学生在学校经常组织的活动后打勾,问学生能否熟练说出这些活动。让学生自己练习朗读,然后找几名学生朗读一遍。教师纠正其发音错误并领读两遍。For example:T:Class!What activities do you often have in our school?Please check them.Call several individuals to act out.T:Class!Can you read these phrases correctly?Please read them loudly by yourselves.Then I will call some of you to read out.S1:Soccer game,school trip,School Day,book sale.S2:English Day,art festival,Sports Day.The teach
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